Wolf Play : The Murder Mansion {Sign-Ups Open!} RP Thread
03:59:40 Boe is a bear, Rawr!
Yayy XD
03:58:30 Reign / Lucky / Bear
ayy, there we go :) sales is fixed :)
 Doomsday Blue
03:56:37 Doom (they/them)
[chaotic laughter]
03:56:19 Reign / Lucky / Bear
lol I need one more fix but it won't let me
03:55:01 Boe is a bear, Rawr!
Yea it's fixable
You need to change the end of your URL from "ad" to "gen"
 Red River Wolves
03:54:29 Redd
My dumbass read someone broke sales chat and switched over to see it without reading how to fix it. I had log off and on again.
03:54:02 Ash H:H!!
-WP Click-
-WP Click-

Name ideas :3?
 Doomsday Blue
03:53:31 Doom (they/them)
I'm on mobile, so it took me a while to get out
 Doomsday Blue
03:53:10 Doom (they/them)
Saw that ;-;
03:52:31 Boe is a bear, Rawr!
Insane Sanity broke Sales Chat.
03:52:16 Boe is a bear, Rawr!
The only way out of Sales Chat now is to change the URL at the top from "cchan=ad" to "cchan=gen"
 Doomsday Blue
03:51:59 Doom (they/them)
What's up
03:51:47 Boe is a bear, Rawr!
You broke Sales Chat.
03:51:00 Boe is a bear, Rawr!
Bye Amy :(
03:50:07 Amy
Gotta go
Bye chat
03:49:01 Rev
Wellif Silverwing dies today at least I'll have something nice to remember her
-WP Click-
03:48:30 Amy
I mean bone it for all i care😅
03:46:26 Boe is a bear, Rawr!
On the topic of bones...
I'm still undecided whether to bone the pup you gave me or not >.> it's such a hard decision. Why...
03:45:25 Amy
03:45:03 Amy
More like think of all the bines im going to get🤣


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The Murder Mansion {Sign-Ups Open!} RP ThreadMay 25, 2019 09:22 PM

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Karma - Kross Kasai - Male - 23- Murderer - Bi - Mentions: Cybele, Grace

Kross frowned as Grace pulled the girl out of the room. He followed close behind, and finally caught up to them. "Frost, don't you think you are being a little rough? I mean, you dragged her out of the room. Give her time to get comfortable." Kross sounded a little harsh. He was mad at her for dragging the poor girl out of the room. She was clearly scared, and he felt Grace was making the situation worse.
The Murder Mansion {Sign-Ups Open!} RP ThreadMay 26, 2019 11:38 AM

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I’m hoping they’re in the kitchen))

Allias-Ghost/Wendigo-22-M-Insane-m:Shadow & Simon

The weary bones of the now shifted form of the Wendigo, better known by his sister even like this as Allias, flicked an ear. Sensitive hearing was something he had when the ears of this beast were rather.. sharp. He could hear his sister, twin specifically, Shadow speaking to someone else. His sockets, if they could, would be flaring with anger when he heard the other man say she was hurt.

This, this wouldn’t be good for the poor lad who would soon see a flurry of an 8 foot tall skeletal beast dashing at him. Allias took no haste in time, and already began to stalk about. Silent, like the Wendigo is in it's Native Americans folklore, Allias could barely be heard. Being seen however, was less inevitable. 8 foot tall skeletal deer demon thing, yeah, that would be easily spotted. But as of now, Allias was concerned for his twin.

Once entering the kitchen, where he saw her with someone else, Allias let out a low hiss before he lunges forward. In a matter of seconds, he had pinned down the poor lad (Simon) and had him down using his long bony clawed hands. Still emitting a low hissing like sound from his very core, Allias spoke in a deep voice. ‘What’d you do to her?’ He demanded. His fangs readily there, somewhat eager to tear the poor lad apart if he harmed Shadow

Edited at May 26, 2019 11:38 AM by Wolffang
The Murder Mansion {Sign-Ups Open!} RP ThreadMay 26, 2019 03:01 PM


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Shadow//F//Insanity//Pan//Mentions: Allias, Simon

The small female looked at Simon, grinning a bit before saying, “You look and sound just like a little puppy. But the answer is no.” She then brought the cut to her mouth and licked the blood off. Suddenly, Simon was on the ground with some weird beast on top of him. Shadow just stood there, watching for a moment, before recognizing the weird creature. “Down boy! He didn’t do anything!” She yelled, though there was no anger or annoyance in her voice. A bit of an Irish accent came out when she yelled, though she quickly cleared her throat.

