
Flame tells the nurse about what happened. Then she went back to class. The bell rang. She headed to her next class and sat down next to Misty.

Flame tells the nurse about what happened. Then she went back to class. The bell rang. She headed to her next class and sat down next to Misty.

(Ugh I hate it when i press the back button, it submits it again)

(I hate it as well) Misty flicks her tail

Fang gave out a low snarl as he sat in the classroom. His short temper kept getting him introuble and put in detention.

(That's why on the sign ups there's ten billion of my sign up post)

(How this is one more person in sign up?) Misty looks at Fang and she stays slient looking back at Flame Edited at April 5, 2020 03:46 PM by Fire Flower Pack

(His temper is so short! XD) Fang started to pace and set his work on fire getting annoyed.

Flame sighed. The teacher was yapped on about teleportation and how it works, but Flame already knew those things.

Fang growled at the teacher and paced some more setting his bag on fire.