A rp only for: Morning Pace and The Hope Pack
Name: Raider Gender: Male Age: 4 Affiliation: Loner Sexuality: Straight
Personality Overview: A calm and cautious wolf whom can often become curious at the sight of another. Having a easy to react personality
Appearance Overview: A silver northwestern wolf with white under-belly/markings and light grey and darker point greys. And dark brown eyes [https://www.google.com/search?rlz=1CAEOEW_enUS1021&source=lnms&tbm=isch&stick=H4sIAAAAAAAAAONgFuLQz9U3sDApLlTiBLGSivPMsrUss5Ot9JMy83Py0yv184vSE_Myi3Pjk3MSi4sz0zKTE0sy8_OscvLLU4sUUAWLF7EK-uUXlWSUpxaXpBblKZTn56QBACVDItJmAAAA&q=Northwestern%20wolf&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjszJrEgP37AhV2j4kEHf-9DjoQ_AUoAXoECAEQAw&biw=1366&bih=649&dpr=1&safe=active&ssui=on#imgrc=-YEon0bpc27lmM] for extra help on appearance]]
[Possible breed]: Northwestern wolf Weight: Average [ 50 kg ] Height: 98 cm [3ft] Distinctive markings: Scar(s); Voice: Suave Scent: Rust
Defence: 8/10 Offence: 9/10 Agility:6/10 Speed: 9/10 Reflexes: 10/10 Sociability: 4/10 Cleanliness: 4/10 Bravery: 6/10 Generosity:3/10
Hunting: 6/10 Fighting:9/10
Additinal information: He was formally in a pack then he was separated and had to be taken away from his pack by humans and put in a totally new environment. Trying to adjust to the new environment while learning new ways on how to hunt, and defend himself against strange creatures that hes never seen before.