
Vah, again? Again? Are you sure? Shh. It's going to actuall work this time, trust me. TWO cat packs / prides / murders / herds / flocks? Eh, take your pick. We'll go with Pride for this one because why not. Two cat prides with rather tight, tense feelings against the other. Why? Well, no one knows when it really started but right now it's definitely because the other pride is a no-good thieving cruel bunch of feral animals with awful names. The name of the game is names. Vah, you're rambling. Shh. The Aurora Pride follows the tradition that names are to be about nature, the thing that gives them life. It is a way to reconnect with Mother Nature and center themselves in who they are. The Redagon Pride follows the tradition that they ought to be different from nature. They are different, they have survived by working with Mother Nature not groveling like little servants. They are named anything except nature. Legend has it that this pack was named from the red rock that roamed on it's own. (It was a red wagon with the w scratched off.) ANYWAYS these two prides have not had the best of feelings. Will they ever? Prolly not. so, here we are. You'll be playing as cats of one of the two prides. Yeah. Discussion: link Roleplay: link Edited at February 24, 2024 06:12 PM by Zeraphia
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Rules: what? Yeah. 1. Semi-lit. So, a good solid paragraph, enough to keep the story going and give people stuff to reply to and at least show you can read the other reply. Please, also, spelling. 2. Hate the character not the person. IC drama? Yes. OoC drama? Absolutely not. 3. Be active! If not, just let us know in the discussion! Life happens, we understand. 4. Pg-13 y'all. Keep it within the limits of the WP rules. 5. Don't be OP with cats and roles. WE'll get injured, we'll throw hands, etc. be fun! 6. Put your favorite flower in other! Mmh flowers. 7. For now, let's go with 2 characters per person, just so we don't have too many at once. One per pack sort of deal. 8. For the love of all things if you try and put down a fandom character/name I will report you so fast you won't even have time to blink or think. DO NOT even DARE to bring a fandom in here. We all know which one.
9. First come first serve. Reservations do not exist. 10. This is somewhat, ish, realistic. So normal and natural-er colors for cats and appearances. No wings, horns or unnatural colors. Edited at February 18, 2024 09:18 PM by Zeraphia
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Prides: Aurora Pride: Queen: Fawn - 85543 Liege: Puffball - 2988534 Medics (2): - Beetle - 304085 - Members: - Berry - 299015 - Mushroom - 301350 - Redagon Pride: Queen: Parsley - 309084 Liege: Orphaeus - 85543 Medics (2): - Five Blind - 296007 - Members: - Meeko - 304085 - Zoul - 299015 - Eerebus - 2988534 - - Sign Ups: Character Sheet: Pack Number: Name: Age: (don't be funny with moons or whatever. Years and months) Gender: Orientation: Pride + Role: Appearance: Personality: Other: Edited at February 24, 2024 05:53 PM by Zeraphia
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Pack Number: 85543 Name: Orphaeus Age: 3 years Gender: Male Orientation: Bisexual Pride + Role: Redagon Liege Appearance: Orphaeus has a rather interesting coloring. He has a cream base with a dark, almost black, sort of glaze along his back and down his tail. Above that glaze is brown stripes, his front left paw has a brown sock the same color and the opposite hind leg also has that same color. TH link Personality: Orphaeus is a relatively easy going sort of cat. He's light, he's loose, he'll patch you up if he really has to. But he really doesn't want to see you hurt. He's more focused on the 'don't get hurt' side of things than the 'patch you up after' side. Orphaeus is kind, he's gentle but he is keen and cunning. Everything he does is already preplanned. Other: mmh lilies. Asiatic lilies to be specific. OR PURPLE ONES. ----------------------- Name: Fawn Age: 4 years Gender: Female Orientation: Straight Pride + Role: Aurora Queen Appearance: Fawn, much like her name, is a soft brown color. She originally did have much lighter spots but now the spots have faded and she just has the darker brown spots and white points. The most striking piece of her entire appearance is one blue and one golden-amber eye. TH link Personality: Fawn is rather strict when it comes to rules. She can be kind and gentle at times but for the most part, she rules with the heart and mind that Mother Nature is their best friend. Everything they have and are comes from Mother Nature. It is hard, sometimes, because she seems distant at times. But she just has a lot of thoughts. Other: see above. Also tulips. Edited at February 24, 2024 05:53 PM by Zeraphia
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Edited at February 18, 2024 07:21 PM by Dawnforest

Dawnforest said: Can I reserve redagon queen?
Please reread the rules!
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Pack Number: 304085 Name: Beetle Age: 3 years Gender: Female Orientation: Bisexual Pride + Role: Aurora Medic (lore is not accurate to this RP) . Appearance: Beetle is a lithe blue feline with bright golden eyes. Her frame is petite and skinny, covered by a fine drapery of shiny dark fur. She seems to carry herself with a intimidating yet frustrating confidence, tail always high and eyes always making contact. Due to her stature, she's more agile than most yet at the same time weaker. Personality: A perplexing soul, truly.. Beetle can be rather chaotic and mischievous, secretly hoping the worst for those she has small grudges against; though she'd never do anything to harm anyone from her pride. She can be horribly stubborn, and tends to be cocky about her herbalism knowledge- in every right. Beetle is clever, observant and terribly informed. In conversation she remains poised and rather chilling, occasionally spewing sarcasm when she feels it need be. . The blue-furred dame doesn't let a soul get close to her or impede on her work. As much as Beetle may claim she despises her own; she does everything she can to protect them and make sure they're healthy. Other: mmh dahlias ----------------------------- Name: Meeko Age: 2.5 years Gender: Male Orientation: Bisexual Pride + Role: Redagon Member . Appearance: Meeko is a stoutly built snowshoe cat with sepia brown fur. He has lighter patches of cream fur on his undersides and the tip of his tail. Meeko's eyes are a pale shade of yellow. Due to his stocky frame, the tom isn't quite as agile as opponents may be. However, he's rather strong and has some weight to support him. Personality: Meeko is a rather charming, personable spirit. He just wants everybody to like him- and so he will do everything in his power to appear as if he's flawless. Meeko puts up quite the front, often acting much more charismatic and brave than he's ever actually felt. He's a loyal feline nonetheless, diligent within the pride and respectful of his place. . There are times too when Meeko isn't putting up a front. He can be moody, unpredictable, and rather distant.. All in all, Meeko is a semi-awkward dude who tries his hardest to be respected. Other: mmh lavender Edited at February 18, 2024 10:24 PM by distant-lands

Beetle looks good! I'll add her!
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