Wolf Play : Phantom Manor _ B/S
04:53:11 ET
10 litterboxes? God damn 😭
how many cats have you got
04:51:34 Petri Dish/Oh Naauur

Ooh... imagine you're speedrunning Spongeglock or something like that. View it through the eyes of a person not connected to the real world. Like myself; I completely zone out when doing chores so I don't have to be mentally present when doing them. When I'm done, I just do a quick scrub over of whatever my muscle memory didn't get.
04:51:12 List
im not sure if i like him or not
-WP Click-
 Chatot Pack
04:49:31 Chatot
Ooh okay cool Got it 👍👍 Thank you so much!! :DD
04:49:26 Petri Dish/Oh Naauur
-WP Click-

Ah... what do I do with this real bozo dingdong? He's pretty, but serves no real purpose to my cause.
Then again, neither does Arin, but there's more of an attachment there. XD
04:49:24 Don't call me BJ.
It's the fact I have to clean 3 giant kennels, feed and water them all, I have 10 litterboxes to clean ;-;
04:47:38 Petri Dish/Oh Naauur

If you hover over the quick view of the wolf you want to use the potion on, there should be a drop down menu where you can select items to use on said wolf. Select the potion, then select use item. You'll be asked if you really want to use item, and you'll press yes, which will apply the potion to your desired wolf.
04:44:19 Reverse | Until Now
Hi chat!
 Avatar Of Lust
04:43:57 Asmodeus (he/they)
first my phone must charge its at 4% :(
 Avatar Of Lust
04:43:34 Asmodeus (he/they)
I can only plat 15 minutes of genshin because I had to get the cloud version :(
 Chatot Pack
04:43:23 Chatot
how do i use my potions? i am lost
04:43:16 Petri Dish/Oh Naauur

Ah, litter boxes. I understand that internal dilemma. I have my own box user and sometimes find it difficult to clean up after her. Sometimes you just have to say "fuck it" and do it no matter how unmotivated you are.
 Avatar Of Lust
04:43:07 Asmodeus (he/they)

XD I have Obey me NB cause that's the only one that would download but ok I will play it :)
04:42:47 The Minor Nuisance
I would love to do that, but then dad would call the police and I'll get put under arrest even though mum started it, as no one ever listens to me.

...Maye I'll let her do it at the end of the holidays, so then I won't have to go to school...
04:42:23 Don't call me BJ.
AHA, I knew you played Obey me.
Obey me, play that one.
 Avatar Of Lust
04:41:42 Asmodeus (he/they)
I'm trying to decide between playing 15 minutes of Genshin or Pokemon or Obey Me, such difficult choice
04:41:32 Don't call me BJ.
I wish I could, but as I said, have to motivate myself quickly. I don't know when my parents will be back and they will take all my devices away or something if I haven't cleaned the litter boxes
04:40:13 Don't call me BJ.
Let her cut your feet off
@Hells Bella
Hm, I may be unable to have a snack but I could take a nap if I do it 👁👁
I may take this advice and try
 Hells Bells
04:39:07 Ven/Vex
Cut off her hands so she can't cut off your feet
04:39:02 Petri Dish/Oh Naauur

Huh. I'd just take a nap, then. When I wake up from naps that my body naturally wakes up from I'm usually ready and willing to do what I planned to originally do. I don't know your situation or how your mind/body works, though.


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Phantom Manor _ B/SFebruary 3, 2020 08:40 PM


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History took a turn on May 25, 1824.
A once-esteemed General was wronged by his own blood,
and lost his chance to change the world,
his name and reputation dragged through the mud,
and forever soiled.
Trapped within his rotting manor,
a spirit, old and lonely,
watches the world through the gapes in the stone.
He watches as people pass by,
never staying long enough to notice the sliver of movement
in the window...
At least,
that had been the case as the ages passed.
Now, there was a change
- a woman who managed to do the impossible:
Give an old ghost hope.

