1. How much are you willing to spend just to retire the wolf?
Usually not much more than 5 mush.
2. What gets a wolf immediately retired
Being on the market and being cheap, or being born in my pack and not meeting decent requirements or being worth selling.
3. Is there a reward for this? other than a feeling of community service
Yeah, you get bones. Bones can be used to buy many things in Bidoo's Bone Shop and also I just like to hoard them ahah.
4. What makes you upset that breeders do?
Nothing I can think of.
I often scour the market for cheap or free wolves to buy and retire to get more bones. I've actually been doing this since before bones were added to the game, and was in an alliance based purely on clearing bad pups out of the market.
Before bones were added the trading post was *full* of low value wolves being sold for 0 mushrooms, so I'd buy and retire to clear them out.
I've just kept this up, I guess.