
This is how we are going to set this up. So we know who each other is we will put: Name/Rank/Mention:whoever Ex: Starfire/FH(Fearless Helper) Alpha/M:Dusk ok? Let’s begin! Rules: -Respect everyone’s character meaning no killing someone else’s character without their permission. -Post once a week -Keep up the plot, if you are confused, PM me. Edited at August 27, 2020 06:37 PM by Fangsoffire
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yay :D I dont want to start though until some other people come

mary/FH/ warrior/??? Mary walked through the bushes, them scraping aganst her legs. she sat down and sighed.

Starfire/FH/Alpha/M:Hunters, FH Starfire ran through the forest, the hunters hot on his tail. Turning invisible just so they could pass him, he did his special thing. He turned so only his skeleton showed and gave a bellowing roar. They turned and were frightened, He could see it in there eyes. He bellowed again and they ran. He then gave the howls to the others to begin the stealth rescue.
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mary/FH/??? Mary heard the roar, and ran its way. when she saw starfire, she ran up next to her. " hey, i saw hunters on your trail. you ok?" Edited at August 18, 2020 07:24 PM by galaxytails

Void//FH Beta// Mentions Starfire Void dropped out of a tree nearby in her human form and ran over "Starfire, are you ok? Did they follow you? Should I go deal with them?" She said this in a very monotone voice and during the last sentence her eyes flashed purple.

SunBurn//RS//M: Void, Starfire, Mary SunBurn was running along just outside of the forest when he heard the tummy shaking roar(XD, sorry, I had to). Startled, he caustiously made his way over, turning himself invisible as he did so.

Fae//FH//Female//M: Starfire, Void, Fae heard the sound while she was trying to catch a bird. It flew away and she almost fell from the tree. What was it? the answer came a minute later. Right. With a low hiss she wondered if she shouldn't go human, then pulled her concealment back on and ran through the branches on all fours. When Fae reached Starfire some of the others were already there. She wondered if she should let them know of her, then she saw her. She saw her eyes flare to purple as she made her offer and her fur rose on its own. No, no, no, she would stay hidden. Come on, Fae, they're with you, now. And Starfire trusts each of them... right? With a deep breath, Fae let her power go and let out a loud mew, her fur still not quite flat and muscles ready to run.

Void//FH Beta//Female//Mentions Fae, SunBurn Voids eyes darted to Fae when she mewed her hand became that of her monster form before she realised who it was. It quickly transformed back into her normal human form but kept watching Fae. Void was on edge, she felt like there was another person nearby but she couldn't be sure.

Starfire/FH/Alpha/M:FH, Sunburn Starfire looked around at his fellow helpers. “I’m fine, we have to get moving though. I scared the hunters away from the south border of the base so it’s open for the time being.” He shifted into his human form so he could do a head count. “ Okay, we are missing a few people but that’s okay.” Shifting back into his wolf form, he lead the way towards the hunters base, “Let’s go.”
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