Hello. I've never properly opened an art shop, and was in dire need of help for pricing. I've never been good at it, and normally I would do PWYW, but I feel like I could get lowballed. I think my art could be worth a decent amount and I just need some opinions. I would offer things like headshots, fullbody, and scenes (a piece with a background), etc. Shading would be optional, some accessories could cost more, etc. I will ONLY be drawing canines for now. I will also say that my backgrounds really aren't that good heh. Anyway, here is my gallery for examples; https://wolfplaygame.com/forums.php?f=5&t=74361Please let me know what you think <: As for an idea, my YCHs have gone for 10 apples at most, 1 at the least.
wow :0. id say do your prices in apples! depending on what youre offering but id say a range of 15-30 apples/piece? youre super talented! :)
Jaune, Woah- I never thought of it being that much lmao. I do appreciate it though!
I got a few pricing suggestion but ya don't have to listen to them because I'm bad at pricing things. So! ~~ Headshots: 2-3 apples Busts: 5-6 apples Halfbodys: 9-10 apples Fullbodys: 15-20 apples Scenes: 20-30 apples (depending on complexity) Shading maybe add 200-300 mush and if your confident enough to do two OC's in one thing make it double the price of normal. So like say headshot with 2 OC's could be 6-7 apples. ~~ Anyways! Your art is gorgeous and don't underprice yourself :D it's totally worth apples