
For the past almost three years, the Cascade Herd has lived peacefully as the only residents in their flourishing home. Having stumbled upon it in the midst of a blizzard those years ago, the herd has encountered little threat in terms of other equines, save for the occasional wandering bachelor. Their lands have offered a reliable source of shelter and nutrition year round so that they herd simply has to travel around them instead of venturing out to other places. It was truly their Paradise.
For the Cascade Herd, their luck seems to have run out finally as another herd, a larger one, has descended into their lands, seemingly deciding to claim it as their own. This larger herd was forced out of their own home to search for a new one when it fell to fires and drought, and could no longer sustain them on what remained.
Despite being out numbered, and thus out muscled, the Cascade Herd isn't sure they're ready to just roll over and give up their home to this new Herd, the Prairie Herd. They'll need to decide, do they risk trying to either learn to coexist with the Prairie herd, or try to run them out? Or do they wait for their foals to be old enough, and leave in search of a new Paradise?
Meanwhile, the Prairie herd faces a similar decision. Do they try to co-exist with the existing herd of their new home? Do they try to take them over and only run out those that refuse to meld? Or do they simply try to run the whole herd out, and only worry about their own? All they know is, they need these lands, this paradise, for themselves. They've lost too much to give us now. Edited at January 14, 2024 12:29 AM by Imperial Sands

The Roleplay Rules Follow all of Eve's and WPs Rules
1. Please be Active. Rps are only successful if people stay active.
2. Semi-Literacy is the Minimum Requirement for this Rp. Which means full paragraphs for Sign Ups where required and for Rp Posts.
3. Stock Images and Artwork are allowed to be used alongside Description Appearances, HOWEVER, you Must follow WP's Rules to Use Images.
4. When I check forms, I check Images first, so if I tell you to fix your images, this doesn't automatically mean youre accepted. Please put the duplicate number in your form, but hide it.
5. Currently I do not have a Maximum amount of Characters allowed. However, do not take on more than you can handle, and leave spots for others too.
6. Read Everything. I'm trying too keep things as short and simple as possible. So do your part and make sure you read all of it.
7. I want to find a happy medium between Realistic and Semi-Realistic for this Rp. That is my goal.
7. No Orphaned Foals for the Purpose of This Rp.
8. Reservations will only last 3 Days. I will allow for 1 Extension, so long as you ask for it before the 3 days expires. Once it fully expires, the spot will be reopened.
9. I've updated my ranks for this Rp, so please make sure to glance at the ranks to familiarize yourself.
10. If you've read everything, please put your favorite Horse from Spirit: Stallion of the Cimarron in the Other Section of your Form.
11. When Making a Foal or a Yearling you Must Find a Mother for them First!
12. Have fun!
Edited at January 14, 2024 12:14 AM by Imperial Sands

The Herds' Ranks
Lead Stallion The leading stallion of the herd. This should be pretty self explanatory, but if you have questions, please ask. I'll let the Lead Stallions of each herd decide how many Herd Stallions their herd has, and they'll decide which Colts will leave the herd, and when. Can be challenged for.
Lead Mare The Leading mare of the herd. This hasn't changed recently, and is pretty self explanatory. If you have questions, please ask. When it comes to challenging for this role, pm me, I haven't decided how it's done.
Lieutenant This is the stallion in the herd who acts as a second in command to the Lead Stallion. This role can be challenged for, but only with the Lead Stallions permission, or it can be appointed/decided/chosen on by the Lead Stallion.
Deputy Mare This is the mare in the herd who acts as a second in command to the Lead Mare. This role cannot be challenged for, as she is chosen by the Lead Mare, and only she can decide who takes this position.
Herd Stallions The adults male horses in the herd that are over the age of 3 years.
Herd Mares These are the female horses in the herd who are 3 years or older.
Colts These are the male horses in the herd that are over a year old, but under 3 years old. Colts are typically kicked out of the herd before they turn three years old, only some are allowed to remain in the herd as stallions.
Fillies These are the female horses in the herd who are under 3 years old, but over a year. Until they turn three years old, they are considered too young to conceive foals.
Yearlings These are all the colts and fillies in the herd who are a year old or older, but under 2 years old. For the purpose of this Rp, all yearlings will be freshly a year old to 1 year and 3 months old. No yearlings will be older or younger.
Foals These are all the horses in the herd under a year old. For the purpose of this Rp, foals will all be 2 months or younger, some might even still be unborn, but will be born within a month.
I know this seems like a lot for each herd, but I've run into issues regarding yearlings and what the age cut of is, etc. This makes it easier for me, and hopefully for all of you. This DOES mean, however, that both foals and yearlings will need at least a mother before they are accepted. Edited at January 14, 2024 12:24 AM by Imperial Sands

