Wolf Play : The Murder Mansion {Sign-Ups Open!} RP Thread
04:02:41 Reign / Lucky / Bear
lol but it's good to go again now xd
04:01:53 Ash H:H!!
Help the way I looked in sales and saw the word fix 🤣
03:59:40 Boe is a bear, Rawr!
Yayy XD
03:58:30 Reign / Lucky / Bear
ayy, there we go :) sales is fixed :)
 Doomsday Blue
03:56:37 Doom (they/them)
[chaotic laughter]
03:56:19 Reign / Lucky / Bear
lol I need one more fix but it won't let me
03:55:01 Boe is a bear, Rawr!
Yea it's fixable
You need to change the end of your URL from "ad" to "gen"
 Red River Wolves
03:54:29 Redd
My dumbass read someone broke sales chat and switched over to see it without reading how to fix it. I had log off and on again.
03:54:02 Ash H:H!!
-WP Click-
-WP Click-

Name ideas :3?
 Doomsday Blue
03:53:31 Doom (they/them)
I'm on mobile, so it took me a while to get out
 Doomsday Blue
03:53:10 Doom (they/them)
Saw that ;-;
03:52:31 Boe is a bear, Rawr!
Insane Sanity broke Sales Chat.
03:52:16 Boe is a bear, Rawr!
The only way out of Sales Chat now is to change the URL at the top from "cchan=ad" to "cchan=gen"
 Doomsday Blue
03:51:59 Doom (they/them)
What's up
03:51:47 Boe is a bear, Rawr!
You broke Sales Chat.
03:51:00 Boe is a bear, Rawr!
Bye Amy :(
03:50:07 Amy
Gotta go
Bye chat
03:49:01 Rev
Wellif Silverwing dies today at least I'll have something nice to remember her
-WP Click-
03:48:30 Amy
I mean bone it for all i care😅
03:46:26 Boe is a bear, Rawr!
On the topic of bones...
I'm still undecided whether to bone the pup you gave me or not >.> it's such a hard decision. Why...


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The Murder Mansion {Sign-Ups Open!} RP ThreadMay 24, 2019 03:44 PM

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Joker || Jason Quirson || Male || 24 || Insanity || Heter/Bi-ish || Sand controller || M: Nova, Kyoki

Joker paused when he reached the kitchen. He could see some of the mansions residents inside already, so he pivoted away from them, his ravaged mind sending him back up the stairs.

He was not a people person, didn't want to be a people person, and would never be a people person. People expected trust, and he could not give that, people were a hazard he did not have the will to deal with.

As he made his way through the halls once more, his sharp hearing picked up the sound of giggles. Typically he would not have given it any thought, but the sound was strangely light, like a child was producing it. He did not know of any children in this barren place.

He moved towards the door that was producing it, not caring whose room it was, and opened the door with a light push, the hinges screamed in protest making a creaking sound until the door stopped.

He found himself staring at two young children, they weren't extremely young, they looked to be in their teens, or somewhere along those lines. They were playing dolls, something he had never understood. He did not gape, did not even act surprised, just stared at them with his cold gaze, and in that moment, a slight hint of his madness could be seen in the doors to his soul, his gaze. But the madness faded almost instantaneously, returning to the cold orbs they typically were.

His brain warred over itself, one side grabbed hold of him, telling him to kill the two, but just as quickly another thought shoved that one down, curiosity. Then annoyance shoved its way in, only to be replaced with that endless cycle of torment and confusion, though none of this appeared on his blank face, none of it showing to the children.
The Murder Mansion {Sign-Ups Open!} RP ThreadMay 24, 2019 04:54 PM


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George/Puppeteer/M/23/Homo/Controlling/M: Scar, Joker, Nova, + Kyoki

