Wolf Play : Like a Soldier || Wolf & Dog RP || Literate || OPEN
05:29:24 Petri Dish/Oh Naauur
Not me asking a question then immediately leaving to eat. XD
05:29:17 Queen / Jo
Purge ohh sorry to hear motivation does suck sometimes
05:28:12 Purge
Training has gone so slow for me, just have no motivation or willingness to use funds on exp moves. My old gen of explorers died a few weeks ago, just never got over their passing I guess XD
05:27:12 skye

i mean if you bred with a high talent and cp male you might get something good
05:25:02 Queen / Jo
I came back July 2 I believe
05:24:44 Boo, Vapor (he/Him)
-WP Click-

should I breed her?
05:24:33 Queen / Jo
Purge well IÂ’m also training my 4 wolves in BE and CO training my 2 future alpha pups.
05:23:43 Purge
I struggle through my usual 60, couldn't imagine being in the hundreds let alone thousands
05:22:47 skye
thanks XD
 The Fear Seekers
05:22:40 Night, Shadow, Raven
Hey chat! I just got back from camping!
05:22:32 Queen / Jo
Skye goodluck
05:22:19 Queen / Jo
Purge I over bought moves was aiming for 1000
05:21:23 skye
i have 5911
wish me luck XD
05:21:12 The Naming Empress
An albino
05:21:06 Purge

How did you manage this XD
05:20:54 skye
yeah haha
they are all cute
the art for this game is just chefs kiss
05:20:23 Queen / Jo
2329 moves should keep me occupied lol 😂
05:20:10 Kiri / Keira
-WP Click-
Pup check?
05:19:40 Purge
I like the cats too, just fought off 3 of them
05:18:42 skye

yeah haha they are super cute.
they may add it next year who knows!


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Like a Soldier || Wolf & Dog RP || Literate || OPENJuly 24, 2021 06:03 AM


Posts: 2721
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Although the humans had become the adoptive owner of the dogs, otherwise known as man's best friend, you would jump to the conclusion that they were inseperable. Nothing could defeat this pair of unlikely allies - an animal and a human. Crazy, right? There would be no possible, humanley possible way that would create such a rift between the two species. However, that is where you are wrong.

Upon the descent into the human's extinction due to a horrid sickness, killing the billions of them quickly, dogs had been left alone as most, if not all animals had some sort of immunity to this sickness that would kill the humans. Most dogs starved, but eight years into this new world, there has been a handful of dogs who have lived lives like no other. Lives worth telling a story for, and ones that would perhaps change the course of history.

That was until their beloved ancestors, the wolves, were still thriving as well.

The human's extinction didn't affect the wolves as much. It actually helped them - it meant no more hunters, and that would be their biggest threat beside their own monsters that lurked within the forest. A small pack of wolves have been living in their own world alone for quite some time now without any sort of disturbance.

That was until the dogs came along.

A small handful of dogs found themselves lost, rather cold and starving when they stumbled upon the wolves. Although the wolves were rather stubborn about allowing the dogs into their humble abode, they came to the conclusion that it would be better to live in harmony rather than create a time of war in an era of the world such as this.

The wolves and dogs, although perhaps hating one another, decided that they could live together. Perhaps even like like soldiers in a world they no longer understand anymore.


Like a Soldier is a RP that is a remake of the same title, which was originally created around 3-4 years ago. It was one of my best RPs I ever created, which I haven't had many.

Like a Soldier is also a very open, character-driven RP for people like you and me to have fun and dive into the world of our own characters. There are many available plot-points, but of course, this is character-driven. Your character's choices will impact our story.


This RP is co-host/owned by my friend (yes), Spellbound. You should treat them the same respect you treat me, as they have the right to accept and decline forms as they see fit.



Edited at July 24, 2021 06:38 AM by Wanderlust
Like a Soldier || Wolf & Dog RP || Literate || OPENJuly 24, 2021 06:19 AM


Posts: 2721
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1) Please be considerate of all of Eve's rules alongside my own. Failure to oblige by not only mine, but also Eve's, will get you kicked or possibly banned from this RP.

