∋ :Lilith Rowan Sawyer: ∈ " Finder's keepers, " °Nickname Lili / Lilly °Theme Song Boss Bitch - by Doja Cat  °Gender Feminine °Sexuality Demiromantic °Age 23 years °Birthstone Zircon, December 27th °Ethnicity Distant Pacific Islander  °Appearance Lilith has a distinct look to her, with a diamond-shaped face and a scarcely noticeable delicate jawline. With high cheekbones and a straight-edged shaped nose, one could describe Lilith's appearance as a somewhat elegant yet deadly feature to it, much like her name. Arched eyebrows help frame her almond eyes that hold lengthy dark lashes that mildly curl upward. Her iris carries a very distinct shade. In all reality, they're a deep-sea blue with a few mixed hazelnut streaks that give off the illusion of a dark lilac or mixed violets. Her lips are a shade of a semi-light hue. Shaped with a cupids bow upper-lip with a natural lined curve down to her plump lower lip. When these lips part open, they reveal pearly teeth; yet they aren't perfect like many would prefer. A pair of fangs are replaced as the 5th tooth, counting from the middle. This includes both her upper and lower teeth. Her molars are just coming in, now filling the small gaps that used to take place between her teeth. These molars are extraordinarily sharp, along with most of her back teeth. This is because she grinds her teeth in her sleep, common amongst some people. Framing her unique features is naturally thick dark espresso hair that would fall down to her upper waist if she didn't always tie it into a french braid. Her collarbone is strong and often reveals itself quite boldly is shown bare. Her shoulders are on the broader side, due to immense upper-arm strength, but they don't show through as much. Due to using her core muscles, Lilith has developed a faint pair of abdominal muscles. Puberty never really had much of an effect on her, as her bust is not nearly as "bloated" as other women her age. Her hips are extended, giving her the pear-shaped look instead of an hour-glass one. Even if heavily cloaked, Lilith's feminine features would still show through, giving her slimmer and curvier build than a man. Standing at 5'7, she holds a dominant yet relaxed posture. Naturally, she holds her chin up and presents herself with a respectable aura. Her ears are on the smaller side, shaped into a pointy position that folds back nearly flat against the side of her head. Her skin is a strong ivory hue, with a faint hint of Pacific Islander-golden. A tad paler than sun-kissed tan. Her hands have a strong grip, accompanying her upper arm strength, allowing her to have a well-climbing structure. The palms of her hands are rougher than the smoother skin the runs along her face. A small distinctive birthmark is placed on the edge of her right eye. Roughly shaped like a stormy cloud, yet appears more like a blotch from far away. °Personality Lilith has a very distinct attitude. An extremely bold and risk-taking being that will always be entertaining to watch. Some resemble her as a peacock at times, because she tends to flaunt and strut her stuff when she wants. She speaks what's on her mind, not afraid of the consequences. Her humor is more so on the dark side, but she finds these jokes easier to tell; easier to make others laugh. Some may define her as an uncontrollable human being, that has no limit to her actions. Which is true. Being bold has its casualties, though. She thrives on gambling and placing bets. Only when she's certain she knows the truth, but she's no fortune teller. Truly, this woman has no cap on her bottle. If you play any beat or music that's catchy, she's going to give you an entertaining dance; mainly made of bobs and struts. Lilith is one to attach to others overnight. She gets comfortable another if they prove to be trustworthy over-night. She prefers animals over humans, mainly because they're easier to be around. When she falls for someone, she falls hard. She'll try many things such as; sticking around them, distancing herself from them, or absolutely smothering them with love. < That part usually is the one that has an animal as her interest. If some animal is deemed cute by her, she will cuddle it til' the end of her days. It comes to the point of obsession at times and becomes very unhealthy. She's one to break under peer pressure or not know a bad relationship when she's in one. She's definitely not one to follow others, though. If the trouble is a calling, she is attracted to it like a magnet. She's one to snatch vulnerable situations before others get the chance to. She has skin of steel, meaning that mere words won't pierce it. Initially, Lilith suffered from schizophrenia but has learned over the years to somewhat control it. At times, when being alone with her thoughts, it'll mildly peer through. But once distracted, it almost never seems to bother her as much as it did before. Over the years of having this, Lilith has learned to realize what's real and what's fake. To an extent. If provoked, Lilith will reak havoc upon the one who did so.  °Profession Reining °Strengths + Due to experience in the equine sport; Reining, she is in very well shape. Her core, hamstrings, and arms are all worked whilst participating in the event. Her reflexes are quick and snappy, due to having to make jerky movements within short time spans. + Lilith has a vast knowledge of both Equine & Bovine animals. She knows a large number of their behaviors, sicknesses, and so on. + Endurance is one of the most favorable strengths. Lilith has abnormally well endurance length, nothing extremely special, but something that has proved to help in the past. + Aware of her surroundings, almost always wary of what situation she is in. + Mathematics is one of the courses she does very well in °Weaknesses - Easy to distract! "Curiosity kills the cat" is the very definition of this negative trait. - Uncommonly uses proper English, often she will slur her words or use slang instead. - Easy to provoke - High level of sympathy for animals, but still eats them; because they taste so damn good - Succumbs to peer pressure - Schizophrenia  °Likes Sweet foods, yet nothing over the top Light & fluffy pastries Mild spice The rush of adrenaline Animals Horse-back riding Showing off Making others laugh Asparagus Coconut °Dislikes Overly-sugary foods Tarty/sour tastes Making a joke that no one finds funny Dragging on jokes Extreme spice Debbie downers Spiders Being cooped up Being restrained Looked down upon Treated as a child Stereotypes Will add on more...  °Family Guinevere Sawyer : 19-year-old younger sister Liam Saywer : 9-year-old younger brother Lee Saywer : 46-year-old father Mavis Saywer : 44-year-old mother °Companions Stardust Envy - Appendix Quarterhorse Brutus - German Shepherd x Great Pyrenees Header: Snow-arrows @ da Divider: Aracollie @ da |