
Hello! Welcome! Please do not post unless you are a part of the role play! Anyone whose character has been accepted are able to post here, I ask you ignore someone if they are not a character in our role play! And race! How we are starting: All the dogs are in a barn. They are separated based on teams. Mushers are finishing signing up for the race. They have food, water, and warm bedding. The mushers have implied to rest. Edited at April 20, 2023 08:27 PM by Spider Bat


Current Drama Point: At the first checkpoint the Darkshade musher decides to sabatoge the Frozen root's rope which keeps the dogs attached to the sled. They make a small cut in it assuming the rope would just simply break, and the dogs would keep running without the sled and musher but, when the team is nearing the next check point a mild snow storm hits and vison is limited. A bob cat appears from nowhere causing the musher to call for a sharp turn but the rope snaps as they turn causing the sled to fly into a pile of snow and the dogs to get thrown into a bush while still tied together. Over some time the team Tundra's Paws pass, do they help?

Posting Length: Post as long as you want as long as it is 3+ sentences! This is designed for people to role-play even if they don't type that much.

The Darkshade Musher Milani - Nux Lead Dogs Phoenix - Dove Skull Banshee - iArema Swings Zian - Pixie Kit Cheif - Bloodshed Teams Solstice - iArema Hunter - Howling on the cliff Holly - Howling on the cliff Timber - Howling on the cliff Wheels Morpheus - The Song of Achilles Rosemar - Spider Bat Tundra’s Paws Musher Yéil Khyda - FangsOfFire Lead Dogs Kani - Nux Dakoda - Fallen Comet Swings Hailstorm - Le Stalk Yekaterina - Spellbound Team: Paylor - Venus Hill Arthur - The Local Southerner Ash - FangsOfFire Nova - Catori Moon Pack Wheels Nero - Opal Fruits Estelle - iArema Frozen Roots Musher Felix - Opal Fruits Lead Dogs Eska - Spider Bat Jasmine - Pixie Kit Swings Quilo - iArema Saynaara - Vispen Team: Laika - SilverMountain Lime - Aspen's Quake Eos - CozyQuill Azar - CozyQuill Wheel: Riddik - Sun down peaks Bayani - Kilig

Eos and Azar laid beside each other, with Eos being asleep and her brother watching his surroundings as he quietly nibbled on a bone someone had given to him. He was stretched out on the floor, opting to avoid the bedding around, and his tail wagged slightly in his content to be in his own world.

[Eska paced next to the fence. A chill ran down her spine thinking about what could go wrong. She glanced up to see the door to the barn wide open letting the cold breeze wander in. Eska's eyes wandered from the door over to where Rosemar was lying with her team, she knew that the other dog was up to something. Rosemar was always up to something. Ever since the day they met on the track after both being adopted in Rosemar had hated her. Eska knew to not let Rosemar get to her but the feeling lingered as she walked back over and laid in some of the bedding.]

[Rosemar grumbled slightly under her breath as the cold breeze hit her thick fur. Her mind was set on the nice bone she was chewing on. Rosemar glanced at Eska pacing the fence a ways away before grumbling under her breath once more and taking a few harder bites at the bone. -Eska does not deserve to be a lead dog.- she though annoyed with jealousy, -her team would be so much better if she wasn't on it- Rosemar continued to think angrily while chewing on her bone.]

Morpheus | Darkshade Wheel | 5 years old | Utonagan - Morpheus paced lazily around the pen, scoping out a spot for himself away from the crowd of dogs. Eyeing a patch on the ground, he sniffed at it a few times, catching the scant scents of previous dogs and mushers, before pawing at it, making small circles as he did so. Scratching at the bare ground, eventually he settled down, plopping his muscular frame unceremoniously on the ground before rolling in the dust and dirt, throwing himself on his back, first on his left shoulder, then on his right, then on his left again, kicking up pumes of brown particles that danced in the light. Eventually deciding his spot was claimed, he rolled back onto his stomach, splaying out his back legs to the left of him while resting his large face on his front paws. Letting his eyes scan his surroundings, they eventually rested on Rosemar, his fellow wheeler, gnawing with increasing ferocity on a bone while eyeing some dog from one of the other pens, though which one, he couldn't distinguish. He let out a quiet whine, partly to himself and partly to Rosemar, though for no reason in particular. Edited at April 21, 2023 11:13 AM by The Song of Achilles

Bayani eyed the other dogs around him, watching with flickering ears as he slowly moved towards Azar and Eos, standing near them as he looked on at Eska and Rosemar. Huffing loudly, he lowered himself to the ground as he got closer to Rosemar, trying to make the other aware he was no threat.
He could tell the other dog was tense for some reason, and even though he was aware that this dog wasn't on his he'd still like to make sure the other wasn't stressed like he knew his leader was most of the time.