2) This RP is literate - I want to see something around 300+ words per post with honorable grammar, punctuation, and capitalization. I understand writer's block and not having much to work off of, so the lowest I will allow is 250 words.

3) Your character(s) should have around 200 words in personality and a detailed description of them in their appearance. Images are fine, as long as they are properly credited and hosted on an image site.

4) Your character(s) are not perfect - they will be flawed, have strengths, weaknesses, and will not be the definition of perfect. That being said, basically, no Gary/Mary Sues.

5) Don't have your character be the sort of guy who is constantly running off, causing chaos, and be the one to steal the spotlight. This is a group RP, include everyone.

6) The character amount is currently 4. This could change.

7) Please try and keep genders as even as possible. If you decide to have 4 characters, have two males and two females.

8) You cannot have all high rankings. (Having Beta and an Omega is okay, but having Beta and Alpha is not).

9) No romance between your own characters.

10) Your characters are going to get injured and possibly even killed. That being said, if there is a fight scene, ensure that you have permission to harm the opposing character.

11) Please try to keep this as realistic as possible, disregarding the plot and the talking between your characters.

12) Do not join just to be inactive. I require at least 1-2 posts per week. If you want to drop out, need to go on a hiatus, etc, let me know.

13) Reservations last 12 hours. If you need an extension, please PM me.

14) Spell and I have the right to accept and decline forms as we see fit.

15) Please keep all drama within the RP. If you have an issue with a player outside of the RP, PM either myself or Spell and we will take care of it.

16) Cussing is allowed.

17) For the sake of this RP, no LGBTQ+ is allowed, as I want to keep this as realistic as possible.

18) Going back to the characters - do not make 4 characters if you cannot handle them and won't use them. Only use what you can handle.

19) Use the threads for their designated uses - no chatting in the sign-ups (only forms go here), chat in the discussion thread, and RP in the thread. All questions should be pointed to me via PM so you do not clog up this thread or the RP thread.

20) And last but not least, have fun!

Note that these are all subject to change at any point in time.

Edited at July 24, 2021 06:31 AM by Wanderlust
Like a Soldier || Wolf & Dog RP || Literate || OPENJuly 24, 2021 06:19 AM


Posts: 2721
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There aren't much for roles upon the newly founded group of dogs and wolves, however, there is a slight unspoken hierarchy upon them. There is still an alpha, beta, subordinates, omegas, etc upon the wolves, but for the dogs, it's a different story.


A rather dominant, honorable, and protective male, this wolf is the most respect out of the pack. His word is law and his punishments go unquestioned. Everything he says is to be followed, as he can make changes to the rules when he pleases. He is the only one within the pack who can accept and deny, although others can run opposing wolves out of the pack upon his request. He is also the only one who can have litters within the pack without having to ask permission.

This female is closest to the Alpha, perhaps his mate, and his pretty much right there by his side 24/7. She may help make calls, create rules, offer advice, but never has complete control of the pack unless the Alpha is absent, deceased, or has stepped down (though these two are normally around the same age). Technically, this is an Alpha female, but she is lower in dominance than the male. She is the only female in the pack who can have litters without permission, and is the highest-ranking female.

These are the Alpha and Beta's children. The oldest male will become the new Alpha when his father either dies or steps down, while the eldest female will only be able to become a high-ranking if the eldest male is deceased. Heirs can start out by leading together if wished, but sooner or later, the Alpha will have to choose a mate for him. The female is still to be treated with utmost respect, however.

These females are the wolves who have granted permission by the Alpha and Beta to have litters within the pack with their mates (considering wolves do mate for life). They average a litter at least every two breeding seasons, if not more. Their mates have to be within the pack, and said mate has to have permission to breed with said female as well. If the female is found out to be breeding outside, they will be run out of the pack.

