"What shape was this who came to us,
With basilisk eyes so ominous,
With mouth so sweet, so poisonous,
And tortured hands so pale?
We saw her wavering to and fro,
Through dark and wind we saw her go;
Yet what her name was did not know."
Ráijá Vábo
Age: 289
Gender: Female
Class: Psyche
Rider: TBD
Reputation: Ráijá Vábo is an old creature whose presence is claimed to be a bad omen. Sights of her are rare, though not impossible. A beast known for her dark ways, there are stories of the curses she casts upon others. Her name has been passed down generations in warning, advising individuals to never seek her out. Those that have seen her describe her as a dark entity with a black body and a skull face, a crown of horns gracing her empty features.

[credit for all images belongs to myself, images are not free to use nor distribute]
A creature of tall proportions, she stands at the maximum height of 19 feet with a lengthy and robust physique. Those that have espied her form relate it most to bird mixed with a feline. Disproportionate and curvy, Ráijá Vábo is an odd specimen of a beast. Despite her height, her legs are minature things. The true star is her neck, which is lengthier than her body and consists of nearly as many muscles.
In terms of appearance, there is nothing unique about her. Her entire body is a solid black, the only difference being her face, which is a bold white. The sudden contrast offers her a look that best resembles a skull, and during the night, many see nothing but her facial features floating around. It is her most impressive feature, excluding her horns, which sit upon her head like a crown. They twist around like branches of a tree, offering her protection from all angles. In the midst of these horns rests a floating orb, red in colouration, and rather useless. But hey, at least it offers a majestic sight.
Past her pointed snout and narrow face rests, not a pair of eyes, but a triad.. also red in colouration. Indeed, three eyes appear upon the female's head, the third resting upon her forehead remotely larger than the other two. The three are stuck in a constant glow, highlighting her facial features with sinister red lighting constantly.
In terms of the remainder of her body, four wings rest upon her back. The two closest to her neck are large, able to support her alone without the help of the other two, which rest near her hind legs and are significantly smaller. In truth, they are predominately used for gliding more than anything.
When her powers are used, old, ancient runics appear over her body, presenting itself as an ancient language lost centuries ago.

Apathetic || Tricky || Deceptive || Cunning || Callous || Cold || Flamboyant || Hostile || Impulsive || Moody || Predatory || Bold || Vague || Stubborn || Honest || Incisive || Argumentative || Eloquent || Challenging || Adaptable || Fierce || Manipulative || Selfish || Class A Bitch || Selective || Loyal [To Those she Deems Fit]
Upon making her acquaintance, many wish that they hadn't. Given her appearance, one may consider her elegant and regal, but oh, how she couldn't be more different. Quickly known to be moody, Ráijá possesses a predatory, wild persona that is unsuitable for even the most feral of creatures. Often lurking, she is commonly seen weaving through obstacles with a sinister look in her eyes. Everything about her is eerie and abnormal. It is not right, something is simply.. off.
Known to be tricky and deceptive, do not trust her, no matter how persuasive she may seem. Ráijá has a talent for telling others what they wish to hear, manipulating them onto her side, only to leave them once she is finished. When questioned, she denies. Such a convincing case she makes, that she makes almost all doubt themselves. And when those see through her act and speak out, the outcome is worse. Known to have a temper, she will quickly become cold and hostile, ensuring that their lives will become worse if gone against.
She is callous and cruel, never one to consider a friend. It is rare for her to take a liking to another, let alone do favours for them out of the kindness of her heart. Ráijá does nothing for another if she gains nothing in return. Selfish? Pah, it's survival, do what you will with that knowledge.
Impulsive, she is a creature that often takes risks, and my, how stubborn she can be in situations. She is never wrong, not in her mind, and if she disagrees with something, she will refuse to partake. When questioned, one would quickly find her to be apathetic, waving them off without a second thought. Truly, there is nothing redeemable about her. However, one thing is for certain, she is honest, cunning, and incisive. She will tell others the truth, no matter if it hurts. In fact, she hopes that it does. She is also useful in dangerous situations, for she maintains a calm aura and is therefore able to assist better. Then again, that doesn't mean she will.
Fierce, Ráijá is also argumentative in certain situations. Rather than using her words to make peace, she provokes. Truthfully, she is not a kind creature, not by a long shot. Of course, there is the odd specimen that she may genuinely take a liking to, but even that is a lengthy process, and not one that many wish to go through.
Illusion Manipulation
Able to manipulate illusions to her content, she may cause victims to hear, see, touch, smell, and taste things differently. Able to distort the shape and size of a shape and surroundings, she can cause targets to misinterpret distance and distort another's sensory. This includes using awareness distortion, where she is able to perform movements or actions that can disrupt or nullify targets capacity to be aware of their surroundings, as well as her actions and attacks.
Feign Damage
When needed, she can appear as if she is taking damage by using illusions. It allows others to believe that she is genuinely harmed. Not only does she pretend to be hurt, but is able to display physical signs of damage, such as blood, wounds, broken bones, and even death. However, none of this is true, simply an illusion so that she may inflict her own damage or escape.
Pain Illusion
She is able to trick her target into thinking that they are in immense physical pain. Despite no physical wounds or affects on the body, the mind is tricked into believing pain exists. Able to make her opponent wither in agony to exhaust them mentally and physically, it often offers her an advantage to creature true pain in the process.
She is able to move or manipulate objects with her mind. A useful ability, it allows Raija to move things, making others question whether or not they're seeing an illusion, or an actual object. Overall, a good offense tool.
- Abilities
- Her cunning
- Her selfishness (believe what you will, but it aids her personally)
- Her height and muscle that comes along with it
- Her adaptability
- Her ability to remain calm in dangerous situations
- Combat, such as offense and defense
- Her age = more experience
- Easily camouflaged at night
- Her third eye = better sight
- Winning
- Gliding and speedy flight
- Overuse of abilities = draining mentally and physically. When overused, it may cause headaches as well as physically draining her to the point of exhaustion and in severe causes, fainting or death
- Not easily camouflaged during the day
- Her temper. It's bad
- Her impulsiveness
- Tall = easily spotted
- Tall = slower and less stealthy
- No spikes upon her neck = no protection
- Her children
- Isolation
- Night
- Tricking others
- Using her abilities for fun on innocents
- Preying on others
- Flying/gliding
- Trees
- Outsmarting others
- Quiet
- Fighting/combat
- Her children
- Being approached by individuals
- Favours
- Losing
- Loudness
- Snow
- Heat
- Most individuals
Crush: Akhenaten
Mate: Akhenaten, her beloved
Kin: None, she probably ate them
Deaencta [The Bewitched] - Daughter
Kexin [Imperial Sands] - Child
Affiliations: WIP