
table to contents- plot background information Roles descipriton of roles whos who Form Example form Rules: -follow all Eve and WP rules -respect me as your host -dont throw a fit if you're not accepted - no godmodding -only three characters max per person, this may change -no more than two characters in high ranks -hate the character, not the pack -no relationships between your own characters -be active, at least two posts a week -no killing or physically hurting characters without permission from both me and the other character -be semi-literate. 90 words per post is expected. -if you're inactive, and you didn't PM me a reason you will be thrown out. -please put your character's favorite color in other -have fun Edited at March 10, 2024 11:57 AM by Long Wang

Plot There has been three realms unaware of each other's presence. The Magicians, the Shapeshifters and humans. The hybridenos, or hybrids for short, are the only ones who are aware of the other realms. A prophecy has come, telling of a time that people from all three realms must unite for a common purpose against an enemy, without stating what the enemy is. Afraid that the enemy means one of the hybrids' oldest and deadliest enemies, a wise old hybrid, Pepper Yang, hid the prophecy under a rock in a place far away, in the realm of the humans. More recently, explorers from the other realms have found the human realm but not its residents yet. The secrets of the prophecy the long dead Pepper Yang has been revealed, no longer hidden. The six that the prophecy predicts will unite the realm remains to be found. But can they team up when no one knows each other? When centuries-old rivalries and secrets are threatened to be revealed? When the mysterious hybrids are outed to be something, something not human at all.

Background Information- Magicians: Live on a small island in the middle of nowhere. Have control over the natural elements, control and elements vary. Shapeshifters: Lives in the mountains and its surrounding forests. Can shapeshift into animals and inanimate things, vary on the shapeshifter. The most powerful can choose what to shapeshift into. humans: live on a large plateau with a lot of vegetation. Normal humans, no powers. hybrids: anyone with powers coming from all three of the realms. They can live in and travel to any realm. They are the secret keepers to prophecies and the realms to the realms. Not a lot about them is known.

Roles- The Five Crystal Holders The One Leader of Prophecy Lesder of Expedition into Human Realm Expedition Second in Command Expedition Members Humans Hybrids Edited at March 10, 2024 11:59 AM by Long Wang

Explanation of Roles- The Five Crystal Holders- have even more powerful control over five elements, one each. No Magician can control these elements. All come from different realms. Fire, water, air, earth and spirit. Magician, Shapeshifter, Hybrid. The One Leader of Prophecy doesnt have a crystal, but has a strong connection to the prophecy. Leader of crystal holders. Has to be a Hybrid. Lesder of Expedition into Human Realm Leads the expedition. A Magician or Shapeshifter. Expedition Second in Command assists the Expedition Leader. Magician or Shapeshifter. Expedition Members part of the expedition. Magicians or Shapeshifter or Hybrids. Humans- residents of the realm Hybrids- Live alongside humans, inspect Expedition when the site of Pepper Yang's secrets are revealed.

Who's Who? The Five Crystal Holders 1. Camarie Teria|17 years old|shapeshifter: lynx| played by me, Long Wang 2. reserved for FightForGrimReaper The One Leader of Prophecy Lesder of Expedition into Human Realm Expedition Second in Command Expedition Members Humans Hybrids Edited at March 12, 2024 04:21 PM by Long Wang

Form- Name: Gender: Pronouns: Age: Appearance: Personality: Strengths: Weaknesses: rank: Magician, Shapeshifter, Human or Hybrid?: power: (nothing overpowered) relationships: other:

Example Form- Name: Camarie Teria Gender: Female Pronouns: she/her Age: 17 Appearance: Camarie, or Cam, is a Shapeshifter. In her human form, she stands at around 6 feet tall, and has a rather lean and skinny build. Her hair is a light blond, almost white. Her eyes are a deep blue, some say the color of the ocean. She is commonly found wearing a t-shirt and shorts, despite the cold. She can shapeshift into a canada lynx, and she has the amber eyes and light gray tawny fur with darker gray splotches. She has thick fur and rather large paws. Personality: Cam arrived in the human realm along with the Expedition, but then realized she was one of the Six when they found Pepper Yang's secrets. She was the one who stole and replaced the secrets with fake ones to keep the Prophecy safe. No one knows this and she's searching for the other prophesied 5. Cam keeps to herself a lot, but is a bit hotheaded and a great leader when it comes to it. She would rather not talk to others but realizes the Prophecy calls for it. She does whatever's expected of her and usually is a rule-follower. She's brave and willing to do whatever it takes to stay loyal to the prophecy, even if it means breaking the rules. Strengths: following directions loyalty Shapeshifting Weaknesses: not very talkative can stick too close to the rules hotheaded rank: one of the five crystal holders Magician, Shapeshifter, Human or Hybrid?: Shapeshifter power: (nothing overpowered) shifts into a lynx relationships: open other: the gray-white of snow Edited at March 10, 2024 12:16 PM by Long Wang

Can I reserve a crystal holder?

Reserving! FightForGrimReaper said: Can I reserve a crystal holder?