
Administrator Lightbringer
Welcome to our Design An Item contest for August, Tale Of The Lycaon! Put on your creative thinking caps and come up with fun items for our Event Shop! You can design items to be dropped by the Boss Werewolf, or for in the Event Shop. They can be any werewolf-y or creepy theme. You only need to come up with the ideas for the items, not draw them. Our artist will draw them for you. There will be multiple winners for this and each will receive 5 copies of their item! This contest ends Next Monday the 12th. Please don't overpower the items. Think about what you would like to have. Good luck everyone!

Werewolf Venom — "This... this reeks! Ew! Is it drool? Why does it smell so BAD?!" Give this to your wolf for a ferocious new appearance! Give your wolf a randomized on theme exclusive pelt! (Pelt opts.: Plague, Dark Heart, Quasar(?), Hades, Aesir, Warrior, and Myrrh) Full Moon Water — "The vial of water feels cool to the touch. You're enchanted by it. Perhaps it holds mystical properties?" Have your wolf infest the moon water and uh oh! Your wolf has been completely randomized! Nothing has been taken from your wolf, yet all current vitals, markings, talents, and pelt! Not what you were hoping for? Hurry and find the antidote before the sun rises to change your wolf back! New Moon Water — "This ornate vial looks elegant and a sense of peace washes over you as you touch it. Perhaps it could help you along your journey?" The only way to reverse the effects of the Full Moon Water! The only way to reverse the chaos the full moon thrust upon your wolf is to ingest this water before the end of the game day! Tattered Human Shirt — "It says 'ALPHA MALE' in big bold letters." This shirt is giving you major points with the ladies! Give this to a male wolf and increase his chance for 4 pups in a litter for one season! Breath Spray — "Oooh! Perfect! Some of these wolves breaths STANK!" Spray a werewolf enemy with this for an increase chance of an item drop! Werewolf Pheromones — "Oh my god... ok... this is... how does one even acquire this??? Who are you? Where are you getting these things? STOP!" Give this to a pregnant female wolf to increase her chance of having Surpassing Valor pups! Works similar to Butcher's Broom, etc. Smartphone — "PING! PING! PING!" Give this silly device to a wolf to increase their social! It's hard to use without thumbs but it's making some really fun noises! Ooh! I wonder what WolfPlayGame.com is??? Charm Bracelet — "What does BWTHHYBL even mean? Cute wolf charm though." This bracelet stinks like werewolf and the friend zone. Give it to your wolf to increase their pack affinity. iPad — "I'm the alpha! I'm the leader!" Wow what a bop! You take this pack to your pack and everyone has a great time listening to whatever the hell this is! Increases pack happiness by +15 points! Hair Removal Cream — "THEY'RE BALD! They're bald and they're hurting wolves who have hair!" Use this on a wolf to gain +25 cp in empathy. Only side effect? You wolf is now bald for the rest of the game year. Edited at August 5, 2024 02:22 PM by Emmet

Boss item: Werewolf Claws- "Whats this? Oh.. Seems like this could help with growing bones!" When given to a pregnant female, this item increases the chance for a battle boost! Gives the increased chance for Divine Health, Overgrown Teeth, etc. Event Shop Item: Vial of the Virus- "Im taking the situation into my own paws now!" When given to a wolf this item inflicts your wolf with the virus! Willingly apply werewolf virus to the reciepent wolf. Event Shop Item: Rotting Fur/Flesh- "This is gross, but it lets me smell them easier!" When used in explore this item increases the chance to find werewolves! Used to increases encounter chance for werewolf in explore. Event Shop Item: Werewolf eyes- "Maybe these will help me see..." When given to a wolf this increases their perception stat by 50 cp (25cp per eye). Increases points in reciepent wolves perception stat. Edited at August 5, 2024 02:14 PM by Desolate Skies

