Wolf Play : Like a Soldier || Wolf & Dog RP || Literate || OPEN
05:29:24 Petri Dish/Oh Naauur
Not me asking a question then immediately leaving to eat. XD
05:29:17 Queen / Jo
Purge ohh sorry to hear motivation does suck sometimes
05:28:12 Purge
Training has gone so slow for me, just have no motivation or willingness to use funds on exp moves. My old gen of explorers died a few weeks ago, just never got over their passing I guess XD
05:27:12 skye

i mean if you bred with a high talent and cp male you might get something good
05:25:02 Queen / Jo
I came back July 2 I believe
05:24:44 Boo, Vapor (he/Him)
-WP Click-

should I breed her?
05:24:33 Queen / Jo
Purge well IÂ’m also training my 4 wolves in BE and CO training my 2 future alpha pups.
05:23:43 Purge
I struggle through my usual 60, couldn't imagine being in the hundreds let alone thousands
05:22:47 skye
thanks XD
 The Fear Seekers
05:22:40 Night, Shadow, Raven
Hey chat! I just got back from camping!
05:22:32 Queen / Jo
Skye goodluck
05:22:19 Queen / Jo
Purge I over bought moves was aiming for 1000
05:21:23 skye
i have 5911
wish me luck XD
05:21:12 The Naming Empress
An albino
05:21:06 Purge

How did you manage this XD
05:20:54 skye
yeah haha
they are all cute
the art for this game is just chefs kiss
05:20:23 Queen / Jo
2329 moves should keep me occupied lol 😂
05:20:10 Kiri / Keira
-WP Click-
Pup check?
05:19:40 Purge
I like the cats too, just fought off 3 of them
05:18:42 skye

yeah haha they are super cute.
they may add it next year who knows!


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Like a Soldier || Wolf & Dog RP || Literate || OPENJuly 24, 2021 12:49 PM

the Wayne pack

Posts: 1941
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Devlin; meaning "Fierce courage"

Age: 5


Appearance: Devlin is a dog built for both speed and power, he, like most Dobermans, is compactly-built. His glistening coat is mostly black, with the typical rust colored markings of his kind; a large splotch on the underside of his long muzzle; the small roughly circle shaped spots on either side of his chest; the markings going up his long front legs and stopping halfway up; the same thing for his powerful hind legs. His markings are actually quite sharp, compared to some dogs have markings that fade and blend at the edges softly; his meanwhile, are sharply defined from the inky blackness of his coat. The length of his coat is very short, and highlights the male's rippling muscles as he moves. His chocolate colored eyes are intelligent, calulating, for the most part; although those dark eyes can sometimes hold a fire, and other times they are like a predator sizing up an enemy, sometimes they are like stone. While he does look fierce, he does have a softer look than the breed standard, as his ears are naturally floppy and his tail is of its natural length.

Devlin is a fairly large dog, standing at twenty-eight (28) inches at the shoulder, and weighing one hundred (100) pounds. Even though he is large, he has an easy, athletic way of moving; his pawsteps are light and graceful, unexpected of a dog like him. He has a noble, wedge-shaped head, and a sleek but substantial body; like all Dobermans, he has an elegant appearance. Portraying elegance and power, a noble appearance that is also conveniently fierce. He looks like any other typical dog of his breed; even without the traditionally cropped ears and docked tail, which serves to make the breed even more sleek and intimidating; he still cuts an impessive figure. Built for speed and enduracne, agility and power. He holds himself confidently, not in the arrogant type of way, but as a fighter would; knowing that he can handle himself in a fight. He has several scars and marks from various fights. One of the more distinctive ones is a triangle-shaped notch taken out of his right ear, a medium-sized mark. At the right angle, one could see a set of claw marks on the inside of his left hind leg. His voice is deep, fitting of his appearance.

His jaws are strong, and his white teeth are sharp. His barks are deep and almost booming. And he looks like a fighter, a survivor. In fact, he would be an effective guard, espeically on the physical appearance side. From his smooth athletic movements; the glistening coat that seems to catch pieces of light; his poweful, sleek build; and the fierce, vigilant way that he just looks like.

(Stock credits to EdgedFeather on Deviantart.
Image the ears are not cropped, and the collar is gone)

Devlin is a survivor. Cautious, he has never been one to trust easily; it takes time for him to trust someone else. Sure, he will be polite, civil, and go along with something; but underneath he is watching for any suspicious actions or phrasings of words. He has survived things, and is determined to keep on living to see another day; to draw another breath. Someone who has endured things, and will keep on enduring until he doesn't have to anymore. He has walls built up, and can be suspicious of others at times. While he is not an arrogant dog, he does have some pride in himself and his skills; and he shows that he is not arrogant by being open to being corrected on a matter, although if the tone and phrasing is just a touch too condescending and Devlin's patience is just frayed enough, he can get defensive.

