Wolf Play : The Murder Mansion {Sign-Ups Open!} RP Thread
05:16:46 Queen / Jo
IÂ’m back finally can play
 Clear Sky
05:14:42 Sky / Blue - she,her
hi chatt
05:13:21 She/her
Thank you !
05:03:46 Amy
So id it better than you thought it will be? I hope you are having fun
 Doomsday Blue
05:01:28 Doom (they/them)

It's a too long vacay, I guess
04:56:00 Amy
Congrats winter
04:51:38 She/her
A viti on her first litter :D not too bad -WP Click-
04:30:40 Amy
Huh...didn't you say you are going on a vacation?
 Thundering Embers
04:30:18 Thunder,Ember
You have logged in 367 days in a row.
You earned: Black Bead 1

Happy 1year anniversary to me lol
 Doomsday Blue
04:16:16 Doom (they/them)
Gonna cry now
 Bambie Thug
04:15:10 Bambie (they/them)
Moving already
 Bambie Thug
04:14:58 Bambie (they/them)

Wasn't a vacay
04:14:44 Amy
Good night!
Its 11am for me
04:14:10 Rev
Do it!

Also goodnight (or morning it 6 am for me XD)
04:13:48 Amy
So your vacation is coming to an end...how was it
 Doomsday Blue
04:13:00 Doom (they/them)
It's my last day in Finland 😭😭😭
04:10:38 Amy
Same...i stand with team black
Maybee i should make a Caraxes themed custom
04:08:32 Rev
Sunfyre is the best, that's not even up for debate u.u

Although I'm more team black than green
04:05:35 Amy
I thought so but i am biased towards rhaegal XD

My favourite of dragons is Caraxes though
04:02:59 Rev
Teine is also a dragon, but from another book. The Emperyans (I think that's it's called in English)


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The Murder Mansion {Sign-Ups Open!} RP ThreadMay 22, 2019 02:47 PM


Posts: 6996
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Welcome To The Murder Mansion!

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How The RP Is Going To Start

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The group of humans will have all been invited to go hangout for the evening. While hanging out, they decided to play Truth or Dare. They decided to all dare each other to go into the forest, since it was getting dark. Using their phones as flashlights, they went into the forest, where they saw some Murderers/Insanitys and decided to follow them, thinking they knew how to get out of the forest since they were lost. That's when they got to the house, were knocked out, and then they will wake up in a bedroom with multiple beds. That is where the RP will start, with the humans waking up in the bedroom on a bed. The Murderers/Insanitys/Head of Household will be downstairs, talking and hanging out, really just doing whatever they wanted. The humans can walk around and whatnot as if they did live there, which they basically do now.

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Edited at May 22, 2019 05:47 PM by Masky
The Murder Mansion {Sign-Ups Open!} RP ThreadMay 22, 2019 02:53 PM


Posts: 6996
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Head Of Household

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Black Hallow/M/26/Bi

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Loup Noir/M/19/Bi

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Edited at May 22, 2019 05:40 PM by Masky
The Murder Mansion {Sign-Ups Open!} RP ThreadMay 22, 2019 05:45 PM


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The Murder Mansion {Sign-Ups Open!} RP ThreadMay 22, 2019 05:45 PM


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The Murder Mansion {Sign-Ups Open!} RP ThreadMay 22, 2019 05:46 PM


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The Scarred Raven//Scar//M//Murderer//Bi//Mentions: Open

As the faint light of the early morning sun somehow peaked through a black-out curtain, a small grumble came from inside a room. The grumble sounded like a male's voice, which it was. As the male shifted in his bed, another low, faint growl came from him. He sat up groggily, rubbing his eyes, before they fluttered open to show a pretty emerald-green color. He had no pupils or whites. His eyes were just different shades of green, giving them this emerald color. He swung his legs over the side of his bed and looked over at the empty bed across the room from him. Assuming that the person who owned that bed was absent currently, he stumbled away from the comfort of his own bed and to the dresser in the room. He was still tired for the previous events that took place that night before. He had just gotten home from a mission when he found out some humans had decided to follow him. He, along with some of the others had to knock the humans out and take them to some bedroom in the home.

