Wolf Play : War is Upon Us | Wolf RP | Semi-lit | OPEN
04:48:32 Chro (he/him)
Honey -
For sure. I think also since there's less people playing it's less of an appeal for new players to keep playing. But I dunno, it does usually fluctuate a bit and we might just be in a pit right now :D I really wanna see some artists returning here 😤
04:48:14 FoxFoxFoxFox
Kodi- that sounds really sweet! It's why I always get annoyed when people say online friends aren't friends. It's bull
 Night Shade
04:47:35 Graves | Chaos

I remember that. It's such a shame to return and see less activity like it
got a question. Anyone have a fetility figure? A friend of mine is trying to get one
04:47:13 Chro (he/him)
I only stay on here for my art gallery and some art sales nowadays,, I have over 1k posts on it so I can't just leave it to rot lmao
 Continental Wolves
04:47:02 Emmet , Spoopy Wolf
I miss PvP's against Dire and a few others >.>
04:46:58 she/her
it doesn't really make sense to me, i feel like the site has so much more to offer these days! we did not have any of these features when i first started playing lol
04:46:52 bunnie|bat
Partnering with other smaller site, maybe some sort of collab. I fee as though that would trickle in people.
Fox, genuinely, lol. The small ones can be okay. My friends and I have a more world-building-centric one and it's hella fun.
04:46:43 FoxFoxFoxFox
Yeah I haven't seen it above 150 since being back I think. It's always fluctuating though
All my wolves are dying from old age (ToT)
04:45:58 Purge

I remember seeing the high end of some 200s back when I had my old account. PVP was more common too. I miss the PVP drive
04:45:56 Chro (he/him)
Ecifircas -
I figured :') Still it's nice to have contact with old friends from there using toyhou.se and artfight every once in a while :D
04:45:29 FoxFoxFoxFox
I had a good WP discord server with some friends for like 4-5 years. It stopped in 2020.

We would talk everyday and most of us became mods at one time or another. It was great.

Private discords can be wonderful, they meant a lot to me. As soon as it's public or not a small number of people it becomes toxic no matter what
Polargeist, anyyyways, thank you for the compliments on my pallete. :>
04:44:44 Chro (he/him)
Fox -
Depends on what time of the day I guess, late at night for me people are always way more active. During the day there's like. 20 now
04:44:43 Purge
What else do you guys think we could do to get activity up? Anyone have ideas DX
Polargeist, we don't speak of that big server, baha. It's ashes now. Thank God.
04:44:03 FoxFoxFoxFox
Kodi- lmao exactly. Just doesn't work.
04:43:54 Chro (he/him)
Honey -
Yeee, I've also lost almost all the people who frequent my art gallery except for a save few to inactivity :'( I miss them man


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War is Upon Us | Wolf RP | Semi-lit | OPENJuly 23, 2021 04:12 PM

Former Pack

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First post: Table of contents
Second post: Plot & ad
Third post: Rules (both RP and wolf law)
Fourth post: roles & descriptions
Fifth post: Sign up forum
this form is:

Edited at July 23, 2021 09:20 PM by Wild Side
War is Upon Us | Wolf RP | Semi-lit | OPENJuly 23, 2021 05:21 PM

Former Pack

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Beck pack and Horn pack have never gotten along. Borders are guarded day and night, and trespassers are not dealt with in kind. To make matters worse, winter is coming, and food is becoming scarce. War is most certainly upon us.
Deep in the Rockies, far from the eyes of men, live two wolf packs. These packs are constantly at each other's throats. However, both packs are too proud to leave their homes to find a new territory, far from their rivals.
To the north is Horn pack. Horn pack lives on the side of the mountain, their den being in the middle of a gorge. They hunt whatever they can catch, which is primarily goat.
To the south lives Beck pack. They live at the base of the mountain, and their den is on the edge of a mountain stream. The pack hunts large prey, their primary food source being deer.
Winter is coming, and food is becoming scarce. The question isn't if, it's when. War is upon us. All it needs is a spark.

