
This is about rule number 16, specifically the part about chat speak. - I got a chatbox warning today. I'm a bit confused about how. I noticed the message by one of the moderators, Vennenum, about chat speak. I'm pretty sure this is why I got the warning. I'd just like to check what part of my message was chatspeak. I'll write it out here. Please explain it to me somebody as this is the only message I've posted in the recent hours. - -WP Click- Would you be interested? - The WP Click link lead to a poll I posted for help creating a roleplay.

If you said something like "idk" or "idc" or something along the lines of an abbreviation for casual conversation words then it's considered chatspeak and a mod will tell ya to cut it out, cause it's their job ^^" The link isn't the problem, and I think chatspeak is not allowed in the forums either(?) hope that explains it a bit, there's a list of chatspeak words we can use like irl but anything off that list is gonna getcha a warning
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Thank you! I'm honestly still a bit confused about where I violated the rule though. Can things such as 'Don't' count as chatspeak? I didn't use any other types of abbreviations such as 'lol' in the poll area or message. Using ' in my words is the only thing I can possibly think of.

No, it shouldn't, it also could have been an accidental warning Crazydayz said: Thank you! I'm honestly still a bit confused about where I violated the rule though. Can things such as 'Don't' count as chatspeak? I didn't use any other types of abbreviations such as 'lol' in the poll area or message. Using ' in my words is the only thing I can possibly think of.

Ace said: No, it shouldn't, it also could have been an accidental warning Crazydayz said: Thank you! I'm honestly still a bit confused about where I violated the rule though. Can things such as 'Don't' count as chatspeak? I didn't use any other types of abbreviations such as 'lol' in the poll area or message. Using ' in my words is the only thing I can possibly think of.
Would the accidental warning impact my account moving forwards? Sorry about all of this.

you can pm an online mod and say "hey, i think i got an accidental warning. i`m new, can you help me understand the punishment system and rules?" or something like that.

Alright, thanks! I'll do that tomorrow as its late and I need to sleep. Thank you all for your help! Corgerus said: you can pm an online mod and say "hey, i think i got an accidental warning. i`m new, can you help me understand the punishment system and rules?" or something like that.

Game Moderator Darkseeker
As the rules state, the only textspeak allowed on the site is lol, lmao, omg, oml and irl. This includes the forums, the chatbox, pack bios/about me's, etc. You may see people using terms like HW, CL, IB, AC, CP, and those are abbreviated game terminology, heavyweight, clean lined, inbred, all common, character points. I am uncertain of what link you posted, but if it was had to do something about selling or asking for pricing in main chat, that's against the rules. Those types of forum posts belong in sales chat. It's possible that Venn was talking to another player who was using textspeak in the chat and they also received a warning. Typically, a one off warning doesn't affect your account at all. If it's a continuous offense, then depending on how often it happens, it can result in a time out from the chat.

Obscurity said: As the rules state, the only textspeak allowed on the site is lol, lmao, omg, oml and irl. This includes the forums, the chatbox, pack bios/about me's, etc. You may see people using terms like HW, CL, IB, AC, CP, and those are abbreviated game terminology, heavyweight, clean lined, inbred, all common, character points. I am uncertain of what link you posted, but if it was had to do something about selling or asking for pricing in main chat, that's against the rules. Those types of forum posts belong in sales chat. It's possible that Venn was talking to another player who was using textspeak in the chat and they also received a warning. Typically, a one off warning doesn't affect your account at all. If it's a continuous offense, then depending on how often it happens, it can result in a time out from the chat.
Thank you. This eases some of my worries