He whistled as he walked like El Silbador but unlike him he walked comfortably and like each step energized him even more. He distantly heard something and he usually hears stuff like what he heard, but this time, it was different. He decided to walk over after his talk with Scar and felt surprisingly confident especially since Scar didn't know Russian. Either way, anyone could see how energetic and positively happy he was even if it was mostly because his emotions were still slightly boosted after using his powers. The hallways looked cool to him sometimes he would just run his fingers along the wall and think of who painted them or made them. They reminded him of the doll store in London. It was a small place that had two floors, but the second floor was more of the owners' place to sleep and eat. Wooden dolls were place comfortably on the wooden table as string puppets hung loosely from the ceiling. Action figures leaned against polls that puppets were normally placed on. It either smelled of bubble gum or cigar fumes depending on who was behind the old cash register that made weird sounds of each press of a button as if it were a typewriter. No matter the smell, he felt more at home there then at home, especially after his parents found out.

When he finally reached where he heard the sound, he smiled. "Hi rip off of a DC character!" He said waving his hand above his head despite the fact he was just down the hall from him. He got closer. "Hey, what's that look for?" He asked titling his head. He bend forward towards him when he kept his gaze focused on the room in front of him. He finally looked what had him so mesmerized. He let out a small squeal of delight. "Oh my gosh, oh my gosh! Finally someone you actually still plays with toys and doesn't care what anyone thinks!" He turned to Jason. "No offense but no one else here is really into the best parts of life anymore." He walked into the room, hesitantly actually. He gave a small wave and smiled. "Hi I am George. What's your names?"
The Murder Mansion {Sign-Ups Open!} RP ThreadMay 24, 2019 05:11 PM


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<div align="center">[ Simon ]
<div align="center">| M | 21 | Murderer | Mentions: Shadow |
<div align="center">
<div align="center">He smiled, nodding. "Wonderful. A keepsake, you say?" Simon raise a brow, tilting his head. He took a step closer, leaning to peer at the tooth. He could see the blood that stained the white color. Pictures were much more easier. You could lose a tooth very easily! My, my.. what if it ended up into someone's food? Simon would not like to be that unlucky person. He made a strange noise, taking a step back before returning his attention back to shadow. Oh? "Shadow, are you perhaps hurt?" He gasp, taking a step closer once more. Simon shown a look of concern, furrowing his eyebrows as he cross his arms. The way her face twisted very much made him believe that she was injured. <div align="center">Well.<div align="center">"That is no good!" He shook his head, chewing on his bottom lip. What if it got inaffected? Troubling. Troubling. "Show me. " Simon order, his tone sounded like a puppy whining almost. <div align="center">
<div align="center">[ ahh its a bit short, sorry-- ]
Edited at May 24, 2019 05:11 PM by ghost
The Murder Mansion {Sign-Ups Open!} RP ThreadMay 24, 2019 06:02 PM

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Thorne ~ Aria Rose ~ Female ~ 19 ~ Insanity ~ Mentions: Simon, Shadow

Aria woke up, a cold smile on her face. Time to have some fun. She thought. She pulled herself out of bed, and grabbed some clothes. A blue tank top and white jeans. Perfect. She didn't bother to brush her hair. It was already the way she liked it. Messy, tangled, and full of secrets.

She headed downstairs, and saw Simon drinking tea. Shadow was standing nearby. "Hello, friends. How is this lovely morning going so far?" Aria always started her mornings out in a good, yet crazy, mood. She took time to have fun with the others, then she would do something crazy. It was usually just a small thing, but every once in a while she would do something big. It was her routine. "I see you guys are talking together. Are you guys having a pleasant conversation?" Aria said with a creepy smile. She was waiting for the time to strike.
The Murder Mansion {Sign-Ups Open!} RP ThreadMay 24, 2019 06:53 PM

