
- Left in the Dust - - - Contents - - Plot - 1 - Rules - 2 - Character Info - 3 - Rankings - 4 - Sign up Form - 5 - Edited at June 7, 2024 01:06 PM by SwiftfireClan

- Plot - The world is falling... crumbling down on the wild wolf packs that live in the remote forests. Toxic acid has poluted the air and has made animals change... shift. They become new, different than the rest. They shapeshift into others and destroy. Chaos will rule the world. Three packs have united and have become allies, protectors of eachother against the rabid ones as they hope they will stand stronger than the cruel and changed ones. Will you be a protector of the ones you love? Or will you destroy them and go truly wild? Edited at June 18, 2024 11:00 AM by SwiftfireClan

- Rules - - 1. Follow the Roleplay rules already created by Eve (Sixbears). - 2. You can play no more than three characters, and not all of them are going to be one role in particular. Please give people a chance to pick what roles they want. - 3. LGBTQ is allowed. - 4. Don't be a bad sport if you're sign-up sheet is declined. - 5. Please be active. Two or more posts a week. - 6. Don't hate the player, hate the character. Arguments between characters are allowed, though. - 7. If the sign-up sheet is a work-in-progress (WIP), mark it as that so that I know if it's done or not. - 8. Only you can enter your sign-up sheet. No one else can do it unless it's their character. - 9. Reservations last 36 hours. - 10. The only animals you can shift into besidesa wolf are: Foxes, Rogue Cats, and Humans. ONLY PICK ONE. - Edited at June 12, 2024 08:19 AM by SwiftfireClan

- Characer Info - - Alphas: Leaders and commanders of the tribe. There two, male and female. Together they keep the pack in order. Male and female are mates. - Betas: Second in command and teach certain trainees how to hunt. Both male and female act as guards to the alphas and the camp. Male and female are mates. - Zeta: There are two zetas. They teach certain trainees to fight. They are the ones with the most scars. Male and Female are mates. - Healers: Take care of the sick, dying, or hurt members of the Pack. They teach certain trainees about the ways of the medicine world. Are forbidden to have mates. - Fighters: Protect the pack from possible danger like badgers or humans. They are the ones that shift the most to avoid anything dangerous. - Hunters: Provide food for the pack. They shift if nessesary and dont fight that much. They are trained to fight, but most likely wont have to. - Trainees: Are taught when they are between 1 and 2 years of age. They choose what they want to train in. - Mothers and pups: The new life of the pack. Mother care for all pups (Even if they are not hers) while they are under 1 year. When pups are 1 year old, they become trainees. - Edited at June 7, 2024 12:50 PM by SwiftfireClan

- Rankings - - Myst Pack - - Alpha Male: (0/1) - Alpha Female: (0/1) - Beta Male: (0/1) - Beta Female: (0/1) - Zeta Male: (0/1) - Zeta Female: (0/1) - Healers: (1/3) - Nightshade - Female - (The Nightshades) - - - Fighters: (0/4) - - - - Hunters: (0/4) - - - - Trainees: (1/3) - RESERVED FOR ME - - Mothers: (1/2) - Gardenia - Female - (Ludicrous Hills) - - Pups: (0/4) - - - - - Crater Pack - - Alpha Male: (0/1) - Alpha Female: (0/1) - Beta Male: CLOSED - Kasjan - Trans Male (Bisexual) - (Played by Ludicrous Hills - Beta Male (Should be compatible): (0/1) - Zeta Male: CLOSED - Spirit - Male - (Played by SwiftfireClan) - Zeta Female: (0/1) - Healers: (0/3) - - - Fighters: (0/4) - - - - Hunters: (0/4) - - - - Trainees: (0/3) - - Mothers: (0/2) - - Pups: LOCKED UNTIL ATLEAST ONE MOTHER IS TAKEN - - - - - Olympus Pack - - Alpha Male: (0/1) - Alpha Female: (0/1) - Beta Male: (0/1) - Beta Female: (0/1) - Zeta Male: (0/1) - Zeta Female: (0/1) - Healers: (1/3) - Nightingale - Female -(Played by Bobcat) - - - Fighters: (0/4) - - - - Hunters: (0/4) - - - - Trainees: (0/3) - - Mothers: (0/2) - - Pups: LOCKED UNTIL ATLEAST ONE MOTHER IS TAKEN - - - - - Loners - Rabids: (1/5) - Axel - Male (Pansexual) - (Played by Ghosts of Glory) - - - - - Rogue Cats: (0/3) - - - Foxes: (0/2) - - Edited at June 23, 2024 10:06 AM by SwiftfireClan

- Sign up form - Name: - Name Pronunciation (If needed): - Age: - Gender: - Pronouns: - Sexuality: - Rank and Pack: - Personality: - Appearance (If you can give players an image of the wolf, that'd be great, but it's not required): - Strengths: - Weaknesses: - Affiliations: - Other: Edited at June 7, 2024 01:05 PM by SwiftfireClan

Edited at June 7, 2024 01:07 PM by SwiftfireClan

Res Olimpic healer. Just need to combine 2 OCs real quick. Edited at June 7, 2024 01:12 PM by Bobcat

Reserving! Lasts 36 hours Bobcat said: Res Olimpic healer

Name: Nightingale Age: 4 Gender: Female Pronouns: She/Her, but is okay with they/them if you forget Sexuality: Straight Rank and Pack: Olimpic healer Personality: This loyal wolf is brave and proud. As Healer, she keep in touch with her pack and her Alpha. A sweet she wolf with a forgiving spirit. Her punishment are light when she gives them at all. This only occurs if a wolf brecks into the med den. On the other paws, cunning and dominace will be aserted on the wolf in they breck a major rule or disobay the Alpha. Appearance (If you can give players an image of the wolf, that'd be great, but it's not required): A large female wolf with a muscular frame and dark blue eyes. Her fur is dark gray with black paws and a thin scar through her left eye. Luckly she retaned her sight in that eye. Nochted ears are from various fights with prey and other wolves. A lighter belly and tail tip finish the look. - Shifted form Creits: Distant-lands for line work. Me for coloring. A lean she-cat with short fur that defines her muscles well. She has light gray fur with darker gray tabby stripes. She has one blue eye and one green eye. Her fur also seems to have a blue-ish hue. Strengths: Healing(DUH!) Growing plants She is bouncey doggie Flexible with times Keeps others on track. Weaknesses: Too caring Wolf ADHD inatentive type Sometimes acts like a pup Affiliations: Open Weird Quircks: Sticks out tougne when working Zones out Other: Shift in to others? Edited at June 7, 2024 03:05 PM by Bobcat