
Table of contents 1. Tabel of contents 2. Plot 3. Rules 4. The pack 5. pack rules 6. the other packs 7. possible territories 8. information of roles 9. open roles 10. Sign up form 11. links Edited at February 4, 2024 04:08 PM by Dawnforest

The alphas have succeeded in leading the pack to their new territory. Now on their last days it is up to the heir to lead the pack. Surounding the pack is two others and they do not like the new threats that the newcomers might bring. Now the pack must gain a territory and survive. Edited at February 4, 2024 02:25 PM by Dawnforest

Rules: all WP rules apply - Only 2 charectars per person - do not make both of your charectars high ranks. - write at least 100 words per post. I expect to see that in the sign up forms as well. - post at least 4 times per week. - reservations last 2 days. You can pm me to ask for a 24 hour extension - I (Dawnforest) control all NPCs ( Alphas/ members of other packs) time of day, and weather. Though I may allow some people to control certain npc if my charectars aren't around. - charectars must be semi realistic or realistic. - put other in other - you have three tries to fox your form before you will not be able to join. - I can deny or accept forms. - no orphaned pups. - if you are still working on your form put WIP above it. - more will be added as needed. Edited at February 7, 2024 08:24 PM by Dawnforest

The Pack The Lichen pack follows an unique hierarchy. The highest rank a wolf can be generally depends on the ranks of their parents. The alphas choose a heir from their pups. This pup is known as the main heir and will take over as alpha when the past alpha has died. The other pups of the past alpha are also known as heirs. When the leaders of the hunters, guards,and patrollers die then the heir that is the best of that ability takes over. Starting at the age of one the heirs train with the other trainees. At the age of two their training is focused on leading their future grouping. The leaders of the groups also known as The Leads act as a council to help the alphas make decisions. The only way a regular wolf can become a lead is if there are no available heirs and are the best in their group. any extra heirs ( ones that are not training, or a lead because they where an extra pup) are respected but have no power. - The other packs have Alpha, beta, hunters, guards, patrollers, mothers, pups, trainees, elders, omegas. wolves gain a higher rank by challenging the higher ranks. - Loners are allowed to join in all three packs. Edited at February 4, 2024 03:38 PM by Dawnforest

Pack Rules - The alphas say is law - Respect the Elders. - Listen and respect the higher ranks. - Trainees must listen to their mentor(s) - Mothers, pups, injured or sick wolves and elders get the best prey. - Do not have a mate outside of the pack. - All outside wolves willing to join the pack must be led to the alphas who will decide their fate. Edited at February 4, 2024 03:56 PM by Dawnforest

The Other Packs Luna Pack lives a small territory for the packs size. Looking to expand. mostly pine forests. Wary of the newcomers. Alpha male: Birch npc Alpha female: Ivy npc 5 members - Song Pack Lives in a moderate sized territory for the packs size. pine forests and marshes Aggresive to the newcommers Alpha male: Thrush Alpha female: none 13 members Edited at February 6, 2024 05:51 PM by Dawnforest

 A. Ancient oak -land mark. Tallest oldest tree in the area. Only non pine. where the pack is now B. Shimmer lake. Takes about an hour for the average wolf to travel to the other side. (2 hour around) C. What is know of song pack. D.what is known as lunar pack. E. Lichen Pack camp Lichen pack is camped on the shore of a small lake bordering Luna pack. Possible territories Land the pack might make their territory in. - An stretch of pine forest in between the two other packs. Prey: Squirrels, birds that live in the marshlands, and pine forests, rabbits, deer. More to be discovered, - Take over Luna pack prey: Deer, birds that live in pine forests, hares, rabbits, mice, more to be discovered - Live in the current spot -prey: Rabbits, birds, mice. Edited at February 6, 2024 06:26 PM by Dawnforest

Lichen Pack roles - Alphas: The pair of leading wolves. They make rules, and make decisions about the pack. The alpha of the alpha bloodline generally has more power. Main heir: The pup that the alphas chose to be the next alpha. Heirs: Other pups of the alphas. Will someday be leads unless there are to many of them. All are 3 years - The Leads: thel eaders of the main groups, helps the alphas make decisions. Lead Hunter: The leader of the hunters. Decides where and when to hunt. Lead Patroller: The leader of the patrollers. Sends out wolves to scout the surrounding territory and someday sends out border patrols. Lead Guard: The leader of the camp guards. Makes sure the camp is well guarded. - Pack Members Hunters: Hunt for the pack. Follow the lead of the lead hunter, Patrollers: Wolves that make sure the surrounding land is safe. Will later patrol the borders and make sure there are no trespassers. Follow the lead of the lead patrollers. Camp Guards: Wolves that guard the camp, can be held accountable if pups escape camp. Follow the lead of the lead guard. Elders: wolves that are at the age ten years and over ot have an injury/ defect that doesn't allow them to help the pack. Ex: blind, missing leg, Trainees: wolves between the ages of one - two that train under a member of a group. Group is assigned at birth. Mothers: wolves that take care of pups. If a female wolf is below the age of ten but is unfit to serve the pack she has the option to stay in the nursery and help raise the pups. pups: wolves under the age of one year. Max of three per mother. Omegas: a wolf can only gain this rank by injuring a pack member, disrespecting a high ranking member, or letting a pup escape camp. Sometimes used as a form of punishment, these wolves clean up after the other wolves, fix and expand dens and take care of other chores. Edited at February 7, 2024 05:20 PM by Dawnforest

Roles: Alpha female: Summer/ npc Alpha male: Finch/ Npc Main heir: Onyx/ F/ 3/ Dawnforest - Hunting heir: Huo/ f/ 3 yearslong wang Patroller heir: Auster/m/ 3 years /austan vindar Guard heir: open Extra heirs: 0/2 open - Lead Hunter: open Lead Patroller: open Lead Guard: open - Hunters:open Patrollers: open Guards: open Mothers: 1/ 2 Bing/ f/5years/ long wang open Pups: Vestur / m/ 1.5 months/ Bing / Austan vindar Elders: 0/4 open - hunting trainees: 0/3 open Patroller trainees: 0/3 open Guard trainees: 0/3 open - Omegas: 1/3 Sylvester ( Syl) / 3/ M/ Tonneoshet open Edited at February 16, 2024 03:34 PM by Dawnforest

Sign up form Name: Age: Gender: thought on what's happening ( optionall): Current rank: Desiered rank: Apperance: Personality: Relations: other: - more on next page Edited at February 4, 2024 04:08 PM by Dawnforest