Devlin may have a softer look than some of his kind, but he still possesses the fierce temperment of his breed. He likes to fight, in fact; not that he will go around picking ones just because, but the point is still there. While he is still pretty patient and controlled, it is still difficult to control his anger sometimes. Doing so is like not eating or drinking or sleeping, or it feels like it; fierceness and anger have always come easily to his breed, and surpressing it just feels like doing against his nature. He is a vigilant dog, not much goes by without him seeing or hearing it. He likes to play the role of a guard, and it is actually quite fun for him to see what is going on; and a bit of a habit too, he has always been an alert dog. Say what you want about him, he is a watch dog through and through, he watches and listens for danger or suspicious things. By nature, he is not a manipulator or trickster, but he does have a keen intelligence and is a bit calculating;

He is a fearless dog, and will greet a threat with a teeth bared in a snarl and a growl in his throat; yes, he does known when to back off, to choose his battles, and to be wary, but his first instinct is to attack over everything else. The meaning of his name fits him, fierce courage indeed. He can do something that makes him afraid, because fear is fear in his mind; and it is something that can be conquered. He has morals, a sense of what is wrong and right; and does not like to see others suffering. Unless they are truly horrible and have made it personal, then he does take some satisfaction in it, even though he knows deep down inside it is wrong.

Rank: Subordinate

Desired Rank: Content

Other: Doberman pinscher

Edited at July 25, 2021 10:51 PM by the Wayne pack
Like a Soldier || Wolf & Dog RP || Literate || OPENJuly 24, 2021 12:54 PM


Posts: 22534
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"This name is believed to have a Hindi origin, and it means ‘a pleasant dim light’ or ‘a person who is always covered by shadows’."
4 Years Old

This female wolf stands at 30 inches at the shoulder, and weighs 98 lbs and around 102 if she's been eating well. Her body has it fair share of muscles around her neck and hindquarters, whist her legs appear long and leanly muscled. Due to her height and long legs she can cover distances quicker, and her body being built for endurance she can easily chase intruders or prey for hours. Also due to her being more lightweighted she has a bit more speed to work with. She's not the fastest, but she's quite speedy. Her body is also quite agile due to her being lighter.

Her fur can be described as mostly a tenebrous coloration with it being more evident around her face. On her face the fur around her cheeks are longer and fluffier than most. However, if the light hits her coat just right you can see wheaten and bronze colored fur intermixed with her inky fur as well. However, in her fur helps her blend in well with the shadows and remain hidden from sight. Her muzzle is short, yet pointed with a charcoal nose attached to it. Her fur is thick and can be soft at times especially her underbelly fur. She also has a small amount of white around her paws. Her eyes can be described as olive green. The scent that she can be identified by can be described as a mixture of rainwater, wild earth , and maybe a hint of honeysuckle with an overtone of lavender.
Stock Images. Credits to Lakela on DA.

Open to family

Edited at July 25, 2021 02:27 PM by Spellbound
Like a Soldier || Wolf & Dog RP || Literate || OPENJuly 24, 2021 04:15 PM

Tenebris Umbra

Posts: 9038
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May I reserve the oldest heir?

[ Name ]


meaning: Deimos is the personification of dread and terror in Greek mythology.

[ Age ]


[ Gender ]


[ Appearance ]


[credit for this image goes to HOTNStock on da]


[credits for this image above goes to EternalOcean on da]

Deimos is a tall-statured canid. Standing at around three feet (a few inches above the average for a male wolf), Deimos is a sight to behold. While he is tall, that isn't the most intimidating thing about him. No, it's his eyes. They strike out against his dark pelt and are a unique, bright yellow. They have a way of staring at you, as if he knows your deepest darkest secrets. When night arrives, they are perhaps the only thing visible about him.

While Deimos has a dark pelt, it isn't purely black. Upon his neck, starting from behind his ears and ending at his shoulder blades, his pelt transitions into a brown with flecks of white scattered around. This odd look makes it seem as if he's wearing a cape of sorts.

His nose and pawpads are both black, and a few scars remain upon his body from past experiences. Additionally, his scent consists of fire smoke, and his voice is oddly deep.

