
I've been feeling violently disconnected from a lot of my characters recently, so I'm gonna toss my TH in here, in hopes that with some questions I can reconnect with them :D . Please don't ask anything against WP rules, obviously XD Try not to repeat questions, but I understand, it happens I'd prefer questions for my human characters, cause for the most part, I don't care about any feral ones I have . So, without further ado, my TH

Any: if you could vacation anywhere, where would it be? Also, who would you take with you? - Darcy: Which of the many accessories is the one most special to you?
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Does Tea fancy drinking tea? :0

Definitely going back to Italy. Good memories there, and lots of amazing things that came out of it. Plus, the architecture is just stunning, and really makes you think about your place in the universe. - That's a tough one, because they cycle so much, to be honest, and most of them don't have a lot of sentimental value. However, I do have a pretty simple one with a little bow charm that was given to me by someone very special, to remind me of happier times! Zeraphia said: Any: if you could vacation anywhere, where would it be? Also, who would you take with you? - Darcy: Which of the many accessories is the one most special to you?

Tipper Where in the town is your favorite to visit?
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I'm actually not looking for questions to the feral characters right now :3 Graywing said: Tipper Where in the town is your favorite to visit?

Bodhi: What is the moment that really changed your life? - Dylan: Your favorite style of music?
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Bodhi Why did you get a bird tatto?
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Probably when I fell in love for the first time. It really gave my life direction and purpose. Even though we never speak now, she changed my life in ways that I never could've imagined. - That's a real toughie, but probably any song that pumps you up. For me, that's hard rock, like Led Zeppelin. But any good baseball player needs a walk-up song, and mine is Humble by Kendric Lamar. Zeraphia said: Bodhi: What is the moment that really changed your life? - Dylan: Your favorite style of music?

I got it to commemorate some of the darker times in my life. It serves as a reminder that times can change, and that you are stronger than you feel. -Bodhi Graywing said: Bodhi Why did you get a bird tatto?