
The Doodle Board Draw The OC Above You If anyone finds the original or mods want to lock, bring the link up so I can take down this thread. If this belongs in a different Artwork folder or in Games, please move it, mods. Yeah, there's another art thread but it's supposedly the Draw This In Your Style and is more commentary and sign up forms than a straight up art chain. Edited at December 13, 2019 01:52 PM by Transcendence

Hihi, I'm taking loose management of the thread now, if you have any issues please shoot Eternity #157083 a DM!
What Is The Doodle Board/Draw The OC Above You- This thread is meant to be a fun, at your leisure, nonoblicatory, gift art chain! You draw the most recent person's oc. The artwork is, well, a doodle! But any skill level and artwork and medium is allowed! Everyone is welcome! The point is to have fun and be nice to each other. This is good if you want practice, art ideas, kill art block, or want to look at art. RULES OTHER THAN FOLLOW WP RULES- - Claims are good for 12 hours. If you see someone hasn't posted a doodle at/over 12 hours, you can claim their spot! No time extension!
- Post a WIP before 12 hours is up, then post your OC. It'll be a placeholder and the game will continue. Be sure to finish your doodle whenever you can! - You must post your wip or doodle before sharing your OC! And it has to be an OC, nothing irl! no fandoms! - Wait your turn. Do not "reserve claim". When your turn is done, wait 2 turns before going again. - ONLY post doodles and claims on this forum! Do not clog the thread with commentary to avoid confusions! - You may not post old art that you completed before as a doodle. - No linearts or bases
- All art must be a headshot at least -Do not edit out the "Claim" part of your comment, to avoid unintentional confusion. Post a comment below the most recent person's oc, saying 'claim', to let others know you'll be drawing the oc and to avoid confusion and clogging. When you're done, post your artwork THEN the link to your oc you'd like drawn for the next person. Don't clog the thread. You can link/insert one single oc ref, or send a link to oc refs so people can pick one. Make sure it makes your oc's reference directly accessible! It helps other players. No "in bio", no descriptions! Edited at January 6, 2025 05:26 PM by Eternity

I don't want to be mean. I really don't want to be any more strict when this is supposed to be a fun and nonobligatory art game open to everyone and every artist. I don't expect instant moving traffic or instant attention from the popular artists, it's just people being nice to each other now and then. I don't want drama to shut this thread down. All concerns will take to mods. l start this thread off with something kind of easy.: ©ChickenBusiness@DeviantART Update April/2024 : Im so sorry for not being able to keep track of this thread. Handing it over to Eve or the mods to take care of. They can edit whatever needs editting to make this game run more smoothly and make it fun again. Dont care if someone makes a new one either. Enjoy guys ;_; <3 Edited at April 23, 2024 04:12 PM by Transcendence

Claim!  here is my girl: https://wolfplaygame.com/blog.php?id=184917&b=2 Edited at December 12, 2019 06:01 PM by Jolly Denali

Edited at October 25, 2023 02:13 PM by Polargeist
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Please do not claim until Jolly Denali posts their doodle and their oc. You can claim when they're done. Do not share your oc until after you post your doodle. Edit: They're done, you may claim again if you'd like. Polargisst said: Claim when posting character. Snake (Male) Pic doesn't work for me >.> Jolly Denali's OC is open
Edited at December 12, 2019 10:00 PM by Transcendence


So I realized , with the help of transcendence, that I drew the wormg oc >.<
imma draw jolly's to since this could have Ben avoided if I was more careful in my oc the library credits to the base wolf are on there, the skull coloring and edits are credit to me Edited at December 14, 2019 03:40 PM by Fr3ak

Edited at December 16, 2019 12:50 PM by Blair ♡

claim (I hope it's okay if its only a headshot x-x)