
Once, there was a group of dragon-wolf hybrids, Dralfs, who lived in the mountains out of sight of humans. Then, one of the Dralfs dies mid-flight, over the human village during a mandatory territory scouting. The humans came spilling up the mountain in order to kill the Dralfs. Some managed to escape, and the remaining Dralfs stayed well out of sight. Then, the treaty came along. The treaty proposed an alliance between the Dralfs, Elves, Humans, Dragons, and Wolves. The Dralfs didn't want to sign, because they thought it was suspicious. They stayed hidden, and soon they got written out of the treaty. Years and years later, their population started to grow again. Now, they wanted to make their presence known. All 4 tribes had different ideas. The Shadowshard tribe wanted to swoop in at night and murder some humans, The Sunshard tribe wanted to do it during the day, The Moonshard tribe wanted to stay hidden, And the Volcanshard tribe wanted to ask to sign the treaty. . Winter, the Queen of the Shadowshard tribe didn't want to murder anyone, so secretly, her mate, the King, killed her. Now, her ghost is hanging around the island that the Dralfs live on, haunting all the Dralfs who want to kill humans. Her revenge? She curses any Dralf who is loyal to her ex-mate, the King of the Shadowshard tribe. What she doesn't know is that she took 1,000 years to come back to the island, and now, she's cursing innocent Dralfs. . . . What happens is up to the next generation of Dralfs, Elves, Humans, Dragons, and Wolves. Edited at September 21, 2023 02:20 PM by Howling to the moon

The Dralfs: Powers: Shadowshard: They can turn invisible, and instead of fire, they breathe a smokey powder that makes you blind, deaf, mute, and disoriented for 35 minutes. Sunshard: They can slightly change the amount of sun, their scales are extremely warm, and instead of fire, they can summon some vines that heal you. Moonshard: They can shift the shadows, and instead of fire, they control rocks and can fling the rocks from their tails. Volcanshard: They can control fire, and instead of breathing fire, their claws, back, and tail spikes are all made of fire. Features: All of them are different. Ask me for specifics. Age Range: 0-500 General: They all have golden-yellow eyes and spikes on their head, back, tail, and some on their legs. Weaknesses: Water. All of them are susceptible. Ranks: Titan. Only one. Not from any one of the tribes, but all of them. Most powerful of all Dralfs. Keeps the peace, can never start the fight. (Played by me.) King. One. Leader of one tribe. Queen. One. Helps the King. Leader of the Mothers/Fathers and Hatchlings. Heir(s). Up to 4 (Kids of the King and Queen.) Royal Guards. Up to 12. They protect the palace, King, Queen, and Heirs. Lead Hunter. Up to 2. They control the two hunting teams (5 in each). Their word is valid to the hunters. Hunters. Up to 10. They hunt for food and scout the area. Mothers/Fathers. Unlimited. They breed. Nothing else. Hatchlings. Up to 6. (Ages 0-80) They go to school and train. The Humans: Powers: None. Abilities: They can forge weapons Features: Normal humans... Age Range: 0-75 General: They're just... Normal humans. At least, some of them. A very select few have magic. Weaknesses: Dying Ranks: King. One. Leader of one tribe. Queen. One. Helps the King. Leader of the Mothers/Fathers and Hatchlings. Heir(s). Up to 4 (Kids of the King and Queen.) Royal Guards. Up to 12. They protect the palace, King, Queen, and Heirs. Lead Hunter. Up to 2. They control the two hunting teams (5 in each). Their word is valid to the hunters. Hunters. Up to 10. They hunt for food and scout the area. Mothers/Fathers. Unlimited. They breed. Nothing else. Kids. Up to 8. 0-13. They go to school. Once they turn 14, they take a test that gives them a job. The Elves: Powers: They all can play music to make creatures fall asleep. Abilities: They can fly, but not for a long time. Some have magic, too. Features: Pointed ears, small (1-4 feet tall), and willowy. Age Range: 0-150 General: They all can speak in animal languages. Weaknesses: Fire Ranks: King. One. Leader of one tribe. Queen. One. Helps the King. Leader of the Mothers/Fathers and Hatchlings. Heir(s). Up to 4 (Kids of the King and Queen.) Royal Guards. Up to 12. They protect the palace, King, Queen, and Heirs. Lead Gatherers. Up to 2. They control the two hunting teams (5 in each). Their word is valid to the hunters. Gatherer. Up to 10. They gather food and scout the area. Mothers/Fathers. Unlimited. They look over the kids and make them. Kids. (0-18) They go to school, train their magic, and then choose a job at 19. All jobs start once they are 20.