[ Personality ]

Deimos may be described as.. Gruff yet intimidating. The masculine is never one to smile commonly, and simply prefers the quieter side to things. He's one that enjoys small things that life has to offer, and while he doesn't look it nor act like it, deep down, he has a gentle soul. Deimos doesn't speak much, only offering an opinion or two before going silent. When he does reply to others, it's never more than a short sentence before he walks off.

It's not that he's reserved, simply keeps to himself. It's as if he needs a push from somebody to get him to open up. He needs somebody to help him live and realize the fun things in life, because alone, Deimos doesn't know how to act. He doesn't joke, doesn't smile, doesn't even hold a conversation for more than a few minutes. Despite all that, he has a sort of aura around him. Almost a saddened and gloomy one.

However, Deimos has potential, one that he and many others don't realize. There are occasions where he breaks away from his current self. He sticks up for others, will fight for those too scared to, and if he truly believes in something, will speak out and lead with an iron fist. Whether he admits it or not, he does have leadership qualities.

While he does prefer peace and the quieter aspects of life, there is a side to him that can be quite fiesty. He knows right from wrong, and will easily jump into protective mode if somebody is endangered. Deimos is intelligent, but many don't seem to know due to his quiet nature. They don't know that he can easily solve problems because he doesn't vocalize enough for others to find out. That will change when he's a little older, but for now, Deimos is quiet, sort of like a gentle giant.

[ Rank ]


[ Desired Rank ]

Alpha (not now, but when he's older his opinion will sway)

[ Other ]

Edited at July 24, 2021 08:45 PM by Tenebris Umbra
Like a Soldier || Wolf & Dog RP || Literate || OPENJuly 24, 2021 05:52 PM


Posts: 2721
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All slots should now be reserved.
Like a Soldier || Wolf & Dog RP || Literate || OPENJuly 25, 2021 03:43 PM


Posts: 2721
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All reservations have been extended for an extra 12 hours as I was busy, plus they're now 24 hours.
Like a Soldier || Wolf & Dog RP || Literate || OPENJuly 25, 2021 10:52 PM

the Wayne pack

Posts: 1941
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Think I'm done!
Like a Soldier || Wolf & Dog RP || Literate || OPENJuly 25, 2021 10:53 PM


Posts: 2721
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Looks good, accepted!
Like a Soldier || Wolf & Dog RP || Literate || OPENAugust 13, 2021 02:23 PM

Former Pack

Posts: 0
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*Name:* Layla

Age: Two and a Half Years

Gender: Female

Desired Rank:

Rank: Subordinahe?

Mate: None yet, but interested

Personality: Layla is a rather calm canine. She is very logical, never using her emotions to solve problems unless it involves her family. If somebody harms the ones she loves, they can expect claws and teeth and fury. She’s smaller than she acts, though, being a rather slender female. Her bark can sometimes be worse than her bite. She’s a realist at heart, always using logical and realistic solutions to solve problems that may arise in the pack. She’s generally level-headed, and carries herself in a very collected sort of way. However, inside of her head, she’s always worrying about doing the wrong thing. Being the second in line, she has a lot of weight on her delicate shoulders. Making sure everyone stays in line, can sometimes be hard, and usually frustrating. Especially when it comes to handling their adult wild-child of the pack, Robin.

Appearance [Description]: Layla is a small wolf, although she’s just below the average size for a female of her species. She’s lithe and agile, a great runner which makes her think she might be better off being a hunter. However, she’s scared of larger hoofed-animals such as elk and moose, as she was attacked by one when she was just a year old. She carries a nice toned look under her fur, nothing too muscular, but as she does a lot of running and leading, it’s only natural that she’s in shape.

Her fur is a very light gray color, with her undercoat being whiter than snow. She has a small splotch of white between her eyes and about an inch north, right on her forehead. Her tail is fluffy and long, and she carries her form with elegance and poise, especially when it is raised and fluttering like a flag in the wind. Her right forepaw and her left lower hindleg are bright white, spreading down to her paw. The top of her tail is also white, with a very thin line leading back up and trickling snow throughout her fluffy pelt.

She has a small scar on her left ear, trailing behind her ear and to the front, which isn’t really noticeable unless she’s up close. She also has a scar on her right foreleg, a clean vertical cut down the front of it with a sort of zig-zag pattern down towards her paw. It curls into a spot between her toes. She got the scar from the bull Elk in question.

She has striking blue eyes, colored like the brightest sapphires with gold specks throughout them. The ear with the small scar slightly tips forwards, just a tad.

Edited at August 13, 2021 02:23 PM by Howling Dawn

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