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Form I use:
Name: Nickname: Preferred Name: Age: Appearance: Personality: Pets: Family: Friends: Weapons: Other:
Name: Zaelia Nickname: Zii, by childhood friends only
Preferred Name: Zaelia
Age: 18-25. Depends on the RP, but usually 18 or so (Current RP: 17 years old)
Appearance: Zaelia is 5'8. She has red hair on the top of her head, and also orange hair that goes down to her shoulders. One of her eyes is all black with a bright glowing green slit in the middle. A large scar covers the right side of her face, though that part of her face has been replaced with whiteish-pinkish medal plating. On either side of the plating thick black string sews up the skin around the medal. Her other eye is a black gear that has a black smoky glass in the middle. The gear is held on her face by a tan and brown striped strap that goes around her head. She has paper white colored skin from staying inside most of her life.
Zaelia has large pointed ears. Hanging from her right ears is a chain that she uses for an earring. Around her neck is another thick black string sewn there, and tied in the front with a little bow. Zaelia wears an odd dress. On the right side, her collar is a bright green and her dress a light pink, and the band below her puffed short sleeve is a bright purple. On the left side her collar is dark red, and her dress is a bright orange. The band on that sleeve is yellow. Her right hand is a medal claw, while her left arm is all made of medal with a clawish hand at the end. For bracelets she wears brown and tan straps around her wrists with gears attached to them.
Zaelia's large boots are grey. Her left shoe has a brown tip, while the other has a tan tip. Gears and chains wrap around them, and at the top is a tan and brown striped pattern.
Personality: Zaelia's normal personality is shy. She often stays indoor reading over books fillet with legends and lore, or she will be sitting in her room, lost in her own world. She doesn't speak much, but when she does she makes sure to be polite. She is polite when she speaks, but not always in her head. She is quite bold when it comes to thinking in her head, but since no one listened to her as a child, she never speaks her opinion. Zaelia loves to daydream, and often tries to write stories of her own, though they never become completed. Sometimes at night, Zaelia's ADD//ADHD comes out.
Pets: N/A
Family: Mother, Father. She is the fourth youngest in a family of 15.
Friends: Childhood friends, not many
Weapons: A bright dark purple gun her sometimes wears about
Other: She has ADHD/ADD, and gets distracted by pretty much everything. Edited at November 26, 2018 08:09 PM by Monster
Eternal Chaos said: I LIKE this!
Thank you <3
Name: Syri Nickname: N/A Preferred Name: Syri Age: 19-22 Appearance: WIP Personality: WIP Pets: N/A Family: N/A, killed Friends: WIP Weapons: WIP Other: WIP
Name: Rezistoj Ferr (Resist Hell)
Age: 3, in wolf years
Gender: Male
Appearance: http://oi68.tinypic.com/b7ap0z.jpg Credit goes to (c)Wyndbain.DA for the base. Wolf made on DollDivine. Edited at December 1, 2018 10:37 PM by Youngblood.
Vasily, my wolf OC!
https://i.postimg.cc/m22dmm03/Untitled18.png Edited at January 2, 2019 06:17 PM by Vasily