Rules and Notes
You cannot use the lineart, but once you purchase or breed a hellhound, they are yours, and you are able to create your own art of them/buy art of them from someone else. You can also edit the original image that you purchase. Your image can be used anywhere once you've purchased it.
Once they're yours, you can sell or give them to other players (for fake money) but the pack ID in the "Sold" section won't change unless you let me know.
Please don't remove the credits on the images. You can take off the ones I've made and replace them with your own, but if it's the original image I created, then I'd like my WP and TH credits on there somewhere.
If you want to add your own background, I am happy to send you the clipped image.
I will not majorly change premades. If you choose to alter one that you purchased, that's totally fine. If I'm able to confidently recreate your additions, then they may be able to be carried across into breedings. If I can't, then the added "traits" just won't be heritable.
Customs will be done within two weeks. I have three kids, so my hands are full, lol. Each day that I am late is a 10 mush discount. Customs are 50% price upfront, 50% (minus any discounts) upon completion.
If you comment for a custom spot and get it, PM me the details of what you want to keep the forum from getting clogged.
If you want your hellhound to be available for breeding, let me know and I'll keep a list for those who are looking.
To breed, PM me the male and female as well as how many pups you want out of that breeding. I'll also let you choose the genders, unless you'd rather I randomize it.
Available Pre-Mades (400 🍄 OBO)

Female 4
Customs Pricing
Basic coat, eyes, nose, claws, and up to three markings: 350 mush
Each additional marking is 10 mush. Marking types are: stripes, spots, ombré, patches, and speckles. I can do different variations of those, and I'm open to more ideas. If I can't do it, I'll tell you.
Horns or antlers: 25 mush per set anywhere on body
Protruding tusks, top or bottom: 5 mush for any
Feather wings: 50 mush (small/stubby), 100 mush (large)
Jewelry: 5-50 mush depending on amount
You will also receive a decor-free image
Customs Slots (Open)
Breeding Information
Certain additions (mutations) will only be available through breeding. Right now, these are: bobbed tail, four eyes, and leathery wings.
Breedings are consensual between the owner(s) of a male and female hellhound. Each pup will be 275 mush; how this is paid and to which owner the pup(s) goes is up to said owners. The colors, protrusions, and any mutations will be based on those of the parents.
Breedings In Progress
1. Inferno (#2) x Spike (#3)