Boss Item Werewolf Head: Disgusting! You Can Wear This Item To Disguise Yourself As A Werewolf Increases The Chances Of Finding A Werewolf By 50%! But Your Vision Isn't As Great Making Everything A Bit Blurry! And Also Decreasing Your Wolves Damage. Bloody Fang Bag: A Bag Full Of Bloody Fangs! Can Range Between 50 Fangs To 500 Fangs 1% Chance Of Obtaining This From A Werewolf! Pet Mole: You can find this pet/familiar from defeating the boss werewolf! 5% Chance To find this pet being held hostage by the boss werewolf you must rescue them! (Avaliable for all Member ships including free) once obtained your wolves gain a 5% Damage boost and the percentage on finding a Bloody Fang Bag increases to 5%! Edited at August 5, 2024 02:01 PM by The Amethyst

Amulet of Romulus - "This necklace is engraved with an image of a wolf nursing two infants." Increased chance of boosted pups when given to a pregnant wolf. Amulet of Remus - "This necklace is engraved with an image of a wolf nursing two infants." Increased chance of defected pups when given to a pregnant wolf. Lycanthrope's Tome - "A book contanining the ancient secrets of werewolves and other supernatural beings." Increased chance of encountering mythical creatures in explore for 30 steps. Moon Water - "Your wolf's fur feels odd!" Change your wolf's base coat to any dog pelt. Rose Quartz - "A pretty pink stone." Add 40 points to your wolf's charisma stat. Tainted Meat - "Ugh... this meat stinks. Maybe you could use it as bait?" Increased chance of encountering predators in explore for 20 steps. Rougarou Doll - "A tiny werewolf effigy." Change your wolf's howling rating to Excellent. Silver Bullet - "Mythical creatures seem to cower away from this object..." Your wolves deal an extra 5-10 points of damage to mythical creatures in explore. Edited at August 5, 2024 09:38 PM by Honey

Smelly Meat - "Pooh, that stench is ridiculous." Gives an increased chance of werewolves spawning during a Full Moon (Event Shop) Heart of a Werewolf - "Once a living, breathing terror." Increases Resolve by 50CP. (Boss drop) Glowing Orb on a Stick - "Some people think it looks like a full moon." Use this item during the night and werewolves will automatically transform! (Event shop) Edited at August 5, 2024 02:06 PM by Boeing
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Grey Werewolf Fur - Hold on, what's this?
- Give to a pregnant wolf for greyscale pups
Red Werewolf Fur - Hold on, what's this?
- Give to a pregnant wolf for non-greyscale pups

I like these Honey said: Amulet of Romulus - "This necklace is engraved with an image of a wolf nursing two infants." Increased chance of boosted pups when given to a pregnant wolf. Amulet of Remus - "This necklace is engraved with an image of a wolf nursing two infants." Increased chance of defected pups when given to a pregnant wolf.

(Vial of) Originator's Blood - "A small vial of an originator's blood, said to grant the user the strength of the first wolf.." Removes the weakness effect of parvo on a wolf, the wolf will deal regular damage despite its injury. If in event shop: Will last either a set number of moves (cheaper) or until the month ends (more expensive++). If found through enemy defeat: Will last 20 steps.
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Ying Yang Pendant: "Looks like someone dropped it... What a shame, it's so pretty" Increase the chance to get mela/albino pup. (Boss Battle) (Lore: the werewol attacked a little girl that was wearing it.) . Ghost Koi: "The moon takes the form of a koi fish to come bless your future pups" Increased chances of a pup with Divine Health boost. (Can't decide if it should be boss battle or shop) (Lore: I figured that a werewolf event has a lot to do with the moon. I thought it'd be a nice idea that the moon would come to your pack and blessed your wolves for the future fights against the werewolves) . Werewolf Heart: "Some legends say that you'll grow stronger after eating the heart of a defeated enemy" Increases weight. (Boss battle) . Mint Bundle: Increases Howling rate. (shop item ) . Moon Sculpture: "Your wolves gather around it to celebrate the Full Moon" Increase whole pack affinity. (Shop item) Edited at August 7, 2024 10:05 AM by Revelry