
🦋 So I know I'm just a random person on this game but I hope that this form can help. I want to help the ones that are sad and alone and need that small push to make there day. It's something that we need to notice if someone needs help and sadly it doesn't happen allot. But maybe we can help just make that small push on making a difference. 🦋 On this form make as many fantastic, funny, and the most down right felt to the heart quotes. Don't be scared to put your most favorite quotes because your kindness is all that matters. You can even say that you are available for the people that just need someone to talk to. 🦋 A few rules - Don't be rude here - If it's not your quote it's ok just make sure you put the owner's name on the quote. - Try to keep it clean 🦋 If I need to change something let me know :3 I do make mistakes but I want to make a difference even if it's a small one. Because all it takes for me is if someone said good morning to me it makes my day so maybe it will help outhers. With your quotes make them feel like there not alone in this crazy world. Edited at February 20, 2025 10:09 PM by Silhouette Butterfly

Here is a quote I came up with today lol and it feels motivating "Dont let other people tell you how to live your life, follow your heart and live life to the fullest" -hurricane blizzards.

"Don't let others get to you by their words and actions, use it to make yourself stonger." Is my quote Edited at April 27, 2021 12:01 AM by Little Pumpkin

Technoblade: No matter how ridiculous the odds may seem. Within us resides the power to overrcome these challenges and achieve something beautiful and one day we'll look back at where we started and be amazed by how far we've come.

Jetpack Jay: Its ok to cry, I want you to know that crying doesn't mean that you're weak. It actually means that you've been strong for so long, carrying what sometimes can feel like the weight of the world on your shoulders now wants you to know that it is okay.

"Fuck a duck, screw a pigeon, go to hell and teach religion" my quote "Fuck fire lets dance." facebook meme "God gives the hardest battles to his strongest warriors." Facebook meme

Here are only maybe a quarter of what i have

"Don't Be The Next Them...Be The First You" "Don't worry or overthink because if you don't you might miss an opportunity of a lifetime"

"Even when you seem alone, you're not. You always have someone even if it seems like there is no one."

"Don't be the person who others want you to be; be you because that's the best of you and I can't ask more from you."