
Open! - In the valleys of Oregon there lives a wild herd of mustangs. Their prosperity known for miles around. Not a single member has seen starvation. But, what if it isn't all that it seems? - Please read through everything! Edited at December 2, 2023 11:05 AM by Crazydayz

Plot - This roleplay is centered around a herd of mustangs located in Oregon, America. It contains a morally questionable lead stallion, unseen tension and danger just around the corner. What could ever go wrong! A lot, actually. Many outside stallions have seen this herd and want it for their own reasons. There is also a questionably low number of young stallions leaving the herd, despite the high birth counts. Will you be part of the herd? Or will you be aiming to take it?

RULES!!! - 1. Follow all of Eve's rules! 2. Only mustangs will be accepted for this roleplay. 3. Preferably, have your herd mares be in foal, or already have a foal. 4. In roleplay drama is encouraged, but, please remember to hate the character and not the player! Add the repeated rule number into your other subtley. 5. For this roleplay, all foals will need a caretaker. No orphans please. 6. Be willing to accept that your character may be killed, especially if they're the lead stallion, a bachelor or a yearling male. 6. You may not be mates with your own character or the offspring of your own character. This is to encourage interaction between roleplayers. 7. You may not have more than 2 high roles, and they cannot be in the same group. 8. You may have a maximum of 4 characters at this time. This is subject to change due to demand. I would recomend having 2 characters at least though. 9. I will expect 8 lines of appearance and 8 lines of personality or 10 bullet points. 10. I reserve the right to add more to these rules as I see fit or to deny applications. 11. You may reserve 2 characters at a time, with only one being a high role to prevent role hogging. Reservations last 48 hours. You will get one warning before your application is removed. 12. Please post with 150 words 2x a week. Let me know if you get writer's block. 13. Have fun! Edited at December 2, 2023 08:56 AM by Crazydayz

Role descriptions! - Leilani herd Lead mare - The mare who guides the herd to their feeding grounds and provides structure and order. She deals with any disagreement. The most important role and the true leader. At least, she's meant to be. The mare in this role is usually 7+ years old. Lead stallion - The usual role of the lead stallion is to protect his herd, keep the other stallions in line and to provide the majority of offspring. The current stallion has been making some questionable decisions as of recently though.He tends to be a morally questionable character Recently he has started trying to do a lot of the lead mare's duties. He also may be involved with the young horses that are disappearing... The character in this role is 7+ years old. The heir A role not usually found in herds. The lead stallion has been paying a lot of attention to this stallion in particular who is one of his sons. It seems like he wants him to suceed as lead stallion. Many herd members are unhappy with this. The character in this role is 2-4 years old Herd stallions - Those specially chosen to stay in the herd to assist with protection. They sometimes are allowed to sire foals. Strangely, a good few (not all) of these stallions are the lead stallion's sons... Herd mares - The bulk of the herd. The mares old enough to have foals that have chosen to stay. Yearlings - Horses of over 1 year of age yet under 2 years. A few of these have been disappearing... Foals - Offspring who are under a year of age. They must stay with their mothers at all times. Sired by stallions in the herd. - Non-Herd roles - Bachelors - These are stallions that are older than 2 years of age and have left their herds in hopes of gaining their own. There is one band and a few loners. There is usually a leader of the bands who is the eldest. He can be any age over 6 years. Lone mares - Mares who have left their herd for one reason or another that are in search of a new one to join. Edited at December 8, 2023 03:18 PM by Crazydayz

Roles sheet - Leilani herd Lead mare (1/1) Aditi | 7 | Played by Crazydayz - Lead stallion (0/1) Open - The heir (0/1) Open - Herd stallions (2/3) Open Curse | 4 and a 1/2 | Played by Crimson path Blaze/Glaze | 6 and a 1/2 | Played by Rightwolf - Herd mares (1/?) Open Reserved for Christmas Moon Okala | 4 and a 1/2 | Played by East MountainClan - Yearlings (0/?) Open - Foals (1/?) Open Bluebell | 3 months | Played by Dawnforest Dawn | 4 months | Moonlight Wolf - Outsider roles Bachelor band - Lead bachelor (0/1) Open - Bachelors (0/4) Open Reserved for Christmas moon - Lone bachelors (0/3) Open Lone mares (1/3) Open Sage | 5 | Played by East Mountainclan Edited at December 29, 2023 12:10 PM by Crazydayz

Sign up forum! - Name: Age: Role: Herd: Opinions on the lead stallion: Appearance: Personality: Likes: Dislikes: Foals: Other: Edited at December 3, 2023 10:08 AM by Crazydayz


Of course! Dawnforest said: Can I reserve a foal?