Edited at July 23, 2021 09:20 PM by Wild Side
War is Upon Us | Wolf RP | Semi-lit | OPENJuly 23, 2021 08:39 PM

Former Pack

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- All of Eve's rules
- Hate the character, not the player
- This is a semi-literate RP, a minimum of 300 words, please.
- This is a realistic RP. No neon or purple or winged wolves. If you've read this, give an interesting fact about your wolf, without saying 'fun fact.'
- No perfect characters, have an equal number of strengths and weaknesses.
- Characters will be hurt and/or killed. Ask before seriously harming/killing other people's wolves, and no wolf can dodge every attack.
- I control time and weather, please don't argue with me.
- I fully support LGBTQ+, but for the sake of a realistic RP, keep it at admirers.
Wolf Law:
- Alpha's word is law
- feed the pack before yourself
- protect the borders
- Outsiders are to be chased out

Edited at July 23, 2021 09:04 PM by Wild Side
War is Upon Us | Wolf RP | Semi-lit | OPENJuly 23, 2021 09:01 PM

Former Pack

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Horn Pack:
Alphas: 0/2 (They lead the pack and make all important decisions. This is a mating pair)
Betas: 0/2 (This pair helps the alphas with smaller decisions. They don't have to be a mated pair, but are expected to become mated if they become alphas)
Healer: 0/1 (The healer heals all injuries and sicknesses. They know basic hunting and fighting skills, but not much.)
Healer's apprentice: 1/1 (A trainee learning to be a healer. They don't become full-fledged healers until the current healer dies or retires.)
Indra | F | Portrayed by Wild Side
Hunters: 0/infinite (This is a majority of the pack. They hunt for the entire pack's food. These wolves are generally smaller and lither.)
Warriors: 0/infinite (Ths is a majority of the pack. They guard the borders and protect the den. These wolves are generally larger and stronger.)
Trainees: 0/5 (Young wolves 6 moons to 1 year training to become either a hunter or a warrior.)
Mothers: 0/3 (Female wolves who are currently nursing pups less than 6 moons old. They are released from duty until their pups become trainees.)
Pups: 0/5 (Young wolves less than 6 moons old. They have no responsibility, but may not leave the den.)
Elders: 0/3 (wolves who have retired due to old age or injury.)
Beck Pack:
Alphas: 0/2
Betas: 1/2
Seneca | F | portrayed by Wild Side
Healer: 0/1
Healer's apprentice: 0/1
Hunters: 0/infinite
Warriors: 0/infinite
Trainees: 0/7
Mothers: 0/2
Pups: 0/6
Elders: 0/2
War is Upon Us | Wolf RP | Semi-lit | OPENJuly 23, 2021 09:08 PM

Former Pack

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Age: (in human years)
Appearance: (WolfPlay wolves are accepted, just give a small description underneath)
Strengths: (at least 3)
Weaknesses: (at least 3)

Edited at July 23, 2021 09:14 PM by Wild Side
War is Upon Us | Wolf RP | Semi-lit | OPENJuly 23, 2021 09:13 PM