Short, sorry. On my phone))
The Murder Mansion {Sign-Ups Open!} RP ThreadMay 26, 2019 03:45 PM

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Thorne ~ Aria Rose ~ Female ~ 19 ~ Insanity ~ Mentions: Simon, Shadow, Allias

Aria was shocked as Simon and Shadow ignored her. "I asked you two questions. What do you have to gain from ignoring me?" She yelled. She was about to yell more when Allias knocked Simon on the ground. "Wow. Great show, but he was only talking to Shadow here." Aria said. She was a little upset that Allias stopped her, but she understood. People can get a little crazy if they care for someone enough.
The Murder Mansion {Sign-Ups Open!} RP ThreadMay 26, 2019 04:00 PM

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Denise/F/Human/M: Open

Denise shot awake. She had been taking a walk in the forest, before seeing a small group of people she had never seen around walking. She had followed them, she was wondering who they may have been. After that she had been knocked out.
Denise looked around. Rows and rows of beds had greeted her. She rubbed her eyes. Her head began beating, she could count her heartbeat. "One, two, three, four," she mumbled.
The Murder Mansion {Sign-Ups Open!} RP ThreadMay 26, 2019 04:15 PM

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Dang it...could someone fill me in I just got my phone back))
The Murder Mansion {Sign-Ups Open!} RP ThreadMay 26, 2019 04:51 PM

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Xavier Miller/ Loup Noir/ male / 19 / murder / bi(more towards men)/ mentions: open

Xavier finally woke up after a hard night he stretched quickly and looked around he had a room to himself currently which was a good thing due to his OCD issues, his room was organized and spotless. "Man I hope there's something to eat..." he mumbled as he got dressed in his usual clothes and began to head out the door. Xavier was slightly newer but he fell into pace quickly a good thing about him being him, he could adjust quickly to anything he was put into. Heading downstairs his hair was in his face and his eyes remained trained on the floor tracking his steps.
The Murder Mansion {Sign-Ups Open!} RP ThreadMay 26, 2019 05:03 PM


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<div style="text-align: center;">[ Simon ]
<div style="text-align: center;">| M | 21 | Murderer | Mentions: Shadow, Allias, and Aria |
<div style="text-align: center;">
<div style="text-align: center;">Simon glance at Aria, tilting his head slightly at her. Ah yes. Another insanity. That.. was troubling. He glance away, very much ignoring her. She was too unpredictable for Simon's taste. He raise a brow at Shadow. Puppy? "Puppies are far too.. obedient. They have the mind capacity of a three year and I am ver--, " He pause, staring at Shadow. Did.. she just-- Simon stare at her in disgust. Who would lick their cut? Disgusting! Unhealthy! That was simply just! He grab her wrist sharply, forcibly bringing it down from her mouth. His eyes had a tint of annoyance in them. "Please, darling, don't get yourself sick. " Simon furrow his eyebrows. <div style="text-align: center;">
<div style="text-align: center;">He felt a force shove him down, his eyes widen. Simon thrash around slightly, confused on why he was being held down. Oh. His body went limp as he gaze back into the creature's eyes. "Well hello to you too?" He smile, "I don't suggest killing me, darling. You would have to deal with the Headmaster. Unless you're a masochist, of course, I don't think you'll enjoy it. " Simon let out a small huff, "Ah yes. Listen to your master, skelly." He ignore the wendigo's question. It was rude to accuse someone you don't even know! Simon stuck his tongue out, teasing the boy. "My, imagine if someone else saw this! They would truly believe something else was happening. " He wiggle his eyebrows, actually someone would more likely believe that a Wendigo got into the house and was attacking him. <div style="text-align: center;"> Simon nod towards Aria, "But yes she is correct. I was only merely worrying for her. "
The Murder Mansion {Sign-Ups Open!} RP ThreadMay 26, 2019 05:14 PM

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Allias-Ghost/Wendigo-22-Insane-m:Aria, Shadow & Simon

Allias kept his jaws shut, his empty sockets seemingly staring down at Simon. His tattered ears flicker, as he kept his claws in place. He didn’t trust the man. He didn’t trust anyone but Shadow. After all, she’s kin, and the only kin he has left here. If he had eyes, boy that wouldn’t be pretty in this form.

