

-Mysteri=Demon (DawnHeath) -Misty=Werewolf (Fire Flower Pack) -Aela=Dragon (Toothless55) -Enternal Flame=Pheinox (Blizzardstar) -Dagger=Were-cat (Another Medium) -Fang= Dragon Wolf (Moonpaw) -Shockwave= Sound lightfury (Sparky the wolf) -Phoena= Half-Phoenix Half-Wolf (Crescent Forest) Sign ups are still open https://wolfplaygame.com/forums.php?f=28&t=50806 Edited at April 28, 2020 08:24 PM by Tech Fury Flower

(Me realizing I spelled internal wrong) Internal Flame woke from her nap in the clouds. She sensed that she was late for her first day at creature school. She had gotten a scholarship there. Internal Flame almost fell off of cloud in panic. She flapped her wings once, and soared through the sky, the location of the school in her mind. She landed at the front gates of the school just as the bell rang. She rushed inside, knowing the number classroom she was in. She raced down the hall and came to the door. Inside she saw a demon, dragon, and a were-cat. "I'm sorry, I'm late," she said to the teacher. "It's fine, take a seat!" The teacher said. She sat at the back row. Edited at April 5, 2020 11:35 AM by XxBlizzardstarxX

(It's ok Also there is no limt on how much we type i forgot to say that) Misty wakes up. she yawns as she looks around her house and she sees that she slept in she gets ready to get to school. then she walks out of her house. She becomes a wolf and she runs in wolf form with her backback on her back she kept runnng. she skids into the school and she sees her classroom and she skids past the doorway but she inches her back up and she got grip on the floor and she stops sliding. She puts her backpack away in her locker and then she walk into the classroom turning back into a werewolf in the doorway. She sits down at her desk in the corner of the room after giving the teacher the late pass. Edited at April 5, 2020 11:32 AM by Fire Flower Pack

Internal Flame saw a werewolf enter the classroom. She watched as she sat down in the corner. "Hi, what's your name? My name is Internal Flame, but you can call me Flame," she said to the werewolf.

MIsty looks at Internal Flame and she smiles. "Hello and My name is Misty but most people call me Mist for short."

"Cool!" She said a little too loudly. The teacher shot a look at her. "Flame, please be a little quieter next time," the teacher said. Flame sighed.

Misty looks at the teacher and she looks at Flame "Wanna see something that will make the teacher freak out a little?"

Flame looked at Mist. "Sure!" She gave Mist a mischievous smile. Edited at April 5, 2020 11:52 AM by XxBlizzardstarxX

Misty creates a ball of wter and she throws it at the chalkboard and she quickly pretends she was drawing and she holds in a laugh