Form: Player name Character name: Age: Race: Gender + Pronouns: Detailed desc. of your character: Likes: Dislikes: Other:

Rules: 1. You may only play as many characters as you can handle 2. You can reserve a slot, but only for 24 hours 3. Have fun! 4. Be respectful 5. I have the right to reject your form (But I'll tell you why) 6. My sibling or I can accept/decline your form (My sibling is Howling on the cliff) 7. Add your favorite color in other so I know you read all the rules 8. Write as much as you can. All I require is at least 5 sentences. If you write less, it's for dialogue or you're waiting for someone else's response. 9. No god-moding. (AKA: Don't make the other character do things.) 10. Ask another player before hurting/killing/mating with their character 11. No images please Edited at October 17, 2023 01:51 PM by Howling to the moon

Roles......Person.......Character Name.......Gender/pronouns Dralfs Titan: Played by Howling to the Moon | Hawk | Male (H/H) King: Queen: Heir(s): One heir reserved for Sunshard (Star Tha AOD) Royal Guards: Lead : Hunters: Mothers/Fathers: Kids: Humans King: Queen: Heir(s): Royal Guards: Lead : Hunters: Mothers/Fathers: Kids: Elves King: Queen: Heir(s): Royal Guards: Lead : Hunters: Mothers/Fathers: Kids: Edited at October 17, 2023 01:55 PM by Howling to the moon

(The form is just the minimum of what you can do.) Player name: Howling to the moon Character name: Hawk Age: 286 Race: Dralf Gender + Pronouns: Male (H/H) Desc. of your character: I'm not going to add this because I'm the creator, and I know what I look like. Likes: Hawk loves to bird-watch, hence his name. He will often go outside and sit there for hours, watching for birds. Dislikes: Hawk hates the humans. He hates them because they'll shoot the birds to eat. Other: This is my form, not an example form. I only made it this short because you aren't supposed to know much about the Titan. Please make your forms longer than this. Thank you.

Player name: Whispering Rain (Rain) Character name: Ashbyra (AshbEEra) or Ash Age: 153 Race: Dralf, Volcanshard Gender + Pronouns: female, she/her Detailed desc. of your character: She is very beautiful, long bodied and tailed, deep red on belly fading to deep purple on back. Flame spikes purple. Long, elegant horns and snout. Likes: reading, seclusion, food, rain Dislikes: public gatherings (though she can never seem to avoid them) humans (she is afraid of them after they killed her sister and held her hostage for a half a year) Other: She is a princess of Volcanshards, she has a braclet-like scar on her back left ankle from being chained by humans when she was very young. Has a not-so-secret admirer from Moonshard. she is friends with the prince, but not in love

Player name: Whispering Rain (Rain) Character name: Ashbyra (AshbEEra) or Ash Age: 153 Race: Dralf, Volcanshard Gender + Pronouns: female, she/her Detailed desc. of your character: She is very beautiful, long bodied and tailed, deep red on belly fading to deep purple on back. Flame spikes purple. Long, elegant horns and snout. Likes: reading, seclusion, food, rain Dislikes: public gatherings (though she can never seem to avoid them) humans (she is afraid of them after they killed her sister and held her hostage for a half a year) Relationships: Moonshard prince: friends to lovers relationship open! Other: She is a princess of Volcanshards, she has a braclet-like scar on her back left ankle from being chained by humans when she was very young. Has a not-so-secret admirer from Moonshard. she is friends with the prince, but not in love Edited at December 23, 2023 04:40 PM by Whispering Snow

Hey there Rain ^^ Accepted!

Player name: Rushonbull (Midnight Blood) Character name: Wind Age: 14 Race: Dralf or human Gender + Pronouns: girl, she, her Detailed desc. of your character: mistevous. likes to get into truble (if human then she hasn't taken test and is avoding it) Likes: if there are more caricters who are mistvous she has a slight likeing to them Dislikes: anyone who is going to stop her doing what she wants to Other: she has learned to be a good fighter from having to excape places (jail if there is a jail, and fighting guards)