after many years were-wolfs been starting to get down played most of them ending/dieing from human hunters or played down as less then humans,now there is only 4 clans known to were-wolf kind
please ask or tell someone before you make a character fall in love with their character before doing it as you two can work something out if needed or just talk about it
the packs all live in different areas
star pack
rocky moutain where they all sleep in caves and has one giant fellwing waterfall near the caves where they get their water where they can get high enough at the moutain they can see the sky
spirit pack
they live by the edge of the forest near the water which at night looks like stars due to all the seaweed and fish inside where they live in dens that are made from caves and some made from broken down trees or trees made to look like dens
star clan
alpha's pups(4 is the max number of pups)-open
beta's pups(open to 2)-open
<omgea's are the lowest ranking or known as the normal people of the group>
(showing who gets more respected around them and who gets to eat first)
omgea- open (highest domniace)
omgea-open(lowest domniace)
<the job for the medic is to cure any injurted wounds as well as check if a wolf is pregant as well as help the baby be delived>
medic- open
(4 pups can be here)
pup-open (highest pointential points)
pup-open (lowest pointential points)
spirit pack
<the pack that honors their family and their bloodline no matter what speaking with the spirits of the ended ones>
<the alpha is in charge and will be intill their death being passed down to their children and skipped over their mate as soon as their passing if they have kids,but if they dont they go right to their mate>
alpha's mate-open