Wolf Play : Different Times x Corpses
 The BloodRose
12:23:07 Mr.colt
Just call me BloodRose I have bad time pick name mostly stressed myself go through 5 website find good name
 Chaotic Twins
12:22:57 Ryder,Kalian
Your score: 22 moves in 15 matches.

nice but I probably wont stay #1 on the wrestling leader-board for lightbringers XD
Damn Vox
Your account is just a day older than mine lmao I never noticed that
12:22:13 Vox, Corey
Mmm, yes. Just got a G1 blind wolf

He's not too far off from being HW but gosh, I can't win today xD
12:21:42 Running Dog
Hello Percy

Mr. Cold, old Champ

I also had a 2018 account... but went to college and forgot about it 🤣
 The BloodRose
12:21:36 Mr.colt
I happy back here don't remember website name when find it again
12:20:36 Vox, Corey
I suppose but goshh it feels weird getting called that 😭

This account isn't even /that/ old yet. I miss my 2014 pack number 🤣
12:19:59 Ruins
HeteroEye and AussieFir howl at the moon together

Affinity; Stong Like
Mood; Soulful
12:19:58 Lil Techy | Techno

How close are you to the 50k goal?
 The BloodRose
12:19:27 Mr.colt
Play in 2018 actually
 willow Fauna
12:19:21 Percy he/him
Hullo chat o/
12:18:31 Running Dog
Sleeping sitting up is what a friend of mine did when they had covid... it is a viable option
 Continental Wolves
12:18:25 Emmet , Spoopy Wolf
I mean you are old in terms of how long you've been playing this game ;)
 The BloodRose
12:18:09 Mr.colt
Back then didn't know have be 16 use this website my half brain didn't know anything sadly lost my account
12:17:52 Running Dog

Do you have mental or mint based spray or cream?
That male is everything I look for in a breeding male Vox, I'd breed to him in a heartbeat.
 Avatar Of Lust
12:17:25 Asmodeus (he/they)
I'm starting to think I should sleep sitting up XD
 Continental Wolves
12:17:07 Emmet , Spoopy Wolf
Completely understandable
12:17:00 Vox, Corey
 The BloodRose
12:16:10 Mr.colt
Sorry been like 10 years I use this website before got banned


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Different Times x CorpsesAugust 7, 2020 07:04 PM


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Please do not post unless your name is in the title, thank you. You are welcome to follow along, however.


A prince and princess are destined to be married to make a war end, however, things take a turn of events when the princess falls for someone other than the prince.


-Visha Odile (Corpses)
- October Ayer (Differet Times)

Edited at July 17, 2021 12:58 AM by Corpses
Different Times x CorpsesAugust 7, 2020 07:21 PM

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Different Times x CorpsesAugust 7, 2020 07:26 PM


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Tristan: Please do not post here, this is for me and Different Times only!
Different Times x CorpsesAugust 7, 2020 08:27 PM

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Edited at July 16, 2021 05:23 PM by Different Times
Different Times x CorpsesAugust 7, 2020 08:46 PM


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Name Visha Odile, sometimes referred to as the Queen of Dragons

Age 18, almost 19

Gender Female (She/Her)

Role Drifter/Traveler

Sexuality Heteroflexible

Appearance Visha is a rather powerful looking young woman despite her small structure. She stands at five foot four with a rather curvacious body, but no excess body fat can be found throughout her body. She has a slightly larger chest with very feminine shoulders, leading down to her arms and finally to her hands, which are topped with skinny fingers and squar-ish fingernails that are rounded near her cuticle and are a bit long in length. Her skin is quite tan with very light hairs that line her arms. She has some scattered freckles as well.