After a while, he walked outside his bedroom with normal clothing on, instead of his Pajama's. Well, sort of. He wore his jeans with white socks, but instead of his normal shirt and jacket, he was shirtless. Now you could see his features. He stood at 6'1 with an olive complexion and chiseled chin. His hair was this fluffy, platinum-silver color that was slightly combed, but obviously not much. Despite his pure green eyes, he looked about normal, and most would think he was just a human. Due to his shirt being off, you could see his black skull tattoo that was on the his right shoulder blade, along with a large scar going across his back. A few other scars littered his body, but they weren't as visible as the one of his back. He was very visibly muscular and in all, he would be what most would call, 'Eye-Candy'. Sure, he was good looking, but his personality was quite... different.

As he passed whoever while going to the kitchen, all he gave was a faint grunt as his own way of saying, 'Morning'. He didn't wave, look at them, or even crack a small smile. He just grunted and kept walking, all the way to the kitchen. As he pushed the door open, he let a small sigh escape his lips, before fully walking into the kitchen. Almost immediately, he swung open the fridge doors and scanned the fridge. His eyes fell on a beer, of which he was tempted to grab, but in the end didn't and just grabbed a Monster that was next to it. He shut the fridge, setting the can on the counter and pulling the tap, it opening with a small click. He brought the can to his lips, drinking some of the liquid that would supposedly energize him. He leaned against the counter, drinking it while he thought in silence.

Edited at May 22, 2019 05:51 PM by Masky
The Murder Mansion {Sign-Ups Open!} RP ThreadMay 22, 2019 06:18 PM

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Frostbite | Grace | F | insanity | Bi | Mentions: scar(sort of) open

Grace woke up on the floor, she was bloody and her muscles screamed with every moment. her knifes were scattered around her, the sharp blades just lightly touching her skin. It was dark and damp, as it should be. the only light source being a small crack in her wall near a boarded up window. last night Grace went out alone, not even for a mission just because she wanted to. Grace looked at her hand which lay on her stomach, it had thick dark and cold blood which happened to be her own.

Grace wandered into a war veterans house in the depths of the night not realizing her mistake. the man got a stab in before she ended it. the pocket knife still protruded out of her gut. pain seared through her torso each time she breathed. Grace still somehow got the courage to stand, she then wandered out the hall and down the stairs. she remembered some of the others whispering about humans in the house the night before. Grace had went out with her mask on, there for it was also coated in blood. with one hand steadying the knife she walked into the kitchen where scar was shirtless drinking a monster in the early morning. Grace pulled the knife out and threw it in the sink, though wound only had minimal bleeding thanks to the constancy of her blood. she wasn't in the mood to talk to the wall at the moment so she didn't even acknowledge the males existence. Grace put some bitter on bread and sat on the counter to eat.

(sorry its kinda short a little bit of writers block)

Edited at May 22, 2019 06:19 PM by Aselk
The Murder Mansion {Sign-Ups Open!} RP ThreadMay 22, 2019 06:26 PM


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George/Puppeteer/M/23/Homo/Controlling/M: Scar

George groaned. There was nothing fun to do! Could he watch a movie? No, it was too early for that! Could he do pranks on people? No, everyone would be mad and would stay 'For God's sake! Prank me after coffee and crumpets!' and be all grumpy adults! Could he eat his breakfast that he brutally destroyed three perfectly good eggs for? No! I mean, it had waaaay to many eggshells in it even for him. He couldn't even play dolls because he had just done that and he all ready killed off both characters he made. It was a sad day indeed. Not for the dolls just for poor Georgie who had nothing to do. Except for annoying Scar.

Sure he looked like a creepy doll with the big circles and stuff on and a line connecting the circles and his lips, buuuut instead of annoying him by scaring him which never worked he decided he would use his spare time to annoy him with what he did best: talk to the point where you either want to kill him or yourself.