The beast ignored the girl that was using what he entailed as sarcasm on him. However, she seemed more upset about the fact his sister and this guy here ignored her. Must suck to be ignored, he would presume. Allias was about to decide to dig a claw in the poor lad before he heard a familiar voice tell him to ease down. Shadow...
Allias removed himself from his position above the lad and moved next to Shadow. He glared at the two strangers before he remained still once more.

He shifted back to his human form, his appearance strikingly similar to his twins, of course. The man ruffled his white hair before his icy blue eyes glared at the lad. ‘What’re you doin here?’ He shot ar Aria, not very pleased by the presence of the other insane one. His thick brows furrowed before he glared back at the lad Simon. ‘Worried? Yknow how worried I was when I heard you say she was hurt from across the mansion?’ He scoffed back. Allias looked at Shadow, finally, and showed more of a gentle expression on his face than he did to anyone else in the room.

‘Are you alright, Shadow? Where are you hurt? Who hurt you? How’d they hurt you? Why’d they hurt you? Where are they?’ The worried man kept the questions flowing as he felt more worry sink into his heart. It was so much guilt, so much pain knowing that his twin was hurt without him being able to protect her. Allias ended up embracing his twin, and only then was their height difference most notable. She was like 4’9, while Allias was a monster standing at 6’7

Edited at May 26, 2019 05:14 PM by Wolffang
The Murder Mansion {Sign-Ups Open!} RP ThreadMay 26, 2019 05:54 PM

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<div style="text-align: center;">Cybele | F | Human | Heteroflexible | M: Grace, Karma, Kelly
<div style="text-align: center;">
<div style="text-align: left;">"Kross..." she echoed, engraving the name into her mind. Cybele's gaze was settled on the ground, mostly out of shyness and embarrassment. She had hurt herself trying to get away from these people who only wanted to help her. Or that was what she had hoped. Cybele slowly lifted her hand up from her shin and tucked a curly lock of orange hair behind her ear and rose her chin.<div style="text-align: left;">
<div style="text-align: left;">"F-Frost," Cybele echoed once more after the girl. She was visibly calming down, as her shuddering had almost become nonexistent and her voice trembled only slightly. She had continued to hold herself tightly, but only as second nature to being in such a position. A small smile begun to creep onto her face, but immediately deceased as she was yanked up from the spot where she sat. She sent a fearful glance to Kross as she was pulled out of the room, "Kr-" she peeped and cut herself off. She tugged back on her hand lightly once she realized she was being pulled into a common area.<div style="text-align: left;">
<div style="text-align: left;">Cybele choked out a petrified "no," and was underheard underneath the commotion. Her soft gaze swept the kitchen and her shoulders dropped in the same second. She said nothing more when she was pulled up onto the counter, and instead remained quiet whilst underneath the scrutiny of the other stranger in the room with them. Cybele's head dropped and she pulled her knee up to her chest, gently cradling the blooming contusion on her shin. It stung like fire, but was mellowing like water. She felt awkwardly naked underneath Kelly's gaze.<div style="text-align: left;">
<div style="text-align: left;">She looked up to find that the girl was speaking directly towards her. Why? Cybele's mouth dropped open slightly, as if she were going to say something, but no words trickled out. There were plenty of things she wanted to say, not just to Grace, but to everyone in general. Why am I here? Did I do something wrong? Who are you all? After watching her leave and realizing she never got the chance to respond properly, Cybele turned towards Kross and Frost who were still in the kitchen with her. Softly but surely, she murmured out a coherent sentence. "...I-I'm Cybele."

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