Visha has long and thick hair, normally found in some sort of fancy braid style. Her hair is as dark as a raven, reaching to her waist when it is let down. There are slight waves within her hair, sometimes curly when let down of a braided hairstyle. It is very well taken of and quite soft to the touch. Visha has what you might call a resting bitch face. Without much observing, you know she's always giving some sort of look towards others. This face of hers is made up by blue eyes that tell you exactly what she thinks of you. She has some scattered freckles along her small and narrrow nose, going out to her cheeks. She has a more oval face with a defined jawline and slightly sunken cheeks. Visha has pale pink lips that are full on top and bottom, normally quite stiff as she does not show any sort of emotion at all, it seems.

Visha can be found wearing very light (as in matieral) dresses, normally very minimalistic in their design. They normally show off her body, such as her curves and such. The colors she normally wears are black, very blunt purples and blues, perhaps even dark reds. As for designs she will wear, she is most commonly seen with square patterns, maybe flowers at some point. At night she will simply wear a gown of sorts, maybe even a nice robe she has laying around.

Personality With strong, powerful, and intimidating looks all the time, she is that exactly. Visha is very blunt and is always getting straight to her point, always letting you know what is on her mind. Visha will always tell you how it is, whether you would like to hear it or not. She does not sugarcoat anything either, making her just a bit more blunt than you would maybe anticipate or expect, especially from a woman as young as her.

Visha is always thinking of her next move, whether it be an action, maybe even her next sentence. She is always trying to outsmart those around her, especially her enemies in order to try and make the best move. Upon meeting Visha, you will feel as if she's always watching you; and that's because she is. Visha always observes others; their actions, movements, the way they speak, etc. This is how she knows how to interact with you, but also how she decides if you live or not. Visha will get so close to you, and before you know it, you could either be laying dead on the ground or living right next to her, which doesn't happen to often. Visha does this to get under your skin and try to see how you truly are before she decides what to do with you.

Getting to know Visha can be a bit complex. She doesn't trust too easily and is wary of others, rarely will you ever see this girl around other people whom she truly gets along with. Visha has a rough exterior for sure, so getting to know her can be quite hard and difficult. However, Visha will become less cold and maybe a bit more kind towards you. However, she herself still has yet to find this self of her.

Likes Darker places, traveling, being on the move, discovering new places, sometimes others

Dislikes Hot places, loud places, Summer, anyone who uses her, anyone who betrays her.

Strengths Manipulative, persuasive, quiet, agile, intelligent, observant, knows what she wants.

Weaknesses Not a lot of strength, doesn't know any sort of combat too well, tempered, not very womanly (has been used against her)

Other Owns three dragons that are about a year old and still quite small (Hivirith, Darlies, Gevaiss)

Edited at August 7, 2020 08:49 PM by wolf.
Different Times x CorpsesAugust 7, 2020 09:57 PM

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October Ayer
19, turning 20
Betrothed Princess
Standing at 5'2" and weight around 125lbs, Tobi isn't a big person at all. Her body is still shaped like a woman's though. She just has a smaller bust and hips. She has petite and small features that give off the impression that she's fragile or breakable. To add to this, she looks like a porcelain doll. Her skin is pale and smooth to the touch. There's a small beauty mark under her left eye and her cheeks are naturally rosy. The beauty mark being the only marking on her face or upper half, really. On her knees there are several scars from when she fell when she was younger.
Her nose is on the smaller size and slightly hooked. Her eyes are wide and almond shaped with a grey color that can darken depending on attire, mood, and lighting. Her hair reaches just past her shoulder blades and is slightly wavy with the mix of ringlet curls that are a Auburn and could remind someone of Autumn, or fire.
She prefers to wear loose fitting tops and tighter trousers. If those aren't available, she'll wear one of the most simple dresses in her closet. She doesn't wear much jewelry either. She looks best in a mix of lighter colors and darker ones.
Not the type to get mad over little things, but she can be aggravated easily. Axel does that for everyone though. She likes to laugh and smile and is normally a fairly happy person. Like a fair tale princess, October is kind and caring. She stops to talk to anyone at any time.
She's also a bit of a kid sometimes. She can be a bit dull or she'll stop to play hopscotch or tag with children. Even in the palace, she'll run around and try sliding down the railings of the staircases or play tricks on the staff with her little cousins.
This doesn't mean that she can't be serious. It's just a bit more rare. She does care for things like education And the like, but sure rarely can sit still long enough for her lessons or to read through a whole book. She does love learning though and she'll get all excited when she learns something new. She's a kid at heart, so she's easily amazed. She loves scenic places and sweet gestures, it's obvious she's read too many Romance novels.
𖧷 Chocolate
𖧷 Flowers
𖧷 Animals of any kind
𖧷 Quiet places
𖧷 The color blue
𖧷 Sweet gestures
𖧷 Painting/reading
𖧷 Brussel sprouts and spinach
𖧷 Rude people, even though she can be rude too
𖧷 Liars, thiefs, and cheats
𖧷 Chess
𖧷 Running
𖧷 Sour treats
𖧷 She's an easy person to talk to
𖧷 is skilled in both archery and knife throwing, but never learned swordsmanship
𖧷 She can cook, even though she didn't ever need to
𖧷 She's too curious for her own good
𖧷 She can't swim, she sinks
𖧷 Allergic to bee stings
𖧷 Due to being raised on the palace, she's not aware of most things outside of the palace
Betrothed to Axel Bexley

