Wolf Play : Phantom Manor _ B/S
01:10:39 Tears (he,him)
Painful Tears challenges Tears of Disgust for dominance.

Stats: Social +2
Affinity: Neutral
Mood: Fierce
01:06:01 Lil Techy | Techno
Love how you have anime names for your wolves as well
 Red River Wolves
01:05:18 Redd
Sounds about right
01:04:22 Itadori
Okay I was just playing the Pack Life game on here and somehow he went from Megumi finding a relic to him choking on his meal O^O
01:03:56 Lil Techy | Techno

More explore!
 Continental Wolves
12:59:38 Emmet , Spoopy Wolf
Hmm maybe 1k moves? Not much
 Chaotic Twins
12:59:19 Ryder,Kalian
I figured out my upper jaw hurts so much :(

one my teeth is chipped

Ooh! Thank you! I'm going to dump the remaining ones and head out to bed xD
12:57:27 Lil Techy | Techno

I made a new one
12:57:14 Lil Techy | Techno

How much did you explore today?
499 lmao I didn't donate much. I had been planning on giving more but Regal and Redd beat me to it
 Continental Wolves
12:56:49 Emmet , Spoopy Wolf
To buy more explore moves after I finish these or find a new series to binge read all night
12:55:06 Lil Techy | Techno

XD how much was left when you donated?
 High Hills Pack
12:54:45 Frozen Opal; Regal
Nice! I need ta train my wolves a bit more before I can hit that. Got a whole new team now. ^^'
Well Technition, you've hit your wishbone goal tonight
12:52:44 Lil Techy | Techno

Nice! I'm about to hit 15k today I think.
 High Hills Pack
12:52:21 Frozen Opal; Regal
Uh... good question. I honestly don't know. 8k-9k I think?
12:52:11 Lil Techy | Techno

Not you too!
12:49:51 Lil Techy | Techno

How much you make today?
 High Hills Pack
12:48:11 Frozen Opal; Regal
Hopefully I can get enough wishbones ta do just that tomorrow. ;)


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Polar Bear : -2
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Grizzly Bear : -4
    Fall Month: 3   Night  Weather:  Heavy Rain  Moon: 
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Phantom Manor _ B/SMarch 30, 2020 01:27 AM


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The figure jolted back in shock.
In all of the years they'd resided here, not once had someone ever entered the building. There was a chill in the air as the faded being walked down the stairs, absolute silence in the air. The coldness swept along with the figure downstairs, the change of temperature apparent on the otherwise warmer day.
The being entering the house was younger, the spirit decided, without the sensibility that came with age. They seemed to not mind the grim history, which was intriguing. From the landing that overlooked the first floor, there was a feeling on unease. This spot held bar history, and it took restraint to not look towards the back of the home, where once, a fire had ravanged the previously peaceful home.
Phantom Manor _ B/SApril 1, 2020 12:16 AM


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Bruh your writing is all mysterious and I'm just "Astrid skipped around taking photos" she is just vibing and he's being all ghosty))
Astrid could tell that hardly anyone ever went inside, especially because of the lack of graffiti. She supposed that most people found it creepy inside, especially with the back part of the house being ravaged by the flames that had caused the destruction and decay of the once magnificent home. A chill filled the air and Beans got goosebumps, though she didn't find the home very scary, her nerves still reacted.
Astrid had always been drawn to old places, there wasn't a particular reason, she just enjoyed the beautiful architecture and the warm feeling that filled her soul when she was in a place with such rich history. Her mother always had commented that she was an old soul, and Beans completely agreed.
After making sure the ceiling wouldn't fall on her head any time soon, Astrid placed her bag on the floor, crouching down to bring out her tripod so she could take could photos with a steady support beneath the camera. Sometimes the tripod helped Beans find just the perfect spot.
As she rearragned her backpack, humming a tune under her breathe, a butterfly landed delicately on her hand. Astrid smiled at it and her soft, almost musical voice filled the imposing silence of the home. "Hello there little guy, you're stunning. It's a pleasure to meet you, would you mind if I snapped a quick photo?" Beans identified the butterfly as a Peacock Butterfly quickly enough, and he was definitely a beauty.
She slowly reached for her camera, and snapped a few, perfect photos, one of her best shots ever she thought. After three quick photos, the butterfly flew away, leaving Astrid smiling as it flew away, her eyes sparkling in wonder.
This place really was amazing.
Phantom Manor _ B/SApril 4, 2020 12:34 AM


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The figure was amused, which was a new feeling after what seemed like sons of a tired silence and boredom. The sound of a voice in the home caused a stillness in the figure. It had been a long time since a voice of light and peace had been heard. Hate and death radiated from every corner of this building for the figure. Or rather, the ghost.

Nathaniel had realized what and where he was sometime after the moment his brother's sword entered his chest, and the life left his soul. Now, for whatever reason, Nathaniel was forced to stay in this lonely building, with no company other than the sunlight that pierced the foggy haze. Occasionally Nathaniel wondered why he was forced to stay in this abandoned plain, while his sisters and mother had been able to move beyond into the afterlife. They had all been killed - murdered - by the same person. Why did they get peace?

