it's been a while since i've been active in forums here, so if this belongs somewhere else, please let me know / move it! thank you in advance!
i currently have 9 active (unused) TH codes and have the ability to generate 38 more. i have premium, so i will be gaining a couple more codes per week. i am giving them away, free of charge!
of course, this means first come, first serve. please comment or post here if you would like one, and i'll message you a code. please don't message me directly asking for one, as it will go ignored. oh! one more thing, one code per person only!
if you happen to see a "0" next to "current codes available:" do not fret! i will eventally get more, you'll just have to be patient. thank you!
!! NEW !!
please note that if you don't use the code i gave you within a week and someone else has asked it, i will be giving them that code.
i am keeping track of what code i sent what person. if you try a code that you received from me a handful of days after you received it and it doesn't work, chances are i passed it onto someone else. you are welcome to request a code again. this is to prevent clutter and mitigate my own confusion. thank you.
current codes available: 40
codes given away: 19
last updated: 28/12/2023