"Hey Scar!" He said sliding over the counter and knocking some of the stuff off. "Guess what, guess what, guess what! Allias told me something! Which left? I was totally mine blown because I mean left is left, right? Unleeeess, left is right! Would that mean right is right or would right be not right? Oh! Another thing! Don't normal people wear shirts? I mean unless wearing shirts are uncool now. Is wearing shirts uncool? Do I need to take off my shirt? Oh wait! Did you get super wasted last night and you now are forgetting stuff? Does that mean you forgot the movie? You know your favorite one? Or maybe I am just forgetting everything and we didn't watch that movie? Does that mean you didn't kiss that one dude? If you didn't, man I have a weird imagination! Speaking of imagination, did you know I have a lot of it and you don't?" He said it so fast he doubted that he heard even half of it. He placed his head in his palms as he forced down a laughter at his response.
The Murder Mansion {Sign-Ups Open!} RP ThreadMay 22, 2019 06:36 PM


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Scythe||Nia||F||Insanity||Homo||M: Grace (Sorta) Open

Nia had woken up in her dark room. Her wall had a few knives sticking in it from last night. She had gotten angry with a mission she had and just started to throw her knives. She got off her uncomfortable bed that was covered with clothes. As she walked toward her door she saw a few random blood stains. They almost made a small pathway but soon ended with a broken picture frame. The picture under the shattered glass was her and her sister a year before their mother had passed. Nia picked up the picture not minding the glass that stabbed her had and a tear rolled down her cheek.

Nia set down the picture not bothering to wipe away the few tears on her cheek as she walked out of her room. She had heard the news about the humans and was shocked but curious at the same time. When she got downstairs she walked past one of the many bathrooms and saw Grace pull a knife out of her stomach and put it in the sink.

(Sorry it's so short.)
The Murder Mansion {Sign-Ups Open!} RP ThreadMay 22, 2019 07:01 PM

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Dull, pale blue eyes scour the area, the mansion room being rather boring and insignificant to the man that lay within its walls. The man ran a nimble yet large hand through his curly white hair. His hand, along with his skin, was a pale tone. Abnormally pale, where his nose was pinkish, the skin around his eyes were pinkish, his joints and ears were also tainted pink in hue. The man had a name, Allias. Allias Sol Balint, but he went by the 'Killer' name Wendigo, or more commonly known as Ghost. Allias, despite being a pale man with abnormal white hair, was also abnormally tall. He stood at a whopping 6'7, and being a nimble yet partly muscular man.

Allias furrowed his brows, as he stood up. Ducking, he walked out of his room. The man was barefoot, and wore a white shirt with dry blood stains on it, along with worn out jeans. His hand trailed along the wall as he walked down the hallway, a faint smile cracked on his lips as he explored the region for any sign of life. His twin, Shadow, was somewhere, but the man wasn't aware of her whereabouts currently. She was probably in her room, safe and sound. Allias was a man who worried a lot for his remaining kin, seeing as his parents were no longer living in America with them.

Shadow best be alright.. I don't want her to be under any form of harm. She's so short, only being 4'9 max in height, and not very muscular such as myself. Yes, she can fend for herself, but what if some other maniacs besides me tries to harm her? She wouldn't be able to fight them off alone. The insane mane thought to himself, the only sane thoughts he ever had were about the wellbeing of his twin sister. Allias sighed silently as he scoped the hallways of the mansion in his corridor.

The man stopped as he entered what appeared to be a dead end, and huffed silently. He took small caution before he shifted into his ghastly Wendigo form. His skeletal form barely held any fur to the mass of bones, as he parted his jaw slightly, the hoofed demon began to tread the halls as he searched for forms of life. His eyeless sockets seemed to hold scenes no one would ever relay, deaths and torture no one would ever be able to have visually seen

Edited at May 22, 2019 08:09 PM by Wolffang
The Murder Mansion {Sign-Ups Open!} RP ThreadMay 22, 2019 07:28 PM

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Karma - Kross Kasai - Male - 23- Murderer - Bi - Mentions: George, Grace, Scar

Kross woke up in a dark room. He sat up in his bed, and rubbed his heterochromatic eyes. Another day awaits. He thought with a frown. He hated waking up in the morning, even if something exiting was planned. He got out of bed, his black hair sticking straight up, and put on a black t-shirt and dark pants.

He walked to the kitchen, his red and brown eyes showing, and headed straight towards the fridge. He noticed Grace standing by the sink, pulling what appeared to be a knife out of her stomach, and he saw George annoying Scar on the couch. "Typical." He muttered under his breath. He made it to the fridge, and pulled out his typical breakfast: A cup of milk. Kross could never find anything to eat in the morning, so he only drank milk. He sat down on the couch, and enjoyed his nice glass of milk.

Edited at May 22, 2019 07:30 PM by RoseKatt

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