Deep within the unforgiving forests of the unnamed land, few dare to tread. The bitter cold and the threat of frostbite are but the least of its perils. In the early 1800s, however, a bold group of men sought to conquer this wilderness, believing they could harness its creatures to advance human progress. What they discovered shattered their ambitions—and their lives.
Deep within the unforgiving forests of the unnamed land, few dare to tread. The bitter cold and the threat of frostbite are but the least of its perils. In the early 1800s, however, a bold group of men sought to conquer this wilderness, believing they could harness its creatures to advance human progress. What they discovered shattered their ambitions—and their lives.
What appeared to be ordinary wolves, wildcats, and other native animals were anything but. These beasts possessed devastating powers: some could summon flames that reduced humans to ash, while others wielded frost capable of freezing prey in an instant. Some of which looked otherworldly. The forest seemed alive with vengeful magic, as if nature itself had risen against humanity. None of the explorers survived to tell their story, and their disappearance became a chilling warning: fear the unknown.
By the mid-1900s, humans were the least of the forest’s concerns. What was once a harmonious mega-pack of powerful creatures had fractured into four distinct groups, divided by clashes of ideology and ambition. The rebellion began with one—a cunning leader who spread his vision like a plague, coercing others with manipulation and threats. His faction launched the first attack, seeking dominion over all.
What followed was a catastrophic war. Former allies turned against one another, each faction striving to impose its own vision of harmony and order. The forest, once united, became a battleground of clashing beliefs and relentless power struggles.
The four clans:
1st clan: a clan of honor whose biggest virtue is respect. Their hierarchy is the strongest of the four clans, every clan member knowing their rightful place and never doubting it.
2nd clan: a clan whose biggest strength is the water, strong swimmers and skilled fishers. This clan is the most empathetic and will avoid fighting as they believe peace and harmony will only be found through compassion. They often are the fist to take in those in need
3rd clan: this clan is the most spiritual, often believing everything that happens happens for a reason that is higher than them. they often have rituals for things such as ranking up, aging, and weather.
4th clan: The most isolated clan with little hierarchy besides their one dictator-like leader. Each member follows this leader, either out of fear or agreement, among other reasons.
Extra info:
-The clans are composed of all animals/creatures created to your hearts desire
-Those that inhabit these lands were born with special powers
-They used to never be separated, only separating as of the past few generations. Some of the eldest members may still remember the time they all lived in harmony.
-They used to never be separated, only separating as of the past few generations. Some of the eldest members may still remember the time they all lived in harmony.
-The fourth clan was the first to attack, their leader believing the correct way to lead was through fear. They want to overtake the entire lands for themselves
-The first clan believed they were wrong, and that they should lead by example and respect one another
-The second clan believed there should be no leaders, only be leaders within themselves and showing kindness and compassion to everyone.
-The third clan believed the spirits are what guides them, believing leaders should be chosen by the spirits and no one shall oppose that.
This is just a super rough outline i had been sitting on for a bit, been thinking about bringing it to life ! Let me know what you think and if i should add/remove anything