
Characters: Mocha and Hunger Plot: Plot A

is there anything else we should go over? :D

No.....Unless of course u think so

I'm ready to start!! do you wanna start or me?

you can ps: 

Dorothy, Mocha's owner, set a newspaper on the dining room table, holding her coffee with her right hand. She towered over the table, looking down at the paper and muttering the headline "4th Wolf Sighting in A Week, Reported by Local." Mocha, who was laying in the living room at the end of the couch, perked her ears and lifted her head in the direction of Dorothy. "Wow, I hope one doesn't come near any of the kids..." Mocha whispered to herself, referencing to the children she oftently visits at the local school. She didn't exactly have a bias against wolves but knew how they could be towards humans. Mocha has never seen one, personally, she has only ever heard stories of sightings and warnings from her parents. Her father even would tell scary stories of wolves- but she paid no attention towards it, she knew they were just that, scary stories. Mocha always tried her best to be unjudgmental. . Mocha then stood up, the collars on her tags jingling. She wore a bright pink leather collar with a silver tag in the shape of a heart, 'Mocha' embedded into it. She walked towards the sliding door that separated her from the wilderness, there was a small clear area for Mocha, but other than that it was a straight shot into the woods and mountains of Montana. Luckily, her owner trusted her enough to not bolt away. She was trained not to, anyways. Mocha then began wining, looking over to Dorothy and giving her puppy-dog eyes. Dorothy set down her coffee and walked towards Mocha, putting her hand on the handle "Go ahead" she said, then opened the door. Mocha carefully set out, sniffing the morning breeze and wagging her tail. "I love you, mornings." Mocha whispered to herself. Edited at October 29, 2022 10:54 PM by crystalhowl

Hunger was...well....hungry. He looked left and scented the air. ELK! he thought as he padded west. He scrambled down the mountain side, scenting the ground every once and a while. He turned sharply north, having smelled a new scent. It was so fresh, that his mouth watered at the thought of eating....what ever it was. He stopped in his tracks. He stood in front of a tall building....well behind. He looked into the short, cut grass in front of him. He saw a large furry creature pad past his hiding spot. As the thing passed he pounced. He landed on the creatures side, blowing it down. He smelt something, and saw something, different now. She smelt, looked, and acted like a SHE-WOLF! He got off her side, but kept one paw held on her head. "WHAT ARE YOU??!!" he growled at the creature.


AD(sry) plz check out my sign up and rp for east winds blow north

it's fine!! dont worry about short responses, I like being extra and making my replies long LOL. btw, is the animal he pounces Mocha?? just making sure// TheWestWinds said: sry it so small