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<div style="text-align: center;">Cybele | F | Human | Heteroflexible | M: Grace, Karma
<div style="text-align: center;">
<div style="text-align: left;">As Karma crept closer to her, Cybele flinched away and her soft, fearful expression curled into a glower. She did seem to soothe down a bit, her trembling now watered down but still as present as ever. His words were sweet like honey and she was grateful that these... Strangers were oddly friendly. Despite being kidnapped and held here in this mansion, Cybele probably wouldn't of tried to run for it.<div style="text-align: left;">
<div style="text-align: left;">She looked down to her shin, which wasn't hurt too badly but now had a blossoming bruise, and up to the strangers. She flinched as well when Frost spoke, giving her the same glower she had given Karma. Watching her take off her mask did very little to help her anxiety. But at least she knew there was a human underneath there. Cybele's grip tightened around the bruise.<div style="text-align: left;">
<div style="text-align: left;">Dropping her mouth open slightly, she digested the warning Frost had given her. Other people? That'll actually want to hurt her? Things in the woods? Cybele swallowed, took another heavy breath to calm her blossoming anxiety, and tried to formulate a sentence. Her words were much more stunted than before. "I-I... O-okay..." she responded to the mention of food and drinks. Something to quench her thirst would be nice at this moment, but she was too bewildered to mention it. Her emerald gaze flickered quickly between the two, and then to the doorway again.
The Murder Mansion {Sign-Ups Open!} RP ThreadMay 24, 2019 07:38 PM

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Karma - Kross Kasai - Male - 23- Murderer - Bi - Mentions: Cybele, Grace

Kross got back up from the bed. The girl was scared again, but this time she was even more scared. Kross walked over to the girl, and sat beside her. "Hey. It's ok. I promise. Most of us here won't hurt you. My cousin might, but I'll make sure she won't. Don't be scared." Kross said in a comforting voice. He looked down at her shin. "That looks like it hurts. Do you need a bandage? I could get you one." Kross was silent for a second. "They call me Karma by the way. My real name is Kross, but don't tell anyone. I'm not ready for them to know my name." Kross gave a warm smile at the end of his introduction. He genuinely felt bad about her. He couldn't imagine waking up in a strange place filled with crazy people. Well, he could. That's what happened when he came here. He just woke up one morning, and he was in a strange house far away from home.
The Murder Mansion {Sign-Ups Open!} RP ThreadMay 24, 2019 08:06 PM


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Kelly/Ultor/F/20/Homo/Canceling/M: Scar(Briefly) +Valentina(Briefly) Anyone I’m kitchen

She slid the long sleeve, grey shirt over her short, curly brown hair before pulling on her brown vest that went down to the spot just above her pants which she had forgotten to take off. She stuffed her feet into her high fur boots after she put her black gloves on. She raised her arms above her head and let out a loud yawn. She sleepily rubbed her eyes while placing her bandanna with a painted mouth on it over her mouth. She wanted to take Cherry's her baseball bat with her, but what was she gonna do with it? Make scrambled eggs with it? Now that she thought about it, even making scrambled eggs with a bat would be better than scrambled eggs made by George. She wasn't gonna be the one to tell him that though. She wanted to leave that job up to Scar or Valentina who were much better at being cold to someone even as sweet as that Russian kid at heart.

As she stumbled lazily to the kitchen, she realized something. For the life of her, she couldn't remember what happened last night. She paused as her narrow blue eyes looked at the ceiling trying to remember what happened. She shrugged. She either A) Took too many anti-depression pills, B) took too much sleep medication, or C) (the most probable thing that happened) got blackout drunk after something. She honestly couldn't remember what she tried to make herself forget. It didn't come to her then so she figured she would find out after breakfast. As she stormed into the kitchen she let out one more big yawn before looking for something to eat. There were eggs, sausage, and bread. She brought her hand up to her face and tapped her cheek as she thought which one to pick. She had a better idea and place a Cup-O-Noodles in the microwave before pouring herself some orange juice as she waited for the soft ding! It was ready. Before she knew it, she had gotten a fork out and leaned against the cabinet and ate as she watched everyone talk.

