Wolves in Wolf Play can breed. When a pup reaches the age of two, it can begin to breed and pass down it's lines and traits, like defects, boosts, rarity, markings, pelt colors, and talents.
How to Breed a Wolf
Breeding Male Wolves
▪For male wolves, head to the wolf's page. Then scroll down to "Manage Your Wolf". Click that, then click "Breed". You can now enter a price to breed your wolf.
Keep in mind that your Alpha Male may only breed to your Alpha Female.
(Wolf Page < "Manage Your Wolf" < "Breed")
Breeding Female Wolves
For female wolves, first check to make sure that the wolf has not yet been bred this season. This will show in the box titled with her name. In the "Bred this Year" section, make sure that the number showing is 0. If it is not, you may need to purchase a Jasmine, or you might want to wait until Spring 1. If she is ready to breed, you now need to find a suitable male.
Again, Alpha wolves are pair bonded. You may breed Alpha Pairs with one another, but not other wolves. This also means that Alpha Females may only breed with Alpha Males.
There are two ways to breed your female. One is to find another member's stud and use it to breed your female. The other is to price a breeding to your female, so that other members can breed her with their own studs.
Using Another Member's Stud
▪To breed a female using another member's stud, first go to the "Realm" tab. Then, in the drop-box, click "Trading Post". There will be a set of filters you can use to find a stud. The important part is to click the box "For Breeding" under the gender box.
("Realm" < "Trading Post")
Now that you have found a stud, click his name. Under his icon there will be a message (if he is breed-able) saying the following:
Breed to this wolf for (Amount) Mushrooms.
Go to the drop-down box beside this message, and click the female that you want to breed. Then, click the "Breed" button. If you have enough mushrooms (WP Currency) to breed to the stud you chose, and your female was able to breed, she will now be bred! Congrats, in 80-96 hours (plus labor) you will now have a litter of pups!
Putting a Female up for Breeding
▪To breed a female by letting any stud breed her for a price, the same steps can be followed as to breed a male wolf. Head to your female wolf's page, scroll down to "Manage Your Wolf", click "Breed", and enter a price. Depending on your preferences, you may make your female available for breeding using apples or mushrooms.
(Wolf Page < "Manage Your Wolf" < "Breed")
(Lowkey hijacked by Aku uwu)