
If you are not listed in the title do not post. - Wolves from the desert have taken refuge in the plains pack. They have fled from their territory form an outside force. One wolf from the desert and one from the plains have fallen in love.

Name: Iris gender: Female age: 4 years Pack: plains rank: pack member,

Jeraboa Male 4 years Beta of desert pack anways has the neklace. Fang is from his mother. Edited at May 23, 2024 12:06 PM by Bobcat

"Crack!" The sorm beats down hader then even our elders have seen before. SNAP! The lightning lights up the small clearing and I came see the fear in my packs eyes. I am sure they can the fear in mine. A stom like this took my mother. Who will it take now? "Get out!" My father yell. The wolves stream out of the canyon and run for the high ground. The dry ground repels the water and sends it in terifiying torents. I noudge a she wolf up and grab her pup in my maw. We run, not looking back. If we just cross the border... We will be safe. For now. But we are not there yet. My paws hit the ground hard, squishing under each step.

Iris flattened her ears against the strong wind. Despite this storm the alphas still wanted a hunt. She was just glad she wasn't on the border patrol. She ducked her head and powered through the long brown and green grasses, fighting against the wind for every step. Her eyes where narrowed and the wind flattened her normally fluffy fur. crack a lighting bolt stuck through the air and just a second later, thunder. It was dangerous to be out here. Iris wished she could be back at camp. Warm in her den with the other wolves. They had such a small pack. But for some reason the thought of not having food for a day was worth risking wolves. The patches of dirt had quickly turned to mud and when one of Iris' paws found one she fought to stay upright and not fall down. She was moving towards a mound of earth wear she knew a rabbit Warren rested. Not that there would be any out. Not in this weather.

I lean into the wind and driving rain. I try to not think of the imminent disaster. Instead I force my mind to go to the plains park. From what I've heard they are ruthless killers. I do not believe it, but I divide a plan anyway. "Boa!" I hear from my right. Only one wolf calls me Boa. My sister. I leave the pup in the carefully jaws of his mother and race. I arrive just in time to catch her slipping towards a cactus. I catch the she by her scruff and heave out of the mud. "Come on." I tip as I push her to the dry ground. "Just a little bit longer."

Iris could see the Warren just a few yards away. Water was leaking out of them. They had flooded. Quite serverly to. Another reason why no sane animal would be out here. the flooded burrows meant that there wouldn't be any rabbits around. They would probably find a safe space. Mist likely away from water and on higher ground. Or possibly just away from hear. They probably won't be back for a while. If they're even back at all. She let out a disappointed huff. She'd have to stay out longer in this weather. Her chances of catching something where far lowered when the storm forced her senses of smell and hearing out of the equation. She'd have to find and hunt prey by sight, with the help of her ingenuity of course. Iris turned towards the hills. A place wolves rarely go. Some say that there are bears there and other creatures. Those are just rumors though, bedtime stories for pups even. That place holds most of the trees in the plains territory and even than it's just a few. And no bear would be out here on this weather. Iris stayed low, trying to get away from the bulk of the wind. the walk took longer than it should have thanks to this storm. She climbed one of the rising hills. By the ends of it her paws and legs hurt. She spotted a small hole in the ground. Almost invisible, shielded by the torrent of grasses. Iris forced her legs to carry her towards the burrow, nest? Whatever it was. Hopefully there was prey inside. That she could get to. a few moments later she was standing over the hole. She could spot small flurries of movement inside. she shoved her muzzle in it and snapped her jaws. It was to deep. She scraped at the earth, digging up the surrounding area and making the hole shallower. When she thought it was good enough she tried to bite what ever it was inside of there. She felt her teeth sink into something. She pulled out the now killed creature and she could see it was a gopher. Not a very big one but prey was prey after all.

I crest the hill in to Plains territory. I try to howl to get my pack togher, but my mouth fills with water. My father brings up the rear. I can see the memory in his eyes. Flash flood. My mother throughing me. Her washing away. Finding the body. Her fang feels cold on my neck. I nudge my sister into the sparce trees. A luxerary we never had. Her skinny frame fits in with the twig like branches. I wath the pack file in slowly and curl under fallen trees and shubs. I marvel at the vegitation. I have only ever seen plants that want to poke you. My father, Alpha Seguaro, organizes the pack. Guards are stationed and the expectant mother is helped to a dry spot. My father looks at me and I lead the pack in a group howl, raising our spirits. We thank our anseters for leading us out of the storm. I freeze. Where is Pear? I see a lump at the bottom of the hill. I walk over to her mate and lay by his side. "I am so sorry." I whisper. "Prickly Pear was everything to you, wasn't she?" I ask. He lays still and depressed. Edited at May 24, 2024 05:58 AM by Bobcat

Iris started the journey back to the camp. The wind and rain pushed against her every step. She couldn't wait until the storm subsided. She gripped the gopher tightly in her teeth, not wanting it to drop and fall into a puddle of mud. Iris passed a clump of a few scrawny trees, struggling to stay tall and upright in this horrid wind. I see a flash of fur. Tans and browns. She could just bearly hear the sound of wolf voices. She paused confused. She didn't think that any other wolves had gone out. Just her and the three others in border patrol. Even than light colors like the flash of fur she had seen were rare in the plains pack. She could only think of one wolf that had light fur and it was one of the pups. Everyone else had darker fur. she was one of the lighter colored wolves in the pack and most of her was a light ish medium brown. Well. She might as well investigate. She stepped through the long grasses and came along an area filled with slightly shorter grasses. Here she could see wolves. Strangers. What where they doing here? They didnt look like the plains. Many of them had lighter pelts thoug she could spot quite a few brown pelted wolves among them. who where they? And why did they come here?

I can see a brown wolf stalk close to the makeshift camp. One advantage to living in a desert is sight. Dust always clogs up our noses. I should alert the alpha, but what if it is one of us, just wet so the fur changed color. I walk the outside of the camp, wagging my tail. "Road runner? Is that you?" I say. He has the darkest fur of us all. this could be him. He smells off. That's why! This is not road runner, not even a male wolf at all. This is a female. "Who are you?" I ask, slowing my tail. I set my shoulders back and attempt to fluff my thin fur. It does not work, it just turning darker. I stop looking like my namesake each minute. I want to wolf to my pack, but they might make this new woof nervous and bolt. Edited at May 24, 2024 10:00 AM by Bobcat