Edited at January 5, 2021 04:47 PM by bumblebee
Phantom Manor _ B/SFebruary 16, 2020 06:06 PM


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Name; Nathaniel Oxford Lockhart Balfour-MacAgee
Age; 24 at time of death, now 196
Sex; Male
In Life - While Nathaniel was alive, he stood at around 5'10. He had strong facial features, with a prominent jawline and squared off chin. His lips are thin, with a firm and straight nose that is on the smaller side for his face. Nathaniel's eyes are narrow, and deeply set into his face. His eyes are a dark brown, with thin and flat eyebrows. There were permanent lines between his brows from the serious expressions that were often displayed on his face. There is some facial hair, with it being on his chin and above his lip. He would shave often, though, so it was not long.
His hair was shaggy, being at around chin length and very curly. His hair is shorter where it falls on his face, and never got past his eyebrows, saying it obstructed his vision.
Nathaniel was very strong, with broad shoulders and a thick torso. His arms and legs were also very muscular. His skin was fair, while also being ruddy and tough from being in the sun and working.
In Death - Depending on how Nathaniel wants to be seen, his appearance can change. If he does not want to be seen, then there is almost no color to his figure, and cannot interact with anything. His figure is also very hazy and blurry, to where a person looking at him would not be able to distinguish any defining characteristics.
With more focus, though, his figure sharpens, and he can interact with objects to some extent. There is also more color, and one would be able to make out the color of his hair and clothes.
His hair does not float around him in an ethereal way, nor can he fly. When in his hazier form, Nathaniel can pass through walls or other objects, though the ground remains steady. It might be due to the fact that he is trapped within the confines of the manor.
Nathaniel's features seem to have lost the definition to them, and while you know there is a nose, for example, the way it looks cannot really be described. This is the same for the rest of his face.
The clothing Nathaniel is wearing is the same that he died in, and if one focus on it, can see that it is worn away, with the colors, while still there, fading from their once brighter colors to the muted tones of well worn fabric. There are also holes in it that look charred, as if he had been near the sparks of a fire.
He is wearing an off-white cloth around his neck, with a Scottish kilt on, the colors being a dark blue and brown, in a plaid pattern. As a top there is a wool button up shirt, and a long, heavy brown jacket over it. The fabric of the kilt gathers up over one sleeve of the overcoat, and is sealed with a silver broach. Around his waist is a leather belt that holds a sword.
The knees-down is the most transparent area no matter how much he focuses, but there are tall leather boots.
In the center of his chest, right below the ribcage, is a darkly hole, with dark stains around the spot.
Personality; Nathaniel has always been a loner, but his many years of solitude has only reinforced that attitude. He is especially cold due to the reasons of his death, and is wary when it comes to trusting people. Before his death, Nathaniel was a leader in the military, and a noble of high ranking. His family was very wealthy and well known, with a beautiful mansion and surrounding gardens.
Nathaniel took great pride in all of it, as he did with most other things in his life. He did not wish to be the center of attention, but did like his deeds to be known about, and was vain when it came to his accomplishments and abilities. His prowess as a strategist and leader excelled to the point where he thought he was invincible in battle.
Oh how wrong he was.
Nathaniel is good at thinking on his feet in stressful situations, and is able to take the pressure off of other people and put it on himself without faltering. He has a massive ego, and while he wouldn't show it, any harsh words against him was taken to heart. That is part of the reason why he wasn't close to many people - he didn't want to disappoint them and have to face the consequences that is actions have on other people, especially when it comes to them being in danger.
While he was alive, Nathaniel was often called 'stoney' and 'heartless,' mostly by bitter women who were not successful in their attempts to snag a rich and handsome husband. Nathaniel wasn't concerned about finding a wife, as he found the domestic lifestyle to be boring and dull, and would rather fight than raise a child.
He was a skilled horseback rider, soldier, swordsman, leader, speaker when he had to be, archer, and writer.
Cause of Death; There had been a party that night. Other powerful nobles and people of importance were attending. It was to celebrate Nathaniel's twenty-fourth birthday, of all things. His mother and two sisters were the close family members in attendance, as his father passed away a few years prior, and his younger brother was a few towns away, gathering support from the young men in a village to join the army.
As it got later into the night, the louder and more rambunctious the party became.
Near midnight, most everyone was deep into their cups. Nathaniel refrained, having never really been one for heavy drinking, and had originally thought it only to be some fool making a fuss when the first shout of "Fire!" rang out.
He soon saw the truth. There was a ranging fire, originating from the back of the manor. It was spreading, and the people who had their heads on right began running for buckets of water.
Nathaniel remembered that his sisters and mother had gone to bed, and were in the higher rooms of the manor. He rushed up the stairs, using the cloth around his neck to block out the smoke by pulling it over his nose. He busted into the room of his youngest sister, who was only fifteen. She wasn't there.
His other sister wasn't in her room either.
Nathaniel, now in a panic, checked his mother's room, hoping the girls, in a fright, had gone to her for help.
That was not the case.
All three lay on the floor in a perfect little row, their hands placed over their stomachs, all mercilessly slaughtered. Nathaniel looked around the room, trying to see if anyone was in there.
Not a trace.
Nathaniel, numb not knowing what else to do, went back downstairs to join in the effort of putting out the fire. Only then could he investigate on who killed his family, and notify his brother.
The fire had died down, and Nathaniel helped put the rest of it out, thankful that at least it had started in an area where there wasn't a lot of wood. He still didn't know hat could have caused it, though.
There were a few causalities, and the people there, for the most part also being in the military, helped with gathering the dead.
When almost everyone was cleared out, someone Nathaniel never thought he'd see at this time came riding towards the manor.
It was his younger brother.
Nathaniel greeted the man, who looked nearly identical to him, save for being taller, with slimmer shoulders and shorter hair.
"Brother! What has happened to our home? Are Mother and our sisters all right?" Nathaniel had felt his heart sink, "Brother, follow me inside. I have to show you something."
Nathaniel led his brother upstairs, waving away the smoke and coughing lightly. The two walked side by side, and Nathaniel swore he smelt smoke on his brother's clothes, and saw some ash on his collar, but figured it was just his foggy mind playing tricks on him, or that it was the smell that was already hanging heavily in the air.
As they approached the door, Nathaniel's brother dropped back to walk behind him. He opened the door and walked in, his gaze locked on his dead family, still horrified by the scene in front of him. His poor sisters and mother...
The door clicked, and there was a flurry of fast steps on the wooden floors.
Nathaniel turned.
"Too slow, too slow, too slow," his body shouted, but with the drinks, smoke, horror of his family being murdered, and disbelief about what was really happening clouding his gaze and stiffening his movements, Nathaniel only turned around in time to see his brother's face as he plunged a sword into his Nathaniel's stomach.
"Why?" He wanted to ask, "We are family... I... trusted you."
But the blow hit true, and he had no strength to speak. Before everything went dark, Nathaniel remembered hitting the ground, and watching his brother pull the sword from his own body with a satisfied smile.
History; ".....On May 25, 1824, General Nathaniel Balfour-MacAgee brutally murdered his two sisters and mother after he lit a fire in his own home as a distraction. His younger brother by two years, Christian Balfour-MacAgee, had asked to see where his family was after arriving at the shocking scene. Upon showing Christian the bodies, Nathaniel turned on him, and tried to kill him as well. Christian, realizing that Nathaniel killed their mother and sisters, was forced to kill his own brother, an action that, as Christian said, "haunted me for the rest of my life." Christian Balfour-MacAgee went on to take his brother's place as General, and rose in the ranks in the army, becoming one of the most famous Scottish warriors of all time. He later married the princess of Scotland, and upon her older brother's death, became the King. He is said to have....

