
- people and who they are - dark: me death: revenge Light: gaurdian hope fire: secret of the cats - posting - i warn you, i am not a scedualed person... and some times i can write a whole paragraph/story other times its like "ok" so yea... - rules - follow eves rules - other - only post if you are listed, if i have approved you and you still arent in within a day and im online, shoot me a pm! Edited at November 22, 2021 11:18 PM by stuffy the crow

liko sighed and looked at her house "i need to clean... oh well."


Which element were you?))


Erm, not to be an idiot but how do we sign up?))

Is in the begining of the first post when you click that like read the entire first post Lupus Pack said: Erm, not to be an idiot but how do we sign up?))

Oh, ok. I totally knew that R A N B O O said: Is in the begining of the first post when you click that like read the entire first post Lupus Pack said: Erm, not to be an idiot but how do we sign up?))
Edited at December 13, 2021 11:47 AM by Lupus Pack


liko sighed and looked at her house "i need to clean... oh well."