The Available Roles
The Cascade Herd
Lead Stallion Reserved for Tene
Lead Mare Nisa | 6 Yrs | Imperial Sands | Pg. 1
Deputy Mare
Herd Stallions
Herd Mares 1. Ninahta | 4 Yrs | Tenebris Umbra | Pg. 1 2. Reserved for Raven Wing
Yearlings 1. Calista | F | 1 Yr 1 Mth | The Bewitched | Pg. 2 2. Reserved for Spellbound
The Prairie Herd
Lead Stallion
Lead Mare 1. Evita | 9 Yrs | Spellbound | Pg. 3
Lieutenant 1. Arius | 5 Yrs | The Bewitched | Pg. 2
Deputy Mare
Herd Stallions
Herd Mares 1. Neha | 7 Yrs | Imperial Sands | Pg. 1
Yearlings 1.Helios | M | 1 Yr 1 Mth | Raven Wing | Pg. 2 2. Reserved for Spellbound
Non-Herd Roles
Bachelor Stallions: 1. Lycus | 8 Yrs | Imperial Sands | Pg. 2
Edited at January 16, 2024 07:32 PM by Imperial Sands

The Form
Name: Age: Gender: Herd: Rank: Desired Rank: What do they want to do about the other herd?: Appearance: Personality: Crush: Mate: Foals: Kin: Other:


Name: Eiríkr combining "eir" (peace) and "ríkr" (ruler), suggesting a warrior with the power to bring peace Age: Six Gender: Male/Stallion Herd: Cascade Herd Rank: Lead Stallion Desired Rank: Reached What do they want to do about the other herd?: Appearance:
 [Credit goes to Alla-equi on DA - Stock Image] Personality: WIP Crush: Nisa Mate: Nisa Foals: Open Kin: Open
Edited at January 14, 2024 12:40 AM by Tenebris Umbra

Name: Ninahta Hopy (meaning "strong wind") Age: Four Gender: Female/Mare Herd: Cascade Herd Rank: Herd Mare Desired Rank: Content What do they want to do about the other herd?: Truthfully, she is unbothered and has little opinions on the matter. So long as the Prairie Herd remains peaceful, so shall she. However, the moment a move is made that threatens her own herd, then, and only then, will Ninahta have an issue. Appearance: [Credit goes to Alla-equi on DA - Stock Image] Ninahta is a regal and tall dapple grey mare that currently stands at 15.33 hands. Her overall physique is a sturdy one, with a slender neck and legs that offer her great swiftness and strength. Her coat, adorned with the exquisite interplay of light and dark shades, creates a captivating dapple pattern that accentuates her regal stature. Ninahta's presence is nothing short of both captivating, as well as intimidating. Her overall demeanor exudes a quiet confidence, with subtle scarring upon her body due to various exchanges in the past. This is predominately due to her persona, given her stubbornness. It is her gaze that is most captivating, but not as one would think. Dark brown eyes, pools of determination, peer out from beneath a strong brow, unblinking and penetrating. They often hold a steely resolve that can be unnerving, staring down individuals with a commanding presence that speaks volumes without uttering a word. While her regality is undeniable, it is often accompanied by an air of intimidation. Even her walk is anything but delicate, and she often carries herself heavily to the point where the ground caves beneath her hooves, as if she's a predator on the prowl. Truthfully, Ninahta is a force to be reckoned with. She appears like a brick wall, and often, it may seem as if that's exactly what she is. Those that make her smile are few, and those that make her like them are even fewer. Personality: Unbothered || Rational || Unimpressed || Adaptable || Clever || Clear-Headed || Decisive || Blunt; Honest || Resourceful || Respectful To Those That Deserve It || Outspoken; Bold || Snarky || Argumentative If Need Be || Keeps To Self || Casual || Intense || Stern || Reliable || Stubborn Ninahta possesses a complex personality that weaves a tapestry of intriguing qualities. If one thing is for certain, she stands out. Unbothered by what often preoccupies others, she navigates life with a composed demeanor. This unflappable nature allows her to focues on the bigger picture and allows her to have a clear-headed approach to challenges. Unimpressed by superficiality, Ninahta is not easily swayed by grand gestures or empty words. It takes a lot to get her to look your way, let alone give you her time. Not to mention, her adaptability is a key strength, allowing her to navigate diverse situations with ease. She is a fairly resilient mare, in addition to being stubborn. When fueled together, it's nearly impossible to strike Ninahta down and break her spirit. Clever and resourceful, she approaches problems with a keen intellect, always ready to find innovative solutions. Decisiveness is a main trait of her character. She is able to choose options for herself, as well as others easily, picking out which offers the best advantage. In the face of uncertainty, Ninahta remains resolute and unafraid to make tough choices. Her honesty, delivered with a blunt yet respectful tone, sets the stage for clear communication. However, at times, she may come off as rude or cold due to her honesty, as she delivers it no matter who gets hurt. In terms of respect, she reserves it for those who earn it, acknowledging merit and valuing genuine connections. If she believes that others take advantage or do not deserve it, even if higher in the hierarchy than her, she will make her dislike clear. Ninahta does not cave for those that do not deserve it, and will only follow those that do. Again, this is where her stubbornness may come into play. Outspoken and bold, Ninahta doesn't shy away from expressing her opinions. Her snarky sense of humor adds a layer of wit to her interactions, making her a memorable presence in any conversation, and often not in a good way. If the need arises, she can be argumentative, defending her stance with intelligence and conviction. However, Ninahta is not one to seek the spotlight. Instead, she keeps to herself, valuing her personal space and autonomy. In more relaxed settings, she exudes a casual vibe, effortlessly blending into the background until her intense focus is required. Stern when necessary, she can be relied upon in times of need, her stubborn determination ensuring that she sees tasks through to completion. In essence, Ninahta is a complex individual whose unbothered exterior conceals a mind that is sharp, as well as a spirit that is unyielding. Those that encounter her, she is sure to leave a solid impression. Crush: Perhaps Mate: None Foals: None Kin: Open
Edited at January 14, 2024 03:25 PM by Tenebris Umbra

