So someone bred with one of my wolves and I currently have them since I had the mother, but I wanted to know when they would get them. Thank you!
Wolves can be pregnant anywhere from 80 to 96 hours then another 2-5 hours for labor and then the pups will appear in your den if you have room. If you have no room they will leave the pack, and the only way the other pack gets the pups is if you sell them to the pack after birth
Okay, but I don't want others to steal the pups. How do I specifically sell to them?
Visionbearers said: Okay, but I don't want others to steal the pups. How do I specifically sell to them?
Unless you are premium there is no sure way for the other pack to get it unless you put them up for a amount the other pack can pay but others probably won't buy for. Like 100 mush and then just return the mush after. But besides that there is no absolute way to make sure the pack you want gets it without premium
One thing I do is I put the wolf up for 0 apples casue most people aren't going to the trading post and search for a wolf that's being sold in apples.
Greenfall said: One thing I do is I put the wolf up for 0 apples casue most people aren't going to the trading post and search for a wolf that's being sold in apples.
Ah yes, that is true. Just make sure that the other pack is on at the same time so the transaction can happen quickly
They atually told me they didn't want them, so I guess now I can ask what y'all what you think these two pups are worth since I'm going to be selling them. They said none of the pups caught their eye so yeah.