Former Pack

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Name: Seneca
Age: 5
Gender: Female
Pack: Beck pack
Rank: Beta
Seneca is almost a greyscale, but not quite. Her base color is granite, with many layers of greyscale, tan, and red Merle markings. Shape-wise, Seneca is rather small, standing only 24 inches tall, 4 feet long (nose to tail tip), and only 54 pounds. Seneca doesn't have large, defined muscle, her body being leaner and lither. What Seneca lacks in brute strength, she makes up for in speed and maneuverability. Scars cover Seneca's body, but none are overly important or noticeable. Seneca's only "marking" is that her front left paw pad is pink, while the rest are black. She wears blue jay feathers tucked behind her ear, but otherwise doesn't accessorize. (she can lose the feathers if it doesn't work with the RP.)
Personality: Seneca is most definitely a no-nonsense kind of wolf. She takes hunting very seriously, treating it more like a lifestyle, not just a necessity. Despite her commitment, Seneca doesn't enjoy killing. She kills for the pack, not for sport.
Seneca is rather quiet, both while hunting and not. Seneca would much rather "speak" through action and loyalty. When Seneca isn't hunting or helping the alphas, expect to find her relaxing by the lake, near a small brook or stream. Seneca tries to avoid the hustle and bustle of the main den as much as possible. Seneca doesn't act differently around friends, though perhaps she is a little more open.
Family: Mother, Father, 3 sisters, and 1 brother (PM me for a sibling)
History: Seneca was born to be a hunter, with her entire family being proud hunters. Seneca was the runt of her five littermates, but she didn't let that stop her. Seneca trained harder than any of her siblings and soon became a well-skilled hunter. Even with her skill, Seneca still feels like she isn't good enough. She gives every single hunt her all. Kill or be killed is very much Seneca's life motto. Eventually, Seneca's dedication earned her the rank of deputy, and she tries her very best to uphold her duties as best as possible.
Strengths: speed/endurance (not both at the same time, obviously), smart, follows orders, stealth, not afraid to kill
Weaknesses: Brute strength, communication skills, teamwork, reluctance to hurt other wolves
Likes: Rain; running; hunting; quiet; small brooks; soft springtime grass
Dislikes: Mid-summer heat; loud-mouths; fighting other wolves; large, fast rivers
Other: She currently has no mate or pups, but would love to have both one day. (Her fifth sibling, a brother, died as a trainee)

Edited at July 23, 2021 09:19 PM by Wild Side
War is Upon Us | Wolf RP | Semi-lit | OPENJuly 23, 2021 09:17 PM

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Name: Indra
Age: 8.5 moons
Pack: Horn pack
Rank: healer's Apprentice
Upon first glance, Indra looks like a dirty grey wolf. But, Indra is most certainly not dirty. Her base coat is an Isabella grey, with tan Belton, piebald, and speckles. Accenting her tan markings, Indra's eyes are a bright topaz that shines with youth.
Indra is of average build, being neither overly muscular nor overly lean. Indra has reached her adult size, being 5.2 feet long (from nose to tail tip), 28 inches tall, and weighing 72 pounds. Being a healer's Tyro, Indra doesn't have many scars, and those she does have are small and unimportant. Markingwize, Indra has a little white spot right above her left nostril. Indra doesn't accessorize.
Personality: Indra has a way of using up all the air in the room. Indra doesn't stop talking. Ever. Period. Trying to make Indra stop talking only makes her talk more. Long story short, don't go to Indra if you need someone to talk to.
Indra has a bright look at the world, despite her past. The only thing that can get her down is mentioning her sister. If one does mention the subject, they will be met by uncharacteristic quiet. Only Indra, her mother, and possibly her father know what happened to her sister. Indra can never focus on one thing for too long before she gets bored. Basically, Indra has the attention span of a butterfly.
Family: Mother, 1 sister, and 2 brothers (PM me for sibling)
History: Indra was born to a small litter, having three littermates. Her life started out great, having a normal, happy childhood. Then, one day, Indra's older sister confided in Indra's mother, thinking they were alone. Of course, Indra had to listen to the secret confrontation. In the meeting, Indra's sister confessed to being in love with a lone wolf, and that she was leaving the pack to live with him. After Indra's sister left, Indra's mother found Indra hiding and told Indra to never bring up the meeting again. Indra had agreed, not yet understanding what was wrong. Nothing was the same for Indra's family afterward. The pack started doubting Indra's family's loyalty. To this day some wolves still doubt Indra's family, but at least the outward hatred has simmered down.
Strengths: Trusting, kind, helpful
Weaknesses: Loud, restless, over-confident
Likes: Being around others, sunny days, healing, being helpful
Dislikes: Being useless, bullies, being yelled at, being told to quiet down
Other: A ball of energy until she starts healing, at which times she calms down dramatically.
War is Upon Us | Wolf RP | Semi-lit | OPENJuly 28, 2021 12:39 PM

Former Pack

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