Name:Nisa Age:6 Years Gender:Female/Mare Herd:Cascade Herd Rank:Lead Mare Desired Rank:Content What do they want to do about the other Herd? TBD Appearance: Credit Belongs to CitronVertStock on DA. This is a Stock Image.
Born to the mountains, Nisa is a very short but hardy mare, her stout physique giving her the ability to not only traverse the difficult terrain but also tolerate the severe weather of her natal territory. Standing at barely, on a good day, 14.1 hh isn't really built entirely for speed or strength. She can keep up with the other, taller horses, and her hooves absolutely pack a bunch when you're on the wrong side of them, but she isn't going to be a victor in racing or fighting often. Which leaves the short mare in a precarious position considering she currently lacks a herd to protect her.
The sturdy mare has a denser coat that is shorter in the warmer months and down right fluffy during the cold ones. Her tail is quite long, the tips of it almost reaching down to drag across the ground, whereas her main is a bit shorter, though she has a prominent forelock to it. Her coat is entirely black, with the only exception being the white blaze that takes up have of her face and leads to her pink nose, and the singular white sock she has on her left hind leg. Her hooves are a dark greyish-brown color, and her eyes are a similar color, though darker and richer.
Personality:Indepedent || Stubborn || Fiesty || Maternal || Motherly || Opinionated || Protective ||
Nisa might be a small mare, but don't tell her that, she's got more than enough attitude to make up for her lack of size. The fiesty little mare is opinionated and not afraid to state how she feels, regardless what situation she might be in. It never occurs to her that she might need to hold her tongue to keep herself out of trouble. Now, while she might physically rely on others to protect her, don't think she isn't going to try and handle her own shit. She will kick and bite with the best of them, and use her words to inflict damage when needed. She's a sassy little lass, many assume she's the way she is because she's so short which means she closer to hell.
Now Nisa is quite stubborn, not the type to back down from something if it's what she wants. She is, however, a friendly mare, someone who could be considered social. Conversation comes naturally to the female, something others might take notice of when around her. She will approach others and speak to them openly, able to be quite friendly. She is a spunky mare, but she isn't needlessly aggressive either. She really only becomes that way when threatened or challenged, but at the end of the day Nisa is a more friendly mare than not.
If there is one thing true to Nisa's nature is that she is a very dedicated, attentive, and driven mother. She always puts her foals and yearlings needs and wants above her own, and would happy throw herself in front of danger for them. As long as she stands in the way, no harm will come to her offspring.
Crush:Tene's Boy Mate:The Lead Stallion Foals:Open a Foal, Yearling, Possibly Others. Kin:None. Other: TBA

Name:Neha; Meaning 'Love, Tenderness' Age:7 Years Gender:Mare/Female Herd:Prairie Herd Rank:Herd Mare Desired Rank:Content What do they want to do about the other herd?:TBA Appearance: Credit Belongs to LadyAyslinn on DA. This is a Stock Image.
Being a mare into her prime, Neha is fully grown at 16.2 hh tall, with a lean physique that widens in the months while pregnant. She's a tall mare, her height often causing her to stand over the smaller, stockier mares of the herd, though it's never bothered her. She's an elegant mare with a creamy complexion, her perlino coat a rareity among the variety of bays, chestnuts, blacks, and more. Her hooves are even soft in color, being a mild tan that melds well with the velvety color of her coat.
Along with her pale color. the mare has a few other features such as pink skin on her nose and mouth, as well as can be seen around her eyes. Her points, like the tips of her ears and the points of her legs, are a hair or two more pigmented than the rest of her body. but not enough to be noticable at a glance. Lastly, Neha has a mane and tail that matches her coat color, being pale blonde in color with little pigmentation to it's hair. For her eye color, Neha has hazel colored eyes with brilliant flecks of gold and green mixed in, giving her very bright hazel eyes.
Personality:Docile || Motherly || Patient || Kind || Even Tempered || Relaxed || Quiet || Easy Going || Calm || Friendly || Agreeable || Reasonable || Dependable || Steady || Gracious || Caring || Helpful
Crush:None, Open Mate:None Foals:Open to a Foal and Adult Offspring. Helios is her Yearling Son. Kin:Possibly Open Other: WIP Edited at January 16, 2024 07:06 PM by Imperial Sands