
Thank you for coming to Argos' Avatar Museum. We have a couple of rules for yah. This is all original art by yours truly. No photography allowed, don't you come in trying to steal, okay? I'm keeping my eyes on you. Keep your icky little fingers to yourself and look only with your eyes. Only I post, understand? Good, now let's begin this slow moving tour. Edited at May 10, 2022 09:43 PM by Argos

First one. Went with my old User: Howler. Up close you will see how blurry it is.... the pack number says 280360 and you can tell if you look close enough. The dog is called Howler btw, I'm so creative. Edited at December 4, 2021 11:59 AM by Argos

Second one: Goes with my current user: Argos Hopefully, it's not as blurry as the first one. Does the eye belong to Argos, the great myth? Probably not. Argos' eyes are similar to the blue-green center of a peacock feather because Hera memorialized her great servant by putting all 100 eyes on her favorite bird, the peacock. Looking back, the eyebrow should be going the other way. Oh well.

Third one: Goes with the user: Argos Don't ask why I made this my avatar. I was just playing around and thought why not. I'm actually regretting the background color. Too pink. The blue also looks purple and the deep red looks too pinkish, too. Only thing working out is the gold. Hmmm, I'll probably change this soon. Edited at May 23, 2022 03:11 PM by Argos

Fourth one: Goes with the user: Argos I missed doing eyes. I don't really know why I chose blue. Or why I made the outline of the eye blue either. Or really why there is a blue theme... I do say that I like it better than the third one. Also, I'd like to note that I changed it back to my second one before making this one.

Fifth one: Goes with the user: Argos Eyes are my thing, what can I say? I drew this one on my computer unlike the others (well, except for Howler). I also missed doing wording, like I had done on my second avatar. Originally it was going to be something like "it's sad that I've realized that the world sucks, but I don't care anymore" or something like that. However, that was very... angsty?? Dunno. I like what I have now, since it eludes back to my second avatar... which I doubt anyone remembers but me, and you, invisible user.

6th one. Goes with the user: Argos I missed golden eyes. First time adding makeup to an avatar.