The Once-General knew he was alone here, at least as far as other spirits. The coldness and chill his ghostly aura gave off was never felt anywhere in the house - and Nathaniel would know. He'd been there long enough to check every place thrice over, although he didn't know how long he'd been gone from living world.

Phantom Manor _ B/SApril 4, 2020 01:52 AM


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Once Astrid was done watching the beauty fly off, she slipped her backpack back onto her shoulders, a small smile on her face as she began to hum again. Beans looked around with an artist's eyes, she wasn't sure what she needed a picture of here, but something about the place just called her to it.
It took her a moment to figure out where she needed to take the first picture, and she figured that that place was right here. She set her tripod down, and fixed her camera to it. The position captured the majority of the downstairs of the house, and it was the best starter picture Astrid could ask for.
Adjusting her camera, she took a few shots, just checking to make sure everything was working properly.
Phantom Manor _ B/SApril 6, 2020 04:12 PM


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Nathaniel had never tried to make contact before - he'd never had a chance - and worse case scenario? No one comes in again for another lifetime, which isn't different from what was happening. Or perhaps the house would be knocked over, and he could be free.
In fact, that sounded wonderful.
Nathaniel wasn't sure if he was in the view of her.... dark box... He was only assuming she could see out of it since she was pointing it very specifically. The purpose eluded him. Anyways... he wasn't sure if the staircase was in view of her, but Nathaniel flickered into a more visable state. The color rushed into his clothes, although not as much as they would ages ago. His more solid form made him feel more... alive... if that was even possible for a ghost.
Phantom Manor _ B/SApril 10, 2020 02:00 AM


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Astrid was happily looking through the photos, making sure everything came out alright. It was then when she saw something flicker in the edge of her peripheral. For a moment, she didn't really think about it, then she realized that she was supposed to be alone.
Beans turned her head sharply, her pretty humming ending abruptly and instead turned into a sharp gasp. It was a man. Except he wasn't actually there. It was confusing and scary and confusing and interesting. "Oh my gosh what? How? Who?" Astrid took a step back, tripped, and landed on her bum. Confusion, and a mild panic covering her face.
Phantom Manor _ B/SApril 13, 2020 04:06 PM


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Nathaniel watched as the cheerful person turned shaky and nervous in an instant. He used to inspire that kind of fear before, although that was for the enemy. This girl didn't seem like the enemy.
When she spoke, Nathaniel frowned. It wasn't like the voices of his time, and he was conscious of how deep and gravely and different his voice was from hers, "Wel-come," He hadn't spoken out loud for a long time, "To the Balfour Manor. I am General Nathaniel."
Phantom Manor _ B/SApril 16, 2020 11:58 PM


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Beans' heart hammered in her chest loudly and she was worried that the ghost on the stairs might be able to hear it. She was definitely terrified, she'd never had any 'paranormal' encountours in any of her expeditions. Yet here this man was, standing maybe 10 or 20 feet away from her, on the crumbling staircase. She wasn't sure if she was scared or entranced. This was something completely new, that hardly anyone experienced ever.
Yet Astrid was still cautious, this might be a prank. His voice startled her, and she flinched slightly, not sure whether she should get off the floor or not. She assumed she should but it felt safer down there for some reason.
"I-I... you mean the Nathaniel? Like the one who died umm, however many years ago? You're him? No way, this is a prank right? You can't be real. I'm probably going mad right now." Astrid was worried she might just be dehydrated or plain hysterical. Ghosts didn't exist. There was no way.
Phantom Manor _ B/SApril 17, 2020 01:09 AM


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Nathaniel didn't move from his spot. If he did, he felt the girl might explode out of fear and stress, "M'Lady, you are as mad as I am alive. I assure you I am very much real, sadly." The emphasis on "the" was odd. Yes, he had been wrongly killed, but it wasn't very significant? His brother would have been arrested and tried for murder, and that would be the end of it. Not enough to strike this sort of fear, although it could also be because she was seeing a ghost. This was a new experience for both of them, "And I suppose I might be the Nathaniel, although I don't believe I was of that much importance.
Phantom Manor _ B/SApril 20, 2020 05:37 PM


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Astrid stared at Nathaniel as he spoke, her eyes slowly returning to a point where they didn't look like they were going to pop out of her head. She listened as the ghost man, using words that were quite unlike her own. He spoke so.. anciently. It was super cool and super unnerving at the same time. She didn't know whether to run away in fright or stay in her spot on the floor. Beans chose the latter after some hesitation.
Her eyes lit up when he spoke of not being important. "Are you crazy, well actually, I would be too if I was stuck inside a place to rot for the past... however years. That's besides my point though, your death changed the entirety of Scotland for forever. After all, if you hadn't gotten killed then your brother would've never been able to get the throne. More so, he would've never messed up the economy so badly, we dealt with that for so long. Everyone seemed to love him back then but he literally messed everything up. He was one of our worst kings."
Astrid shook her head, if only Nathaniel hadn't gone completely out of his head and not killed his family. Then his brother wouldn't have killed him and he wouldn't have gotten the throne and many other bad things that should've just not happened.

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