Edited at May 24, 2019 08:06 PM by Determined_Wolf
The Murder Mansion {Sign-Ups Open!} RP ThreadMay 25, 2019 09:16 AM

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<div style="text-align: center;">Valentina M. Lopez//"Jinx"//F//25//Insanity//Illusionist//M: Joker
<div style="text-align: center;">
<div style="text-align: center;">After moments of debating with herself, Valentina found that she has nothing else to do at the moment. Her eyes shifted over to a familiar figure that she doesn't usually associate with. Jason Quirson. Or otherwise known as, Joker. She saw how curious he seemed to be. Which made Valentina curious as well. She made her way to the door that he had walked in and stared at it for a few seconds before knocking on it, because she actually respected people's privacy.<div style="text-align: center;">
<div style="text-align: center;">{Short.}
The Murder Mansion {Sign-Ups Open!} RP ThreadMay 25, 2019 11:19 AM

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Frostbite | Grace | F | insanity | Bi | Mentions :Cybele,Karma, anyone in the kitchen

frost watched how Karma somehow settled the girl down. she smiled and crouched down to meet the girl eye to eye. "i'm sorry if i scared you, i'm not used to this kinda stuff." frost was doing her best to seem kind and comforting. "this must be hard for you, my name is Frostbite but most just call me Frost." she placed her hand on the human girls soon to be bruise. "lets get you some ice."

she grabbed the girls hand forcing her up and half dragged her to the kitchen but not before pulling her mask back over her face. she looked back at Karma before leaving the room. there were some of her fellow house mates in the kitchen when they arrived doing whatever. frost had long since stopped the bleeding of her wound, the blood was dried to her hand as well as her dress.

she placed the girl on the kitchen counter and went to the freezer to grab an ice pack. the freezer was full of different foods and even a few body parts. "who left a damn finger in the ice-maker!" she threw the frozen finger at Kelly who was sitting the closest. frost returned to the human with a ice pack and placed it in her hand. "I never got your name" frost didn't really care for the girls name but she figured that calling her human girl forever could get a little confusing. "there's lots of food here just tell me what you want."

frost didn't wait for an answer but instead went to the fridge and gathered all the alcoholic drinks and dumped them, she knew most here liked to get drunk and pass out so she did it purely to be annoying. at the sink frost washed all the blood off her hands while she listened closely for the humans answer.

The Murder Mansion {Sign-Ups Open!} RP ThreadMay 25, 2019 07:53 PM


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Kelly/Ultor/F/20/Homo/Canceling/M: Grace +Cybele

Plop! The frozen finger landed right in her half eaten Cup-O-Noodles. She turned to Frostbite and shot her a cold glare that was colder than the human popsicles she made. She let out a angered sigh as she dumped the cup in the trash. She pulled her black bandana off her mouth so her could grab something to drink. She turned. There was someone unfamiliar standing by Frosty. She grabbed a drink from the fridge and gave Frostbite the middle finger as thanks for dumping her fuel in the sink and throwing a god damn finger at her. She studied the girl as she sat on the counter with one leg pulled into her. She was shorter than her and had less of a build than her. She was probably useless in a fight and not a murder. Was she an insanity? Her hair was a marigold color and well kept and based on how she stood and looked, she was definitely not insane. Was she...? She was human, wasn't she? That made sense why she got drunk last night then. Someone either followed her or whoever was the last one back told her what happened and she got drunk to forget. Typical. She thought as she narrowed her eyes and drank her soda.

"You ought to watch her closely," she said in a hushed tone to Frostbite as her Boston accent shown through. "I can read a person and something tells me she is nice, but not the sorta person that should be near cold blooded killers." She turned as her narrowed blue eyes glanced at a few individuals in particular before she brought the soda up to her face and titled her it slightly. "Literally." She took a big gulp and finished her drink before tossing it in the trash. She pulled her bandanna over her mouth and smiled despite her knowing she wouldn't be able to see her wonderful smile. "Eh, don't worry! I am sure you can keep your new girlfriend safe, Frosty!" She said chuckling. "Oh and hey newbie! She might be given you the cold shoulder but she'll warm up to ya!" She chuckled softly and walked away from the two of them.

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