Wolf Play : Suncrest Riding Academy RP Thread
 Night Shade
11:35:35 Graves | Chaos

I instantly thought Juniper, but I don't know if it fits XD
11:34:35 Goblin Queen|Rave
This dude needs named still
-WP Click-
 Night Shade
11:32:56 Graves | Chaos

I can see it. 🤔
11:32:44 Goblin Queen|Rave
Hero noice
11:32:39 Luna/Phantom
11:32:05 Luna/Phantom
They remind me of a Snow Leopard a bit.
 Night Shade
11:30:27 Graves | Chaos
I didn't realize I had a token and had the urge to go to the wolf party. Ended up with this boy. Name suggestions?

-WP Click-
11:27:37 Lil Techy | Techno

11/16 werms sketched weee
 Avatar Of Lust
11:27:17 Asmodeus (he/they)
hi chat
 Blood lust tide
11:27:13 BewareWhoYouTrust
Your wolves played: blood splattered watches the pups practice wrestling.
 Blood lust tide
11:26:59 BewareWhoYouTrust
11:25:23 Goblin Queen|Rave
My wolves are dumb
im so broke now but its been strange without it
11:23:07 Phantom
 Blood lust tide
11:22:54 BewareWhoYouTrust
We should buy it together xD
finally have my premium account back i missed my lovly banner
11:22:26 Goblin Queen|Rave
I get payed the day after it drops hehe
 Blood lust tide
11:22:08 BewareWhoYouTrust
You got blood on my paws one still working on
 Blood lust tide
11:21:20 BewareWhoYouTrust
Jack sparrow bundle in 1000 vbuck which I got comes with jar of dirt xD
11:20:32 Goblin Queen|Rave
What wolf should I put cp on for ya duck


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Suncrest Riding Academy RP ThreadJuly 10, 2021 04:03 PM

Former Pack

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-Eves rules. Be smart.
-Both Spell and I are in charge even if she's inactive
- Three strikes, you're out
- Minimum 200 words per post
-Hate characters, not players
Campus Rules
°Lights out at 11, quiet time starts 10:30
°You must stay in your own dorm rooms at night
°weekends with no shows are free time
°Act appropriately. You're all adults now
°Treat all with respect
°Sportsmanship is key.
°Fights/Harassment will not be tolerated
°Alcoholic beverages/Tobacco/Nicotine products are not permitted on campus along with any other d®ugs you whip up
°Show up on time. 3 tardys = mucking shift for all, for two weeks minimum
°Calls/Electronic time tales place outside of class/practice
On campus there is;
Crop fields
One stable
One pond in the middle of it all
Two pens for the horses to free roam
One cattle pen
A garden
The main house
One arena
One barn
Dorms have 2 sets of bunks, four dressers, and two large wardrobes split in the middle for two people to use. Full bathroom with double sinks, two showers, one tub
(Students may bring decorations from home)
Main house has several dorms on 2nd and 3rd floor. A dorms are on the 2nd floor. B dorms on 3rd. Common room, kitchen, and mudroom on the first floor.

Edited at July 17, 2021 08:06 PM by Different Times
Suncrest Riding Academy RP ThreadJuly 10, 2021 04:04 PM

Former Pack

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°Patricia Alexander
°Aedouri Retor { History}
°Norway Brooke
𓂀 First Years𓂀
° Jackson Bleu/J/Devil in Georgia
°Ivan Vollentine/D/
°Ase Fayeau/D+J/Cheif
°Nikolaus Diedrich/J/Lord
°Kataru Kouzai/XC+J/Months of the Storm
°Adil Orpheus/D+XC/Asterios
°Antolli Vollentine/D/Smooth Criminal
°Carter McDaniel/XC/Even in Death
❀Second Years ❀
°Jade Smith/D/Beauty
°Kapono Nazih/J+D/Sweet Dreams
°Patrick McDaniel/D/Too Much for You
°Constance Vollentine/XC/
☦︎ Third Years☦︎
° Camus Amante/XC/
𖧷 Fourth Years𖧷

