
Fighting Fate
"Everything you know will be erased" -Alex G, "Things to Do" Edited at March 18, 2024 05:28 PM by Lost Rune

RULES All of Eves rules apply 1, You will respect me your co-host (Spell<3) We have the right to deny or accept your form. You have 3 strikes to fix it. We will let you know what's wrong with it. 2, This is a semi-lit roleplay, I expect 300 words per post at least. Atleast 200 words for appearance and personality. More than that is 100% encouraged :3 3, No orphaned pups 4, You should post at least 3-4 times a week actively. Your personal life always come first of course. If you are going to take a break please let us know. You have nine days of inactivity before I remove your character from the roleplay. 5, There is a max of 4 characters per player. Only one being a major role per person. 6, Reservations last 48 hours. If more time is needed you may have a 12 hour extension 7, Do not have your character constantly always in trouble or constantly breaking the rules. Once in awhile for spice and drama is okay but not all the time. Please refrain to asking before hand if you want your character to get in a little trouble. 8, If your stock images are not properly credited your form will not be accepted 1st try. If you need help properly credited do not be shy ask me or Spell. 9, This is a semi-realistic roleplay. Your wolf should not have powers, unnormal pelt colors, wings, and etc. Please do some research on the builds of wolves, like how much they weigh and how tall they are if needed. Add your favorite base coat in other. 10, I am a forgiving person so you get 4 strikes to break the rules. If yourbreak them past that you will be removed from the roleplay. 11, Please read everything! I understand we sometimes forget about the rules and etc but still. Please pretty please read EVERYTHING. I will know if you did not. 12, Make your charatcter balanced. How many strengths you have is how many weaknesses you have. 13. Have fun >:3 Edited at March 19, 2024 01:47 PM by Lost Rune

The Ranks Alpha The alpha male, a great mighty male. He is to be respected at all times. Disobeying him can result in several different punishments. His word is law and to never be disobeyed. The alpha male has the most authority over the pack. He is usually the best trained warrior or hunter within the pack. The alpha should watch over juveniles training and the patrols sent out. He is in charge of making sure the pack is in order. He is also the one who decides punishments, exile, deranking, and execution. Alpha She A she with so much beauty, an angel gracefully dancing through the sky. She is the alpha's mate and partner. They are considered soulmates with a bond so strong nothing can break it. She is the queen of the pack. Having just the same responsibilites as the alpha male. The she wolf should help support her mate with strength. If she is disobeyed punishment is just as bad as disobeying the male alpha. She also has the authority to punish the pack members. Beta The beta, an aware and swift wolf. They are the second in command and is to fill the alpha's position if the alpha is unable to. The beta is in charge of assigning patrols and helping the alpha make big decisons. Sometimes the beta may be the alpha's offspring. The beta is second with the most authority, if they are disobeyed it will end in great punishment. Though they cannot punish pack members greatly, like exile, deranking, and execution. They can punish them by giving them omega duties though. Zeta The zeta is the lead warrior. The trainer of the juviniles who plan to become warriors. Juveniles are best trained by them because of the zeta being most experienced at fighting. They have the most battle scars of anyone. Kappa The kappa is the lead hunter. Usually the most experianced at hunting. They are in charge of teaching juveniles who plan to become hunters. The kappa is the most victorious hunter of the pack and is greatly respected. Tau A stealthy wolf built for there scouting skills. The tau is a experienced spy whom can search for prey, scout for territory, or spy on other packs. If wanted the Tau can take an apprentice to train. There is only two tau's allowed. Healers A healer is the wolves who treat to the injured. If you have a headache, fever, gash, or stomachache they have something for you. They are very sacred wolves having the most connections with spirits of the past. There looked apon from the alpha's for advice. The healers are very important in the war currently. They are trying their hardest to tend to the wounded after battles with the rival pack. If the healer wants they may train an apprentice. Gamma/Elders The wise and the old. These wolves are the wolves over 12 . They tell stories of the past and glory days. When everything was perfect. The elders are the wisest wolves sought for their wisdom. They should always be looked after and treated with the greatest of respect. Warriors The fighters and the protectors. They are the fearless and brave. The ones with coruage to fight in the war. They are greatly respected for their bravery and strength. The warriors are the ones who keep the pack safe and participate in the war. Helping battle with every pint of strength they have. Hunters Our providers our feeder. They are the wolves that feed and hunt for the pack. Specially trained in hunting. The heart of the pack the ones who put the pack before themselves. The hunters are responsible for providing for the pack. Without them the pack would starve. Omega's The omega's are looked down apon. Usually they are wolves who were demoted or did a crime. The omega's are to obey everyone or they will be punished. The omega's are used as chew toys at times to dismiss disputes within the pack. Juveniles A juvenile are the younger wolves in training. They are training to become warriors or hunters. They are also taught how to survive on there own and pack history. Den mothers The den mothers are she wolves who have had pups recently and are still caring for them. They are responsible for feeding and watching their pups. If a den mother neglects her pups she will be severely punished. The den mothers should teach there pups to have good manners and the pack rules Pups The pups are young ones under the age of six months. They are the future of the pack. If they are to be neglected to left alone the wolf who did so will be exiled. The pups are very precious to everyone in the pack. Once the pups reach 6 moons its the time where they most decide wether they will fight for there pack or provide for their pack. Meaning they will become juveniles. Edited at April 1, 2024 11:04 PM by Lost Rune

