
Hello there! I was wondering how to put wolves up for auction. Thank you very much in advance!

Game Moderator Darkseeker
Pack > Pack Activities> Auction.

Okay! Thank you very much for the help.

Im going to the right place and trying to start an auction but it wont let me it says bad finish date and i dont know what im doing wrong.

XXX/Wolves said: Im going to the right place and trying to start an auction but it wont let me it says bad finish date and i dont know what im doing wrong.
If you're talking about how to do auctions through Realm < Auctions < Auctions Home, then you can't really pick any time you want to start it. If you're planning on making it today, it's based on Game Time, so it'll start at either Noon, 3PM, 6PM, or 9PM today. So! I would suggest going for an End Date that's at least 24 hours after the auction starts (Ex: Starts October 6th, 2022 @ 3PM to October 7th, 2022 @ 3PM)

Rushie said: XXX/Wolves said: Im going to the right place and trying to start an auction but it wont let me it says bad finish date and i dont know what im doing wrong.
If you're talking about how to do auctions through Realm < Auctions < Auctions Home, then you can't really pick any time you want to start it. If you're planning on making it today, it's based on Game Time, so it'll start at either Noon, 3PM, 6PM, or 9PM today. So! I would suggest going for an End Date that's at least 24 hours after the auction starts (Ex: Starts October 6th, 2022 @ 3PM to October 7th, 2022 @ 3PM)

It still says bad finish date