
Do you have a Sugarwing Dragon or Nighttart that you've been wanting to use in a roleplay? Well now is the time to try that out. Just follow the site rules and have fun. There is no real set plot here. Medium length responses are prefered.

The last remnants of snow eroded under paw as the petite sugarwing pads outside. Overhead the sky fades to a purple hue chasing the sun beyond the horizon. Pink clouds dot the sky matching parts of the strawberry shortcake's pelt. In the spacious yard belonging to a humble cottage there is plenty of life slumbering. Bushes, trees, and even a small kitchen garden all await the arrival of spring to start anew. Althaea lifts her head sniffing the air in an attempt to uncover any friends or foes, "curse this air I can't smell a thing."

Making their way under the low hanging branches of a weeping birch a lop eared blue cakepop sugarwing lets out a lengthy sigh. They are about to sit down in a patch of sunlight and relax when some snow from one of the branches plops down onto their soft pink nose. Klaus's nose twitches a couple of times before they sneeze the cold substance off. "Still too cold." They remark and lick at their aching paws. They tilt their head, watching nearby dragons and humans going about their days. A small spark of jealousy makes their chest ache as they watch their fellow sugarwings flitting around. "If it weren't for my condition I could join them in that."

Movement in the distance catches Althaea's attention. Curiosity fills her chest urging her forward. Bursting into a sprint being carried as fast as her tiny legs would allow she couldn't help but think there was a certain thrill in the wonder of what awaited her. However, once nearing the tree in question she felt her pace slow. Stalking through the underbrush she found her caution outweighing her excitement. After all, what would she do if she came face to face with a Nighttart? The very idea sent chills down her spine, but still she pressed on. Edited at January 5, 2022 03:33 PM by Flying Ramen God

Klaus tenses up as they hear some movement nearby. Whatever is causing the sound seems too small to be a nighttart but even so they feel it's best to remain caustious. After all while most sugarwings are nice and playful there are still those that would pick a fight over food or a good spot to rest. The dark blue feathers at the tip of their tail fan out and align in a defensive display, something they learned to do in place of flaring their wings. Scruffy flight feathers aren't very intimidating after all. Are they?

Peaking through the branches Althaea catches sight of colors of creams and blue. Her breath catching in her throat until the realization of what is before her. "Hello, I am Althaea. Are you friendly?" A shout from behind the cover she had found. She had a good feeling upon seeing them, but was prepared to defend herself should the calming blues of their pelt be concealing their true personality.

Klaus springs up and looks around for the source of the voice. Their heart is pounding frantically now. Sure this Althea sounds nice but where is she. "I'm Klaus." They answer, looking over at the bushes where the rustling came from earlier. "I... I suppose I'm friendly enough? Where are you?" They can faintly smell the scent of strawberries so the possibility of this being another sugarwing seems to be most likely. A nighttart wouldn't smell like that and humans don't speak their language. The maned male relaxes their tail feathers now and perks their ears.

This Klaus seems to have calmed some, but he was so riled up before. A pang of guilt went through Althaea. Of course he was riled up, I startled him. "What am I doing?" She muttered under her breath before pushing through her cover revealing herself. She took a seat in front of where she had been hiding so she would be in plain view, but could make a quick retreat if needed. "Uhm...I'm really sorry if I startled you! I don't see many sugarwings around here. Well I see plenty, but I don't usually talk to them." As a nervous habit she began pawing at the ground making a small dent in the chilled earth.

Klaus tilts their head, taking in the appearance and behavior of Althea. She seems just as nervous as they feel. "It's okay. I'm sorry for responding the way I reacted." They tell her and flick their tail before sitting back down. "I'm not used to being approached by anyone outside my human's den." They shuffle their wings, the darkened tips of their flight feathers brush against one another and lose a few barbs, the small blue strands drift down to rest brightly against the white snow.

The appearance of their feathers was lost on Althaea. Perhaps given her own mutations they didn't seem so different, or maybe she was simply too wrapped up in meeting someone new. "Humans den? Do you live around here?" She wouldn't be able to help the excitement leaking into her voice, "you're the first sugarwing I've met from around here!"