The Masterlist The Golden Pine Pack Alpha Male 1. Panther | M | 6 years old | Played by Panther Seeker Alpha She 1. Rena | F | 6 years old | Played by me Beta 1. Reserved for Spellbound Zeta 1. Reserved for Whispering Echoes Kappa 1. Cash | M | 4 Years Old | Played by Austan vindar Tau 1. Astrolistic Healers 1. Reserved for Spellbound 2. Open Gamma/Elders 1. Open 2. Open 3. Open 4. Open Warriors Unlimited 1. Reserved for Spellbound Hunters Unlimited 1. Reserved for me Omega's 1. Open 2. Open Juveniles 1. Reserved for Spell 2. Open 3. Open 4. Open Den Mothers 1. Open 2. Open Pups 1. Open 2. Open 3. Open 4. Open __________________________ Edited at April 4, 2024 05:22 PM by Lost Rune

Form Name . Gender . Age . Rank . Desired Rank . Thought On the War . Willing to fight or surrender? . Appearace . Personality . Likes . Dislikes . Strengths . Weaknesses . Crush . Mate . Kin . Offspring . Affiliations . Other . Edited at March 18, 2024 05:21 PM by Lost Rune

Rena  Gender female Age 6 Rank Alpha She Desired Rank Rena is content on her rank Thought On the War Rena will do anything to stop it. She only wants for it to end. Her heart and every bone in her body is telling her she needs to save her pack. Willing to fight or surrender? Rena is willing to fight till her last breath. She would die in the war if it meant saving her pack. Appearance credits to images, @HOTNstock on DA Rena at her best state of pride stands at 2'8 feet tall. Shes not exactly tall but not exactly short. Though when she respects someone she often tries to keep lower than their sight. When provoked she is a bit more taller often puffing out her fur to seem larger than what she is. She often is told to have good posture that keeps her level and swift on her paws. Though she often trips over her paws when not focused because of this. With sharp reflexes she usually saves herself and her pride when falling. Moving to her body structure, she has a firm yet soft looking form. With a more feminine look, but that doesn't mean shes soft when fighting, hunting, and etc. She has profound muscles hidden under her pelt that are fitting and firm. They don't make her look buff or muscular but they do fit her well for strength. When one studies her looks you could say she does have firm jaws built for crushing things between them. Including her unusally long fangs, yet shes never seen any fangs as long as hers. They're hooked on the end making her skilled in the hunting area. Shes more on the agile and lean side mostly. While her legs are perfect fitting to carring her swifftly. Her pelt is gray blended over with some yellow and orange that fades into a white at her legs, belly, muzzle, and paws. In the winter her pelt seems to grow even more bushy making her look a bit bigger than what she actually looks. She has an odd scar over her thigh that looks deep, something bad happened here. Though she doesn't remember very well what happened. Her pelt smells of conifers and pine woods mixed with rosemary. Moving to her eyes, her eyes are a pretty gold, green that shines lovingly on anyone at first sight. They carry a sense of firm yet gentle loveliness. She usually always is easy on her eyes but if angered or annoyed they can show boiling fury in them easily. Some could say the show off her emotions too much for comfort. Personality Rena can be described as aloof and loving to most. Though there's always the flicker of fury in her eyes. Only some have seen her angry and they can tell you its not pretty. She isn't often mad though so usually you don't have to worry about her temper. You can always tell when shes on the verge of snapping. It's like a golden fire burning in her eyes. Moving on from her anger she is very trustful, she believes everyone deserves a second chance. Though there are some wrongs you can do that she will never forgive you for. Not many wolves have ever done such a terrible wrong to make her not forgive them. It has happened unfortunately and she often tries her best to forget it. Then theres her loyalty, shes worthy and loyal forever bound to her pack no matter what. Even if it mattered losing her life she'd stand by her pack daring the danger on. But don't forget her pride, shes a VERY prideful wolf. Her pride is a very firm thing that stands by her It's always her pride and dignity after her pack. She can also be said to be very funny. At her best shes always trying to make others laugh and shine. Aloof || Bouncy || Joyful || Two Sided || Charismatic || Wishful || Hopeful || Longing || Caring || Funny || Likes She enjoys summer days that bring good sunshine to sunabathe She enjoys hunting patrols where everyone is determined and ready to hun Dislikes She HATES when someone takes their anger out on others with no reason She dislikes when its icy, she doesn't not like snow she just doesn't like ice Strengths Shes quite good at fast thinking She also is good at proving her point often with a sassy look on her face. Knowing whats best for her pack Weaknesses she can loose focus due quickly She does suffer from over thinking She can be bad at small area hunting or fighting, shes claustrophobic. Crush Her one and only mate Mate Her mighty Panther Kin Open Offspring Pregnant 2 unborns open Affiliations Open and needed Other Myrrh<3 Edited at March 21, 2024 09:11 AM by Lost Rune

Reserving Beta, Healer, Juvenile & Warrior


Chould I have a dispersal?

Of course! Just to let you know you have to write 300 words per post at least. This isn't a 1v1 so I can't let you slip up because that wouldn't be fair to anyone else.