This makes the bulk of the pack. They are some of the more lower-ranking wolves, but are still treated with respect, although not the most dominant out of the bunch. They hunt, scout, patrol, and do the general activities a pack does. They have to ask permission to be mates and to have litters with one another. If found not asking permission, the male will be chased and the female will stay until her pups are old enough to be on their own, then she will be ran out of the pack.

The life of the pack, really. They are the offspring of the Mothers and their mates, normally end up growing up to be subordinates, possible omegas. They are to be protected with your life, and should never be neglected. They must have a mother or some sort of caretaker within the pack. Subordinates may help train them to hunt, track, scout, etc when they are older. Pups are pups until the age of 1.

The lowest-ranking out of the pack. They are the least dominant, normally are rather disrespected. They do normally get the short-end of the stick. Sometimes omegas are only this rank because they have been demoted from their previous role, have been warned regarding them breaking a rule, or are even newcomers. Omegas normally get the most harsh work to complete, but they still can work their way up through the ranks if they wish.


The dogs are simply just there. They do not have much for a ranking system, as they like to make their choices with everyone included - not just a singular leader. At times, there will be some sort of hierarchy, but for now, there isn't really much.

The dogs now follow the wolves ranking system, though. Most will either be subordinates or omegas, possibly mothers if the Alpha and Beta grants permission.

Edited at July 24, 2021 06:35 AM by Wanderlust
Like a Soldier || Wolf & Dog RP || Literate || OPENJuly 24, 2021 06:33 AM


Posts: 2721
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Character List

Note that the dogs will mainly be among the subordinates and omegas, possibly the mothers.


Mohonjot [Wolf, Spellbound]

-Deimos [Wolf, Tenebris Umbra]


Kir [Dog, Wanderlust]
Devlin [Dog, Wayne]

*3 pups per litter.


M : F
2 : 0

Note that pups must have a caretaker, and cannot be orphaned. Also, try to keep genders as even as possible.

Edited at July 26, 2021 08:06 PM by Wanderlust
Like a Soldier || Wolf & Dog RP || Literate || OPENJuly 24, 2021 06:37 AM


Posts: 2721
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Character Sheet

This is just the bare minimum. Please be sure to fill everything out if you decide to add your own things to the form.

Desired Rank

As obvious as it will be in your forms if you use images, be sure to include the breed of your dog in 'Other' if you wish. There will be no wolf mixes.
Like a Soldier || Wolf & Dog RP || Literate || OPENJuly 24, 2021 06:37 AM


Posts: 2721
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This RP is now OPEN!

Edited at July 24, 2021 06:38 AM by Wanderlust
Like a Soldier || Wolf & Dog RP || Literate || OPENJuly 24, 2021 06:38 AM


Posts: 2721
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© windfuchs @ da for all images


"You're so fucking special."




Riddled with probably the most basic appearance out of the bunch, Kir has received his appearance from his parents. To start off, he has a rather simplistic design, and isn't too unique in any way at all. He has a black coat, in which is rather sleek and thick. It makes up the bulk of his size, actually, as Kir is a rather slim male without much muslce, but this is also hidden by the fact his fur is so dark.

Regardless of Kir being a bit on the more slimmer side, he is also stocky. He has thick legs and shoulders, mainly in his front legs and his haunches, as the male still manages to run and be active as he pulls a sled, or even just running in general. Moving along, however, Kir has, as mentioned, a sleek black coat that has the generic white markings that cover mainly his underside, the inside of his perky ears, legs, and his tail. There is a bit of white that can be spotted on his withers.

The more unique thing about Kir are his eyes. His right eye is a dark brown, while his left is a bright, striking blue, both of which can say a thousand words. There is some black surrounding his eyes that fades into the paleness of his white face, leading down to his black nose.

Kir stands around 22 inches and weighs in about 56 pounds. Again, his build is rather slim yet stocky, and he appears larger because of his thick fur.