Edited at July 15, 2021 10:36 PM by Different Times
Suncrest Riding Academy RP ThreadJuly 10, 2021 04:05 PM

Former Pack

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Edited at July 21, 2021 10:50 AM by Different Times
Suncrest Riding Academy RP ThreadJuly 10, 2021 04:07 PM

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Once Entering, Students should enter the main house and sign in at the front desk (main hall as soon as you walk in through the front door)
Once you have your schedules and dorm rooms, please get comfortable.
The rest of the evening is yours to explore. Woods are off limits for now.
Be in by 9pm lights out at 11pm.
And welcome to Suncrest

Edited at July 17, 2021 09:22 PM by Different Times
Suncrest Riding Academy RP ThreadJuly 17, 2021 09:25 PM

Former Pack

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Patrick McDaniel/Student/Mentions: Carter, Vollentines, Jackson
Three long hours in the car to the airport for a long flight just to drive another four hours all stuck with his baby cousin Carter. Brat had ignored him the entire time like he wasn't even there. Poor kid was still going through the emo phase where he was depressed and wearing beaning like that Jack kid from high school. He should be coming too.
A few weeks earlier he'd sent out a text to the groupchat that was almost five years old. Since the beginning of highschool. Their old riding academy had taught them a lot. And that Jackie was probably gayer than Ryan Reynolds. But he made sure he'd gotten into the right school. How Carter got in he had no clue. He'd never even seen the kid on an actual horse before. Whack. But the important part was he was going to see Constance. It had been a hot minute and he planned on showing her he followed her strict instructions.
Tongue ring, check.
Loyal, check.
No person on this planet was worth losing his kneecaps to Ivan. Scary tall friggin redhead.
Once they arrived though he was relieved to see he'd been paired up with some kids with some exotic names he'd never be able to pronounce in his Irish accent that was still heavy after years in America. He heard Carter grumbling about his own roommates before wandering off to find the room he now belonged to. Patty was busy doing the same, with a wave to the lady behind the desk he headed up the stairs. Both of them. He was taking this as a sign to hit the gym. Metabolism doesn't mean fit.
Patricia Alexander/Instructor/M: Students, other education providers
Not that she was scared or anything, but she was scared. Trish was hardly older than these guys and some of them were older than her. How was it possible that she'd be the one instructing them to ride? She hadn't even met the rest of the teachers yet... No doubt that they were probably calm and collected for this. Hopefully her theatre classes wouldn't let her down during this.
The young woman sighed and rubbed her hand on her breeches, standing up from her desk to head downstairs and hopefully she would avoid her future students. Checking her blonde pixie cut in the mirror before she left, grinning broadly as she made her way out to the stable to the selection of steed simply gazing at her like she was boring.
Yes, these creatures she understood. Much easier than young adults.
It was going to be a long year.

Edited at July 17, 2021 10:02 PM by Different Times
Suncrest Riding Academy RP ThreadJuly 19, 2021 10:04 AM

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Jade Smith/Student/ Mentions: Patricia Alexander and Patrick McDaniel
Jade waved goodbye to a bright blue car as her parents drove away. She held two leashes, one red and one blue, as her two dogs sat at her feet. Ranger wore his red collar with sunset orange streaks. Scout clearly want to head off and look at everything around them, but sat still in a blue collar. Luckily I didn't did to fly here, it just took a 2 hour car drive, she thought. Her parents, after saving up for years, bought a house in Switzerland. They had only moved in a week before she was accepted. It wasn't in the mountains, but it was still in a nice open area.
Jade turned to face a building."This is where I sign in. Come on guys, we'll look around later." Jade gently pulled on the leashes. Her silver backpack was stuffed full and super heavy. Her mother also insisted she bring her purse that had all the money she earned back when she lived in the States and worked at various places. As Jade walked in there were two other people, a tall male who had been here last year and Ms. Alexander, standing at the desk. Jade waved at them and waited for her turn to recieve her schedule, dormroom, and sign in. Today Jade's parents had her take off her hoodie, so she just wore a plain navy blue shirt with long sleeves.