Edited at February 16, 2020 10:19 PM by bumblebee
Phantom Manor _ B/SFebruary 16, 2020 10:23 PM


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"never forgotten the reason I am here.... my.... I can't even think of him as family... he stole everything from me, but I somehow grew stronger...." Despite being one of the most loved Scottish King, life under Christian Balfour-MacAgee's rule was less than prosperous, and his descendants still hold the throne today..."
Phantom Manor _ B/SMarch 26, 2020 01:06 AM


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Name: Astrid Flora


Nickname: Beans


Age: 22


Gender: Female


Looks: Astrid is a pretty woman, though she doesn’t quite look her age. Her face is round, with big cheeks but a pretty apparent jawline that somehow fits the whole look. Cute round lips match a small button nose and large greyish-blue eyes, accompanied by long dark eyelashes against pale, lightly tanned skin free of any marks other than cute freckles that dot her nose and cheeks. Her eyebrows are a light brown and thin, and more circular than angular unlike most eyebrows.

Beans isn’t afraid of putting on makeup, and does so often. She goes for a girlish look, lots of blush on her nose and cheeks, with perfect winged eyeliner highlighting her large eyes. Astrid doesn’t use any extensions for her eyelashes as she prefers cute, more natural looks to anything else. Her lips are almost always a dark red or light pink, whatever matches her outfit better. Covering her eyebrows are bangs that reach her eyes and no farther, she also has longer side pieces while the rest of her light blonde hair reaches her tail bone. Beans spends lots of time making herself feel pretty, this includes her hair, which is normally straightened or curled (it is naturally wavy) and put up in some sort of cute high ponytail with a large bow or a cute side braid.

