CEO of drawing whatever the hell I want
Guys I'm doing it I swear I will do more full artworks this year
This gallery mostly contains artwork revolving the characters of Rory's autobiography "I fought God and bagged an emo baddie on the fly (working title)"
Here's the link to my if you wish to know more about these stupid dumb idiot muppets of mine!
For mods: All art here by me, the signature is mine!
I use Procreate!
PM me if you ever have any questions, I'm always happy to help ^^
Comments welcome and very appreciated!
(No criticism unless specifically asked for, please!)
Art in this thread is not to be reused or redistributed in any way, including tracing and heavy referencing along with copying designs of course! :)
AI "art" supporters kindly fuck off please :p
Warning: This thread may contain some level of gore, religious content and generally kind of sensitive topics to some extent, so if you're not comfortable with that be warned c: