
This is a very relaxed wolf Roleplay about wolves trying to build a pack. Anyone can join, I am new to this too! Minimum 50 words per post. Edited at January 13, 2024 07:03 PM by rustlefernriver

Sign up sheet Name Age Preffered Rank Description Preferences Strengths Weaknesses Other Also, the more you write the more I'll want to accept you! Same roles as the game's. Edited at January 12, 2024 11:09 PM by rustlefernriver

Name Darkstar Age 3 1/2 Preffered Rank Alpha Female Description Big black she-wolf with dark topaz eyes. Leopard spots as well, in silver, and one silver paw. Preferences Likes everything nice and neat. Strengths Very smart, amazing hunter, great hearing Weaknesses Water, friendliness. Other Very grumpy unless she is really friends with you.

Name: Nightfall Age: 4.5 (In dog years) Preferred Rank: Well respectable rank but not the top dog. Description: Mostly all dark grey with hints of darker blacks and silver. Black inner ear fluff and silver tips at the tops of the ears and a oval-shaped silver marking in the middle of her face. Striking blue eyes that flash yellow in the moonlight. Long tail with longer fur at the bottom that fans out a bit and a pretty sleek coat that's short and smooth. She is definitely not the biggest wolf but also isn't the smallest. Longer fur at the bottom of her legs. Also has a dark black nose. Preferences: Doesn't mind being bothered but if you don't listen to her she hates it. Prefers being around the older wolves rather than the younger ones. She likes to swim and loves the night but doesn't care for the sun and the heat. Strengths: Is fast and small enough to fit in small spaces, has good stamina and is a good swimmer and is good at hunting smaller creatures. Weaknesses: Isn't good at one-on-one fights and can be stubborn with those who are younger than her and picks fights easily with those that look down on her. Other Personality: Is humble but also she thinks pretty highly of herself. She has been a great asset to this pack so she thinks it gives her a pretty good ranking among the members. Again likes the wolves her age and who are older than her rather than younger but she never looks down on rank. She's pretty kind to everyone all the same but can make quick responses and be sarcastic at times. (also a bit of a flirt.)

Seostar said: Name: Nightfall Age: 4.5 (In dog years) Preferred Rank: Well respectable rank but not the top dog. Description: Mostly all dark grey with hints of darker blacks and silver. Black inner ear fluff and silver tips at the tops of the ears and a oval-shaped silver marking in the middle of her face. Striking blue eyes that flash yellow in the moonlight. Long tail with longer fur at the bottom that fans out a bit and a pretty sleek coat that's short and smooth. She is definitely not the biggest wolf but also isn't the smallest. Longer fur at the bottom of her legs. Also has a dark black nose. Preferences: Doesn't mind being bothered but if you don't listen to her she hates it. Prefers being around the older wolves rather than the younger ones. She likes to swim and loves the night but doesn't care for the sun and the heat. Strengths: Is fast and small enough to fit in small spaces, has good stamina and is a good swimmer and is good at hunting smaller creatures. Weaknesses: Isn't good at one-on-one fights and can be stubborn with those who are younger than her and picks fights easily with those that look down on her. Other Personality: Is humble but also she thinks pretty highly of herself. She has been a great asset to this pack so she thinks it gives her a pretty good ranking among the members. Again likes the wolves her age and who are older than her rather than younger but she never looks down on rank. She's pretty kind to everyone all the same but can make quick responses and be sarcastic at times. (also a bit of a flirt.)
NIGHTFALL is accepted!

Rules- follow eves, but also, no cussing. I don't need to be grounded. And no controlling other people's characters. Also, I can kick you if I want. Also, 1v1s are understandable, but please don't do pages and pages. Only 3-4 posts then please stop. No post limit for the day, though. Edited at January 16, 2024 03:10 PM by rustlefernriver

Game Moderator Neutral
Fandom names like from warrrior cats are not allowed. Remove and switch that part or this may end up locked. Also no one is allowed to control another player's characters. Edited at January 13, 2024 04:23 PM by Feiella
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Cancelling Roleplay from it being ignored.