To begin, Kir can be described as someone who is rather soft-spoken, but makes his point when needed. Although not timid nor loud, Kir is easily one of the canines who knows when to be mature. He can crack occasional jokes, perhaps you may even hear him chuckle, but otherwise, Kir is rather quiet and likes to keep to himself unless approached. However, this mainly applies to first meeting him, and luckily, he's rather comfortable with most within his inner circle. He finds himself talking a bit more with those he trusts, which is hard to come by he feels.

Kir is quite... devoted. He is a hard-worker, always doing anything and everything that somebody might require of him. This can cause him to appear like somebody who is too selfish though, but most things he does are for others around him, even if he doesn't voice it. Kir is the literal definition of selfless, as he is always thinking of others and couldn't bare prioritizing himself over his friends, relationships, and/or family. It just isn't him. Kir likes his honesty, which he feels if it isn't there, then there is nothing to be said.

Kir prioritizes, like already stated, his friends, relationships, and/or family. There is never a specifc order this goes in, and seeing how selfless this fellow is, Kir can never deny how much he cares for someone. There is never a moment in time where he will brush somebody's feelings off his shoulder, disregard them because he doesn't like them as much as someone else, or anything along those lines. Kir has never truly found himself losing friendships or relationships as he likes to try and be friendly as possible, but he does understand that some things must come to an end, and relations is one of those things he can't always keep up with.

Some may consider Kir soft or too gentle for this world, but in reality, he is a male who has been strong for too long. No, he's not one of those males with a rough exterior and a soft, loving nature on the inside, but instead, he's simply trying to live to the best of his abilities. Kir is in fact those things though - soft, gentle, relaxing, but it has never stopped him from being strong. He has maintained an image of himself that kept true for so long, but deep down, Kir just wants the best for everyone and maybe even himself, as much as he doesn't like being selfish.
Kir has no issue stating what is on his mind. As surprising as it is, he can sometimes be blunt, but will sugarcoat things if needed as he doesn't like coming off as dis-likable. That's his main issue - he tries to please everyone as much as possible and be someone everyone wants to be around, but deep down, he might not be what everyone wants. Regardless, Kir is somebody who you can get an honest opinion from, and will speak his mind when asked to. He normally doesn't speak out of turn, but might if he sees the fit to.

Kir is rather trustworthy as well. Alongside being honest and selfless, he's somebody who you can go to and tell a secret. There is a boundary for him though - not everything will be kept to himself. Kir will inform others of said secret or other information if he feels like it isn't okay or something that is too big for him to handle. Kir cannot be a one-man-band, which makes him a great candidate to work in teams. He can also be considered reliant, but not entirely independent as he does flow better around others.

Kir has one weak point - those close to him. Already quite protective unexpectedly, Kir has no issue confronting you with a problem and trying to resolve it. Although he doesn't like physical violence, he can stir up venom-laced words that can destroy you. It is very rare to ever see Kir uncivilized, or entirely angry as he tries his best to keep things cool and collected, but of course, everyone has a side that is rare to see. This is Kir's - you mess with him or those close to him, you expect someone to come after you.

Breaking Kir's trust is the worst you can do. He can devote hours to years into you, and not do one hurtful thing out of his will. The fact that he is so selfless, so honorable (maybe, he thinks so), and so caring, it would be something that you may not even want to do, but do anyway. Kir doesn't create choas if something like betrayal is caused or trust is broken, but instead, he will feel like a part of him is missing. Kir strives too much to be 'perfect', so why destroy this image? He knows not everything can last forever, but he wished it could.

Desired Rank

Dog, Siberian Husky. Also, pretty please read my rules <:

Edited at July 24, 2021 06:44 AM by Wanderlust
Like a Soldier || Wolf & Dog RP || Literate || OPENJuly 24, 2021 06:38 AM


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Like a Soldier || Wolf & Dog RP || Literate || OPENJuly 24, 2021 11:47 AM

the Wayne pack

Posts: 1941
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May I reserve a spot? Subordinate.
Like a Soldier || Wolf & Dog RP || Literate || OPENJuly 24, 2021 11:55 AM


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