Astrid is a pretty short woman, standing at around 5’3 and doesn’t wear a single shoe that would make her any taller, she learned pretty young to embrace her height. She isn’t very curvy, with only slightly wider hips and a smaller waist, giving her a childish appearance though she is still very pretty.

Much like her hair and makeup, Beans takes pride in her large wardrobe as well. Most things in there are dresses and skirts, there are very few jeans and shorts. Astrid is very feminine and enjoys looking as fabulous as she can at all times. Other items she can’t be seen without are her many cute backpacks, large enough to fit a book and some of her supplies, and her (very expensive) camera, plus her phone, with its owl phone case glory.


Personality: Beans is sweet to everyone she meets, don’t let that fool you though, when she wants to be, she can be very stubborn and hard to really tolerate. She often believes that she is always in the right and is sometimes wrong. Don’t let that bias your opinion of her though, although she can be very talkative, nosey, and all around annoying at times, she is a very loyal friend and can be very quiet at times.

Despite her outward personality, Astrid does enjoy being alone sometimes, which is why she loves her job so much. She loves talking to people and being funny but sometimes she would rather be alone with a good book and an amazing view, an expensive camera in hand. On top of those things, Astrid has an eye for the smallest, yet most beautiful things in life. Because of this, she is a natural explorer, and despite her physical appearance, she doesn’t mind exploring and hiking and rolling around in the dirt when needed. Anything for the perfect shot.

Beans is not very good with blood and gory things like that, especially not in real life. In direct opposition to this, she does enjoy going to old, abandoned places and taking pictures there, as she feels the people who have died there deserve some sort of honor. She finds any abandoned place to be beautiful and has never once been scared by a single thing that has happened in those types of places. Astrid enjoys bringing attention to the places where life thrived and wishes to remind people of the history that is scattered throughout the world. In fact, her biggest dream is to go across the entire globe and see exactly everything she’s ever read about, and take a picture of each and every place along the way.


Backstory: Astrid was adopted at four by a successful young couple who happily took care of her as their own. They were always up front about the fact that she was adopted and she accepted it quickly enough. She saw them as her real parents anyways and loved them just that much. When she was eight, her parents adopted a little boy, who, in turn, became her best friend and little brother. He was three and only slightly shorter than Astrid but she protected him from the word. Eventually he gave her the name Beans, though no one never quite knew why. After many, many years of schooling, Astrid graduated early at the age of 16 and went straight off to college in order to get a photography degree. She finished her four years at twenty, and by then had been making a living off social media. Both her amazing photography skills, and her own beauty came into play and soon she was happily doing what she loved.

Now, she travels around Scotland and takes pictures, happily doing exactly what she loves.

Phantom Manor _ B/SMarch 26, 2020 02:26 AM


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The old Balfour-MacAgee manor stood tall among the pine trees that surrounded it. It used to be four stone stories tall, with spires that stabbed into the sky. Some of the spires remained, but most had caved into the fourth floor. Most of that floor was gone, along with part of the third.

The outside of the manor was covered in ivy and moss that grew up the walls, and sometimes over the windows, the glass having been broken a long time ago. Some vandals left their mark on the sides, graffitiing their words into history, and leaving their mark.

Around the back of the manor was a large pond, the stones surrounding it crumbling and grown over with moss. The water has algae and other pond scum on the top, covering most the surface, and hiding the depths.

The road up to the house was dirt, and hadn't been used in a long time. At the end of a road was a small sign, explaining the significance of the building, it's history, and who had lived here. It also asked for visitors not to litter, and respect the grounds.

No one listened, and there was trash from years ago, and sometimes new bits, which came from a young tourist family who didn't appreciate the building or Scottish history, and left behind their picnic remains on the death sight of Scotland's scorned general.

On a small path beyond the pond, which was overgrown with weeds, and hardly a path anymore, was a graveyard. Previous members of the Balfour-MacAgre family were buried there, but their headstones were crumbled and unreadable.

There were five more recent ones.

One labeled the previous Patriarch of the family, with some kind words and an old name.