Edited at July 21, 2021 09:30 AM by Crimson Dawn
Suncrest Riding Academy RP ThreadJuly 20, 2021 04:13 PM


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The Chaotic Gays The Vollentines
Mentions : Pattie, Jackie

The Vollentine was a well know family of horse prodigies. So it was no secret that they'd earn their way into one of the top riding schools. They were riding in their limousine, their horses being transported to the campus a couple days before their arrival. It was when the older kids : Ivan, Constance, and Dimitri started getting texts from Patty in the old OC from ages ago. They all started snickering at the memories.

Soon the arrived at the Campus and began unloading. They found the check in area quite easily and spotted new people entering and a familiar face.

"PATTIE." Came the thick accented voice of Constance as she ran to her boyfriend and grinned as she encased him in a hug, and wrapped her arms around his neck, "Did you hear I'm going to be a student teacher?"

"Ugh, prepare for Drill Sergant Vollentine." Ivan and Anatolii hissed under their breaths.

"Come one guys she's not that bad." Dimitri said suppressing a chuckle

"Bastards." Constance hissed flicking them off.

Anatolii sighed already exhausted by his family. He put his headphones on, and walked away muttering. Who knew it would lead to him bumping into Carter [ 😏].

"Carter?!?" He said in shock

"Where's Jackie?" Ivan grumbled folding his arms as his skirt flared.

Suncrest Riding Academy RP ThreadJuly 20, 2021 08:56 PM


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Camus Amante

Male | Third Year Student | 21 | Mentions: Open

He wasn't amused.

The academy was packed with too much people. Far too much. And there was far too many first years. A rather vavacious group of the younger ones were greeting each other, ratherly obnoxious. Camus gave a disgruntled sigh and strutted around the group, a bored expression on his face. There weren't many other third years he considered close companions. There had been handfuls over the years, but they had either left, or moved on. Not that he necessarily minded. He ran a hand through his hair, brushing loose strands out of his eyes. The sun was bright. He passed a sad looking first year with headphones on, who had bumped into someone, and stuttered his name in a rather surprisingly manner, as if he hadn't expected to see other people. Camus shook his head and passed the duo to make his way into the main hall to grab his schedule and dorm room. As soon as he had it, he made his way to the room, which happened to be on the second floor, as he was placed in Three A.

And he was paired three different first years. How wonderful.

Camus chose one of the top bunks and unpacked his belongings in an experienced, quick manner. He sighed and closed his dresser and side of one of the wardrobes. Another year at this academy and he would be a fourth year then get to leave. It would be a rather nice occasion. From what he had learned today, he was going to be the oldest in his dorm room by two years, and definitely the most trained in the campus. They would probably have had some relative already having gone to the school, in any case, so they would have some prior knowledge upon their arrivals.

Hopefully they weren't obnoxious or overly arrogant. Camus loathed people like that, even though he tended to fit that description rather well. That was probably why he hated those who were the same, though, because he didn't necessarily like his own personality.

Camus rubbed the back of his neck and continued to organize the rest of the dorm room, namely his own belongings. He inspected the rest of the room as well as the restrooms that connected and, after deeming both well enough, he headed for the door and left his dorm, closing the door fluidly behind him. Here was to hoping he wouldn't run into anyone. He didn't mind helping the first years too much, though. It made him feel slightly useful, but mainly, it made him feel as if he wasn't incapable of being slightly courteous.

