
Hello there! I've decided that I want to begin RPing again, so I'm making a 1x1 forum. RP Topics Human Supernatural Human Werewolf x Vampire Best Friend x Best Friend's Sibling MxM, FxF, MxF Much more! I'll basically do anything that isn't animal related. I struggle to only RP animals and I find more enjoyment out of doing human-based RPs. I'm fine with Werewolf/Supernatural RPS, as stated above, but not strictly animal. Rules -Please be patient with me, there will be time where I have to be offline for a few days. I'll message you if I'm going to be gone for longer than 2-3 days. -If I don't respond after 24-48 hours, please PM me/say something in the forum! Sometimes I overlook things. -All WP rules apply. -If you have a plot idea, please feel free to tell me and we can discuss on it! -Give me at least 2 solid paragraphs to work with. I always try to do 500+ words, sometimes 400+ if I'm not given something to work with/I'm not in the best writing mood. -I'll only be doing RPs through forums because it's easier for me to keep track of. RP Form Pack Name: Pack Number: Topic/RP Idea?: Semi-Literate/Literate?: How Often Are You Online?: How Long Are You Online For?: Preferred Gender You RP: Anything Else?: Edited at May 11, 2022 02:38 PM by Masky

Pack Name Dagger Pack Pack Number 212937 Topic/RP Idea? I like a good old forbidden romance. But I am typically open to any kind of RP. I prefer humans or humanoid creatures like elves. My creative mind sucks at the moment, but I do love to whip up a good RP between myself and my RP partner Semi-Literate/Literate? I like to think I'm somewhere between semi and literate. I prefer longer responses but of course understand writer's block. I try and stay anywhere between 500-1000, but can stray down as low as 300. How Often Are You Online? I always get on at least two to three times a day if not more How Long Are You Online For? I stay online typically an hour per time I get on unless I am not feeling like staying on very long Preferred Gender You RP I prefer to RP as a female Anything Else? If you find me interesting enough go ahead and shoot me a PM! If not, that's fine. Have a great day/night!


Pack Name: Covidic Pack Number: 261297 Topic/RP Idea?: I'm perfectly fine with anything truly. However, I do not do "magical" "super happy" kinda-vibes :,) Im more into action, low-moods, dramatic kind of themes. I do tend to be a gory writer, so, if we are to do supernatural, end of world, kind of themes, please expect me to be gory. Semi-Literate/Literate?: Semi-Lit to Lit. I have been pushing myself, and as of now, I am originally go from 700 - 900 words, but in the past I have written 1.5k reply or two. How Often Are You Online?: I'd say pretty often, but I did just get back { a week ago } from a hiatus. If I am going to disappear for a few days, or even more, I will most certainly alert you through PMs/Forum. I do raise a farm, so anything is unexpected here. How Long Are You Online For?: Hours at a time. Preferred Gender You RP: Female. But I don't mind playing Male. Anything Else?: I don't think so, but I bet after I post this I'll think of something. :,)

Pack Name: Mist Fall Wolves Pack Number: 284958 Topic/RP Idea?: Human Apocalypse Animals point of view during a apocalypse yet the zombies can in fact hurt em Owned x Shelter (dogs) - Well anything a bit dark, I can get on board with magic though. Semi-Literate/Literate?: Depends. Usually 700/1,500 words How Often Are You Online?: Right now? Everyday for a decent amount of hours. I know, not healthy. How Long Are You Online For?: An hour to two at a time, so about 6 hours a day if not more. Preferred Gender You RP: Just depends on the RP as I have main Female and Male characters. Anything Else?: I don't think so..

Covidic said: Pack Name: Covidic Pack Number: 261297 Topic/RP Idea?: I'm perfectly fine with anything truly. However, I do not do "magical" "super happy" kinda-vibes :,) Im more into action, low-moods, dramatic kind of themes. I do tend to be a gory writer, so, if we are to do supernatural, end of world, kind of themes, please expect me to be gory. Semi-Literate/Literate?: Semi-Lit to Lit. I have been pushing myself, and as of now, I am originally go from 700 - 900 words, but in the past I have written 1.5k reply or two. How Often Are You Online?: I'd say pretty often, but I did just get back { a week ago } from a hiatus. If I am going to disappear for a few days, or even more, I will most certainly alert you through PMs/Forum. I do raise a farm, so anything is unexpected here. How Long Are You Online For?: Hours at a time. Preferred Gender You RP: Female. But I don't mind playing Male. Anything Else?: I don't think so, but I bet after I post this I'll think of something. :,)
I'll PM you!

Mist Fall Wolves said: Pack Name: Mist Fall Wolves Pack Number: 284958 Topic/RP Idea?: Human Apocalypse Animals point of view during a apocalypse yet the zombies can in fact hurt em Owned x Shelter (dogs) - Well anything a bit dark, I can get on board with magic though. Semi-Literate/Literate?: Depends. Usually 700/1,500 words How Often Are You Online?: Right now? Everyday for a decent amount of hours. I know, not healthy. How Long Are You Online For?: An hour to two at a time, so about 6 hours a day if not more. Preferred Gender You RP: Just depends on the RP as I have main Female and Male characters. Anything Else?: I don't think so..
I'm sorry, but as I stated above, I don't do RPs where I play as strictly animals. If they were shifters, possibly. I'm sorry! I'm totally willing to do an apocalyptic RP with humans, though! Edited at May 12, 2022 06:39 PM by Masky

Pack Name - Valinyx --- Pack Number - 263943 --- Topic/RP Idea? - 1) Would you consider doing a roleplay where the prince(ss) of a kingdom and their soldiers get teleported into an apocalypse world where they reluctantly join with a long surviving group in order to find a way back? 2) One character (A) dies, but instead of the afterlife or whatever else they were expecting they wake up to find a child (B) casually inviting them over to play with them. Only then do they realize that they're the kids imaginary friend OR: They're a ghost and only the kid can see them 3) If you want something more action packed then I can PM you another idea I have :) --- Semi-Literate/Literate? - I consider myself literate --- How Often Are You Online? - Once a day --- How Long Are You Online For? - For at least 1-2 hours, usually more --- Preferred Gender You RP - Any! I'm comfortable with any gender of character :) --- Anything Else? - Not exactly? Be warned my response times can get really bad sometimes so don't be afraid to endlessly nag me if it's been 3+ days with nothing