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# Of Withdrawals On WP:
Name:Alexander 'Lex' Harper-Cortez
Lex is around 5'9-5'11. He says he doesn't really keep track, but he's lying. He has a thing about his height. He has dark skin with freckles absolutely everywhere, as a result of working out in the sun for hours upon hours every weekend. His eyes are warm hazel, and they always seem to be judging you, whether or not he actually is. To be fair, he probably is judging you, but he would never say it. He has curly dark brown hair that is almost impossible to keep in check, and so it is usually slicked back on the sides with "a little bit of poof" on the top, as Lex likes to say. He usually wears a T-shirt that has something to do with music, whether it be a shirt with some band on it or just a plain black tee with a musical note on it. He pairs his shirts with jeans (usually with holes and rips in them. Strategically placed by Lex himself, of course.) of any color, whether it be dark black or neon pink. He also usually has his nails painted, though only ever black or white
Lex is, by no means, an open person. He isn't exactly friendly, either, and instead is polite but aloof to those he doesn't know. He's got friends, after all, so he doesn't see why he should make any new ones just to have a chance of being totally rejected. Even if he does know somebody, he has a tendency to be shut-off about his thoughts and emotions. He'd much prefer to talk about their own. Because he keeps his thoughts (and pretty much everything else) bottled up, there are times when everything spills over and causes him to overreact to very little things. These episodes have caused him to retreat into himself even more. Along with being closed off, Lex is awfully good at keeping secrets. He can also lie himself out of most situations, due to his way with words. He isn't manipulative or power-hungry, so he does his best to use his lying ability only when necessary, but he can't help but say offhanded things to benefit him here and there.