- Name: Curse . Age: 4 and a half . Role: herd stallion . Herd: Leilani . Opinions on the lead stallion: he isnt fond but hes been dealing fine, hes not one to take authority well. . Appearance: (Credits go to Wild Horse Photography sighned by Carol Walker ) Curse sports a flecky, scar scattered roan coat thats quiet dark. His face is dark blue to black with a muscular figure. He stands at 15 hands and around 325 kilograms in weight. Hes a skinneir horse, not grazing as often and always adventuring so he has not got the weight. His mane and tail are tangles, quiet short but good to wip away the flys. His eyes are a soulfull dull brown, a white sock on his back foot that goes to his hock. Hes acheived his scars from sparring and his scar skin and skin under his coat is a dark grey to black. This causes him to overheat a lot. He will usually be covered in dust and dirt, rolling to cool down or damp from dipping in ponds and lakes. . Personality: Curse's personality is something hes still figuring it out. He is not the nicest towards younger and less expreinced herd members and can get snappy with older more experienced leaders. Mares usaully dont take in interest in the quiet introverted male, but hes not an ass. He will help when he can and will always try his hardest. His attitude towards new things like small criters and the unknown can be curious and playful. Rough housing and also chasing or being chased by cats, stray or owned dogs and men on horses of their own. Hes a trouble maker, never getting out of his colt faze quiet. Will always be the first to challenge bachalors, stomping his feet, pinning his ears and squeaking loudly. Hes a fiesty, rowdy stallion trying to work out his life. . Likes: Small animals, carnivore or herbivore Lakes and ponds to cool of in Sparring with other males Running, even for no reason. . Dislikes: Pushy mares and stallions Foals, not fond of kids Droughts Humans, dogs and houses Fires Heights . Other: Curse had 2 brothers that he had to let go as they left the herd at 4 years. Edited at December 3, 2023 10:58 AM by CRIMSON PATH

Name: Bluebell nickname: Blue Age: 3 months gender: female Role: foal Herd: Leilani Opinions on the lead stallion: she doesn't really have an opinion. She stoo young. She mostly believes what the mares say about him. Appearance: Bluebell's main color is a light blue roan color. She has small brown spots covering her soft fur especially around her back. She has four white markings on her long legs of of varying length. the longest on her right foreleg almost halfway to her knee. the shortest on her left a small bit a white just above a lightly striped hoof. Blue also has a white blaze down the middle of her face. Her right eye is a dark blue color. Her mane and tail are each black though looks more dark grey in bright light the hair lightens in color has in lengthens. She has a long forelock for her age. Her main is starting to fall across her neck but is mostly still straight up. She often can be found with bits of grass stuck in her main from playing with an occasional flower or feather poking out. Personality: Blue is an energetic filly. She loves to play and explore and has almost endless energy. She is very friendly and playful towards other foals, but is shy and quiet around the adults especially the ones she doesn't know very well. She likes competitions especially running races mostly because she is good at running. She is a courious filly and loves to learn and explore the very few chances she gets. Sometimes she tries to explore away from her mother to explore the world outside of the herd but isn't very good at sneaking away. She likes trying new things it being swimming or a new food. She is impatient and gets bored easily and ofton. She likes when the herd travels to new spots. Especially when she gets to see new things. Likes: flowers, feathers, birds, competitions. Dislikes: loud noises, storms, lots of rain Mother: aditi other family: open. Other: 6 Edited at December 5, 2023 02:56 PM by Dawnforest