Edited at July 20, 2021 09:01 PM by Tis Juan
Suncrest Riding Academy RP ThreadJuly 21, 2021 10:26 AM

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Jade Smith/Student/ Mentions: Anyone who want to join
After Ms. Alexander had given her a shedule and told her which dorm she had, Jade headed off to Two A. Scout and Ranger barked at everything, including a group of people who seemed to know each other. After dragging the two dogs up the stairs, Jade made it to her dorm. It appeared like no one else had found their way to the dormroom, so Jade claimed the bottom bunk furthest from the door. There would be less light to read in, but her dogs could sleep with her. I'll have to go to the store later and get them some food, Jade thought.
Jade went to the closet to put her stuff up, but before she could Scout started growling and barking, as she looked over Jade saw the Border Collie puppy on her bunk, looking out the window. Horses were being brought into the stable. The young woman chuckled, remembering this was Scout's first time here. "That's right boy, there are horses here." Ranger lifted his head from where he was curled up on a pillow to gaze at the 9 month old pup before putting his head back down. Steady snores emitted from the black and brown lump of Beagle. For the angle she was at, Jade couldn't even see his white fur beyond one of his spotted paws! After unpacking, Jade clipped on Scout's leash and headed out the door. Scout was dying to explore, so Jade had to take exploring. Besides that meant she could see what had changed from last year. When Jade was finally outside, she took a deep breath of the fresh air. She ran towards the stable, Scout right on her heels, and stopped right before she stepped into the barn. Horses paused their eating of hay, to look at her. Jade walked up to a beautiful cream-colored mare. This was the horse Jade had ridden last year. Her name was Month of the Storms, but Jade just called her Storm. The mare nosed Jade's pocket, where ten peppermints were hiding. Laughing, Jade opened one and held her hand flat as Storm ate the sweet treat. Jade noticed someone entering the barn and waved.
Suncrest Riding Academy RP ThreadJuly 30, 2021 04:56 PM

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Ase//F//19//Rides Don't Interrupt the Dance//Mentions: Open

Ase was positioned on a leather seat in her father’s car, surrounded by her two older half-siblings and said father. The woman was leaned forward with her elbows on her knees, listening to the susurrant of the others. Her demeanor was marmoreal, as it always was when she was in the company of the paternal half of her family. She cast her eyes outside, through the tinted window, and internally sighed, shifting in the uncomfortable seat. Maybe it wants the seat itself..but the company.

“I cant believe I’m arriving so late...it’ll make a horrible impression on everyone!!” She huffed a bit and dragged her eyes over the form of their father.

As his daughter spoke up, Bjorn looked up, a hard look set in his eyes. The chatter of the rest stopped and they turned to watch the unfolding scene.

“If you’ve forgotten, child, I have more important matters at hand. Much more important than taking you to this..whatever it is!” He raised her voice a bit, extremely displeased with his child’s manner.. How could she be so ungreatful? “You’re lucky I’m even shelling out the money for all this! And that damn horse, too.”

The girl his rant was directed to huffed.

The woman sunk back into their chair and crossed her arms. After a couple minutes of tense silence, she pulled out a handheld mirror and did her hair in an appropriate style. She braided the sides back and pulled up a portion of the back into a loose bun-like situation. She leaned back to get a full view of herself and nodded a bit.

Ase ran a hand down her face, draped a little silk bandana over her head to protect from the sun, and opened the door to the car. She thanked the driver and looked around for a moment. She nodded slightly and hefted her bags out of the car.

She muttered a single phrase, which her mother had taught her. “In omnia paratus.”

With that, the woman jogged over to the trailer hitched to the back of the SUV. After unloading the tack from the small side drawer in the trailer, Ase set all of her things on a fence post, balancing it all amazingly precariously. Of course, her attempts at balancing everything were inutile. One of her duffle bags fell, sending up a small could of dust.

Ase had no time to pick the bag up, for the driver had honked and called for her to hurry up. He didn’t want to hit traffic going back home. They ran over and unlocked the doors of the trailer. “Late late late..” She muttered, pulling the doors open.

The face that peaked out of the trailer made her smile. The large, puppy-dog-eyed, black head of her Throughbred, Chieftain.

“Hey, Cheifie. How are you?” The woman cooed, reaching forward to rub the small white star on his forehead. The horse lipped at his rider’s hand and nickered as a lead rope was clipped to his travel halter.

The two exited the trailer and the car drove off, not even giving Ase the time to shut the doors properly. She rolled her eyes.

Well, there they were, a tall, handsome woman and a tall, handsome horse staring at this academy. Late as hell, but there nonetheless.

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