
Welcome to the Discussion Thread for: Two Worlds Collide. This is the place where we can chat, plot, and gossip about all things for this Rp. The only thing I ask is that you wait to post here until your character is completely and officially accepted. You're welcome to lurk until you are, but please refrain from posting until then.
Thank you! And Have fun!

Dorm Pairings Students are paired into dorms based on Grade, which every Grade residing on it's respective floor [which is based on Class Color]. Two rooms share a bathroom, so Room 1 and 2 Share, 3 and 4, and so on and so forth.
These Pairings are Official.
Blue Floor 1. Violet & Lilith
Green Floor 1. Avalynn & Cassiopiea
Yellow Floor 1. Tsuki & Constance
Red Floor 1. Anya & Calixta 2. Mira & Rhea 3. Aderyn & Open
Blue Floor
Green Floor 1. Bernard & Vikar 2. Thaddeus & Ryan 3. Chester & None
Yellow Floor 1. Aidan & Grayson 2. Ensei & Open
Red Floor 1. Vasuki & Briar 2. Kryos & Jaxson 3. Agnar & Alatus
Edited at August 11, 2022 10:20 AM by Imperial Sands

Class Schedules Keep in Mind that Class Schedules Change Each Semester. Typically it's 4 Core Classes, 2 Required Supernatural Classes, and 4 Elective Every Year. How they're taken can be changed, as long as the 4, 2, 4 is met each year.
Grade 9 & 10 Schedule Set Up
First Period Second Period Lunch Third Period Fourth Period Fifth Period
Grade 11 & 12 Set Up
First Period Second Period Third Period Lunch Fourth Period Fifth Period
Class Choices
Core Classes These are the Regular Core Classes. The Order in which their Listed is the Order in which their taken and by which grade. Ex: Biology is for Grade 10 Students unlessed the failed it, then Grade 11 can take it. Or Supernatural History I is for Grade 10 whereas Supernatural History II is for Grade 11.
Math: First Year Math Second Year Math Third Year Math Advanced Math*
Literature: First Year Lit. Second Year Lit. Third Year Lit. Advanced Lit.
Science: First Year Science Biology Chemistry or Physics**
History: Human History Supernatural History I Supernatural II Economics & Gov.
* - Not a Required Course ** - Only One of these has to be Taken, But Both can Be.
Supernatural Classes These are the Supernatural Classes Assigned to Students. Keep in Mind only Classes that Apply to a Student will be assigned. These can also be chosen as electives. Ex: a Flight Class won't be required for a Flightless Supernatural.
Control & Abilities Control & Ability Use I Control & Ability Use II Control & Ability Use III Control & Ability Use IV
Flight Flight I Flight II Aerial Combat I Aerial Combat II Aerial Combat III
Dietary Diet & Health I Diet & Health II
Combat Hand to Hand Combat I Hand to Hand Combat II Ability Combat I Ability Combat II Combination Combat I Combination Combat II Combination Combat III Counter Attacks I Counter Attacks II Counter Attacks III
Ability Specific Classes* Spells, Potions, & Enchantments I Spells, Potions, & Enchantments II Spells, Potions, & Enchantments II Telekenisis I Telekenisis II Telekenisis III Elemental Control & Use I Elemental Control & Use II Elemental Control & Use III Matters of the Mind I Matters of the Mind II Matters of the Mind III
* Can only be Taken as Grade 10 and Up, since Control & Abilities I is a Preqrequisite. ** Matters of the Mind include Abilities like Hypnosis, Telepathy, Illusions, etc.
Electives You do not have to pick from this list. These are merely ideas. Just double check with me that a class is plausible.
Wood Working I - III Ceramics I - IV Art I - IV Creative Writing Photo Culinary I - IV Physical Education I - IV Weight Training I & II Marketing I & II Accounting I Computer Science I & II Computer Programming I & II Media Studies Nutrition Auto Repair I & II Spanish I - IV ASL I - IV Band [Marching, Jazz, etc.] Journalism I & II Various Math Courses Dance I - III Film Production I & II Theatre I - IV
Edited at August 3, 2022 02:06 PM by Imperial Sands

A little late, but, here's Tsuki's schedule. If anything is wrong with it, feel free to point it out- First Period: Third Year Math Second Period: Culinary Third Period: Third Year Lit. Lunch Fourth Period: Art III Fifth Period: Combination Combat III

Mira's Schedule First Period: Economics & Gov. Second Period: Control & Ability Use IV Third Period: Advanced Lit. Lunch Fourth Period: Spells, Potions, & Enchantments III Fifth Period: Art IV
Ensei's Schedule First Period: Third Year Lit. Second Period: Combination Combat II Third Period: Supernatural History III Lunch Fourth Period: Control & Ability Use III Fifth Period: Ceramics III
Constance's Schedule First Period: Third Year Lit. Second Period: Chemistry Third Period: Journalism I Lunch Fourth Period: Control & Ability Use III Fifth Period: Physical Education III
Extracurriculars Sports, Clubs, etc.
Mira Art Club Garden Club Match Making Club
Ensei TBD
Constance Varsity Soccer Team Track & Field School Paper Yearbook
Edited at August 11, 2022 04:28 AM by Imperial Sands

Is Kir's schedule acceptable? I tried to kinda make his schedule suitable to his friends, but I gave up and just went with this.~ Should I add another core class? :p FIRST PERIOD: Second Year Math SECOND PERIOD: Control & Ability use I LUNCH THIRD PERIOD: Supernatural History I FOURTH PERIOD: Combination Combat II FIFTH PERIOD: Theatre I .. EXTRACURRICULARS President of Sweet Tasting Club Edited at August 10, 2022 01:54 PM by Silkie

Briar's Schedule First Period: Economics & Gov. Second Period: Combination Attack III Third Period: Advanced Lit. Lunch Fourth Period: Spells, Potions, & Enchantments III Fifth Period: Journalism II Extracurricular Activities/Clubs - School Paper - Varsity Gymnastics Team - Fencing Club - Robotics & Engineering Club Edited at August 9, 2022 01:49 PM by Spellbound

Take the tentative schedules for Chester and Bernard. Chester’s Schedule First Period: Second Year Lit. Second Period: Auto Repair II. Lunch Third Period: Supernatural History I. Fourth Period: Control & Ability Use II. Fifth Period: Journalism II. Chester’s Extracurriculars Robotics & Engineering Club School Paper Alchemy Club STEM Club Dance Bernard’s Schedule First Period: Second Year Math. Second Period: Culinary. Lunch Third Period: Biology. Fourth Period: Dance II. Fifth Period: Hand To Hand Combat II. Bernard’s Extracurriculars Matchmaking Club Sweet Tasting Club Baking Club Dance

Here are the schedules for my characters: Avalynn's Classes First Period: Second Year Literature Second Period: Control & Abilities II Lunch Third Period: Supernatural History II Fourth Period: Biology Fifth Period: Woodworking II ________________________________ Ryan's Classes
First Period: Second Year Literature Second Period: Math II Lunch Third Period: Ceramics II Fourth Period: Computer Programing II Fifth Period: Biology _________________________________ Extracurriculars
Avalynn: Garden Club Jousting Ryan: Maybe Edited at August 11, 2022 03:53 PM by River-Luna

Let me know if anything has to be changed. I kind of sprinted through it. Vasuki's Schedule First Period: Advanced Math Second Period: Control & Ability Use IV Third Period: Advanced Lit Lunch Fourth Period: Aerial Combat III Fifth Period: Chemistry and Physics Extracurricular - Art Club - Fencing Club - Garden Club - Book Club - Sweet Tasting Club