The next three were the mother and two sisters killed that fateful night. Their graves had their names, ages, and had "Mother/Sister of King Christian Balfour-MacAgee; Killed by Nathaniel Balfour-MacAgee."

The final grave was overgrown to an extent the others were not in. It was also unmarked, at least on the front. If one were to look on the back, though, the word was roughly carved in, as if it had been an afterthought.

"T R A T I O R"

And hidden in the weeds, where no one ever looked, there was more hastily carved words: "L I E S - N.B.M."

For some reason, a single white rose was always on the grave. Even when it was thrown away time after time again, it always reappeared.

sorry that this is all over the place. i just tried to get the basic manor idea, some scenery for photography, and spooky graveyard stuff))

Phantom Manor _ B/SMarch 26, 2020 03:50 PM


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Astrid had been informed that six hours away from her studio apartment in the city, was an old manor, where some sort of royalty had lived. After asking many questions, she'd discovered exactly who's home it used to be, his name being Nathaniel Oxford something-something. Ancient people had really long names that really didn't fit in Astrid's photographic memory all the well.
Astrid was wearing walking clothes, meaning a cute short black overall dress, and a white turtleneck on underneath. Cute hiking boots covered her small feet and her hair was done up in a high ponytail.
Her black jeep sped down the old roads and eventually came to a stop in the visitor's parking lot. The place itself was a twenty minute hike up, so Beans fixed up her items and hopped out of the car. Her pepper spray, phone, book, and all of her supplies in one of her larger backpacks. Then she began her hike up, stopping every now and then to snap a few pictures from the camera that hung around her neck. The shots came out pretty decent, but she knew she'd get better photos once she reached the actual site. So she continued her hike, the gentle spring breeze keeping her cool.
Beans finally made it to the building with a smile on her face, her mouth an O in shape as she stared at awe in the building. Saying her thoughts out loud, "it is beautiful."
Phantom Manor _ B/SMarch 26, 2020 04:16 PM


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There was a distrubance on the grounds.
Yet again, tourists did come and go as they pleased, with no rhyme or reason to it, so this wasn't a reason to be alarmed or hostile. There was also the hope that someday someone wouldn't look upon the grounds with scorn, something that still wasn't clear to the house.
If one looked closely, the vines around a second floor window rustled oddly, for there was no wind. The inside was hazy from that window only as well - as if one was looking through fog.
Phantom Manor _ B/SMarch 28, 2020 12:31 AM


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Beans slowly drifted out of her awed state and truly looked around. Although the first look had been the best, as it often was, she noticed even more details about the large house. Everything had decayed so beautifully, and nature had reclaimed it while still leaving that human touch behind. It was a pefect combination of both nature and humanity that Astrid just had to release a small squeak of excitment.
The young woman bounced on the balls of her feet as she excitedly tucked her phone into her pocket, as she'd been using it to listen to quiet classical music, and picked up the camera around her neck.
The outside of the home was a beauty in itself, and Astrid decided that she'd roam the grounds first before entering the building. Excitement evident on her face as she skipped about, her light hair trailing behind her, lit up in the sunny sky.
Phantom Manor _ B/SMarch 28, 2020 04:44 PM


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The figure looked at the strange person down below. They seemed oblivious to the history of these grounds. The message written on the board was out of sight for the figure, but it was known that the story was written out on it. The house had seen many people's faces change from excited to worried in an instant.
They wondered if the stranger would read the history and turn right around. Or, perhaps, they'd find the graveyard, where the previous inhabitants lay.
as far as nathaniel is aware, the actual truth is written and is seen as fact, so he doesnt know hes seen as the evil one, and what happened after his death))
Phantom Manor _ B/SMarch 30, 2020 12:11 AM


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Astrid already knew everything there was to know about the history of the abandoned, grand home. She felt sorry for everyone who was involved, so much death... it saddened Beans to the core. The man who had done the killings, Nathaniel she believed, seemed like a really good man before too.
Beans had paused in thought before she shook it off and focused back on her job. As she hopped around, she found the board that explained the whole house, she scanned it over, confirmed that she knew everything on it, and skipped off. She didn't mind that so many dark things had happened here, as the place was hauntingly beautiful and perfect for picture taking.
The home loomed in front of her as she slowly entered, careful to not disturb anything and cause something to fall right on her head. She smiled as she entered, her eyes lighting up at the wonders that were laid out before her.

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