Edited at August 11, 2020 07:42 AM by Different Times
Different Times x CorpsesAugust 11, 2020 07:11 PM

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Finally done, ugh XD)
Different Times x CorpsesAugust 11, 2020 11:13 PM


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(Don't worry about it lmao. How should we start?)
Different Times x CorpsesAugust 12, 2020 07:28 AM

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(hmm, maybe we should make a discussion thread XD and I don't know, maybe when October is first arriving at Axel's palace?)
Different Times x CorpsesJuly 17, 2021 12:05 AM

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October's arms crossed over her chest as she looked out of the uncovered window of the carriage. Her face had been made along with her hair all for this meeting. A betrothal had happened six months previous and apparently they were ready to see their investment in the flesh. However the princess did not see the need for this. Found it annoying, actually. They had only ever seen her portraits and knew that her country held significant power and said, "We'll take that one". All she had ever see of this character Axel is the same. A small portrait placed on her night table back home.
Her mother sat across from her, a look of deep disapproval set in seemingly permanently on her features. As if the woman hadn't had her way that morning. Travelling for two days only to be trapped in the dress she was now. The pins scraping her scalp with every slight movement and not to mention the constant urge to scratch her neck because of the bejewelled earrings dangling at her neck.
The elder woman let out a huff, "Darling, it's only marriage. A simple partnership between us. It will help us in the long run, my dear. You'll see," she said, more concerned if the other country would keep her. Walking disgrace. A woman in trousers. The queen hadn't heard of anything so absurd. Trousers, pfft.
Her daughter's mind functioned quite differently but she simply nodded. "Of course, mother." It had been months of convincing the young one that marriage was the correct choice for her. Of course, it might have been if she'd been placed into a different situation. With two older brothers you'd think she'd want the marriage to secure a healthy and proper life. A comfortable life. Not to mention to someone of her ranking in social class.
But no. The young woman still refused to let.it truly reason with her.
October simply didn't understand how two stranger could share a bed and commit the act to create children and then hand them tales of love being the reason for marrying in the first place only to force them to marry someone they hardly know. One thing she was grateful for would definitely be that he wasn't older than her own father. When she wrote to her cousin, that was the one thing the other woman declared to be fair about this situation.
"I simply hope that they'll take a true liking to you. If Axel finds you pleasing enough then there's more advantages," her mother started but eventually the words started to drone out into a buzzing noise in the back of Tobi's mind. She knew what her mother really meant. Be a pleasing wife or be an embarrassed wife. No in between for royals. But she couldn't recall a time where that was true either. Men in the royal families always seemed unloyal. But at least he wouldn't be paying attention to her.

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